专业名称 |
学位类型 |
学制 |
开学时间 |
费用 |
申请要求 |
申请材料 |
人类学-硕士MA MA in Anthropology |
硕士 |
18-24个月 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:6.5,听力:6,阅读:6,口语:6.5,写作:6.5 |
If you are admitted to our Graduate Program, you are required to submit 2 copies of all official transcripts in sealed envelopes, endorsed by the issuing institution to the UBC Anthropology Graduate Secretary by postal mail (please refer to the mailing address below).Mailing Address:Graduate Secretary – Admissions,Department of Anthropology,University of British Columbia,6303 NW Marine Drive,Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1,Canada
Curriculum Vitae:
Curriculum Vitae, submitted online
Personal Statement:
In the online application portal, you will be given the opportunity to add a Statement of Interest describing why you wish to pursue graduate studies at UBC and in which area of research you want to concentrate your work. Your prospectus or statement of interest should be around 500 words (two pages, double-spaced). For more information, click here.
Recommendation Letter:
Three (3) references, submitted online
Writing Sample:
Writing sample, submitted online |
人类营养学-硕士MSc MSc Human Nutrition |
硕士 |
36-48个月 |
1、5、9月 |
7344加元/学年 |
托福:笔考577 雅思:6.5 |
7、提交兴趣领域意向书 |
古典文学 -硕士MA MA in Classics |
硕士 |
2年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:90,听力:22,阅读:22,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5 |
Applicants with transcripts from non-Canadian post-secondary institutions must obtain an official paper transcript for every post-secondary institution they have attended.Each transcript must be scanned as an individual .pdf file and then uploaded to the application system as indicated.Please attend to any directions the specific graduate program may provide about naming your scanned document files. Otherwise, they should be named: "Applicant Full Name-Document Description.extension". Documents being provided to meet conditions of admission, if not already provided to the graduate program initially, should be sent directly to:Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies,The University of British Columbia,6371 Crescent Rd,Vancouver, BC CANADA V6T 1Z2
Personal Statement:
Applicants should answer the following statement that appears on the online application: “Please provide a brief statement of your academic and/or professional goals and how these align with this graduate program” (Free Text, no more than approximately 600 words).
Recommendation Letter:
3 letters of reference:These should be submitted online using the electronic reference (“e-ref”) system in the application. Referees listed on the applicants’ forms will be sent an automatically-generated email invitation to submit their references once the applicant has submitted his/her on-line application, and then will have until Monday, January 16th, 2018 to submit their references online. Referees can choose to answer the list of standard questions provided online, OR submit a separate, signed letter of reference as a PDF that is uploaded to the system OR both, if they wish.
Writing Sample:
Sample of writing. This can be a term paper or a substantial scholarly paper, and should be uploaded to the online application. |
哲学-硕士MA MA in Philosophy |
硕士 |
1年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:6.5,听力:6,阅读:6,口语:6.5,写作:6.5 |
Submit scanned transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. Instructions about scanned documents required and details of how to submit appropriate scanned copies are included within the online application.
Personal Statement:
Write a brief statement of your interests in philosophy (Max 600 words).
Recommendation Letter:
Three confidential letters of reference
Other Document:
Upload a short, recent paper (15-20 pages) that gives an indication of your ability to criticize, analyze or develop philosophical arguments, preferably in the area in which you wish to specialize. |
大气科学-硕士MSc MSc in Atmospheric Science |
硕士 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,听力:6,阅读:6,口语:7,写作:7 |
Two Copies of All Post-Secondary Transcripts.
Copies of original transcripts submitted via the online application from each post-secondary institution you have attended. If the transcripts are in a language other than English a translation must be provided. Please include the front and back of each page of all transcripts. Each transcript must be uploaded as a single PDF; do not upload a separate PDF for each page of the transcript. If you are accepted to an EOAS graduate program, two official transcripts in sealed and endorsed envelopes from each of your attended post-secondary institutions must be received by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies office within 6 weeks of having received notification of acceptance. If the official transcript does not indicate the degree name and the degree conferral date, then two official copies of the degree certificate are required. International students who do not have transcripts and certificates in English must review the guidelines set by The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (link is external).https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/application-admission/international-students-transcripts
Recommendation Letter:
Exactly Three Reference Letters.Reference letters must be submitted via the online application system. |
戏剧-硕士MA MA in Theatre |
硕士 |
2年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:6.5,听力:6,阅读:6,口语:6.5,写作:6.5 |
Uploaded copies of official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended, included UBC and universities at which you are currently enrolled.
Curriculum Vitae:
A resume of your academic and practical training.
Personal Statement:
A statement of purpose (500 words) that details:your proposed area of study;its potential contribution to the wider field in which it is situated;your academic preparation for the M.A.; and how UBC’s M.A.. in Theatre Studies program fits your needs and interests.
Recommendation Letter:
3 letters of recommendation submitted through UBC’s eReference system.
Writing Sample:
A recent writing sample that demonstrates the quality of your thinking and writing (e.g., an essay from an undergraduate level class; an article submitted for publication). |
成人教育-硕士MA MA Adult Education |
硕士 |
5、7、9月 |
7490加元/学年 |
托福:笔考600 雅思:6.5 |
5、提交个人意向说明(300字左右) |
法学(普通法)-硕士 Master of Laws(Common Law) |
硕士 |
9月 |
27060加元/学年 |
托福:笔考600 雅思:7.0 |
6、提交有效的英语水平考试成绩 |
计算机科学-硕士MSc MSc in Computer Science |
硕士 |
2年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,听力:6.5,阅读:6.5,口语:7,写作:7 |
Applicants must upload at the time of application a scanned PDF copy of their official transcripts in English (including the marking key for the transcripts) and degree certificates for all universities/colleges attended or currently attending (including exchange programs), except for UBC transcripts. Applicants must arrange for one copy of their official transcripts, open the envelope, scan and upload the transcripts online. Transcripts issued in a language other than English must also be accompanied by a certified English translation. There is no need to any provide information for secondary or high school attended.
Curriculum Vitae:
You may provide detailed information about your work history and any additional relevant experiences. When indicating relevant work experiences, begin with your most recent and describe any relevant work experience you may have.Position held and nature of work;Name of Organization and department;Period (mmm/yyyy - mmm/yyyy)
Personal Statement:
Your statement of intent is your opportunity to tell us about you and your research interests. It should be brief, 1 or at most 2 pages (not limited to # of words on each page), which describe:the research area(s) you wish to pursue in graduate school;
your future academic and career plans;and those aspects of your previous education, training and work experience that prepared you for graduate school and future career.
Recommendation Letter:
Ensure that your referees submit the references by the application deadline.A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications. https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/application-admission/letters-reference
Publication (no word or page limit; only if applicable):
Beginning with your most recent, list the following:Papers published or accepted in refereed journals;Papers submitted to refereed journals;Other refereed contributions (e.g. technical reports, conference presentations, posters, etc.);Patents and copyrights (e.g. software, but not publication copyrights) submitted or awarded.
Please indicate the full authorship as it appears/will appear in the original publication, year, title, publication name and volume, and number of pages. DO NOT send your article or thesis |
语言学-硕士MA MA in Linguistics |
硕士 |
2年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:90,听力:22,阅读:22,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:6.5,听力:6,阅读:6,口语:6.5,写作:6.5 |
Please note that (unofficial) copies of transcripts will be accepted at the time of application. However, originals will be requested if you are shortlisted for admission. When sending original transcripts, please follow the guidelines for transcripts found on the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website. https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/application-admission/application-components-required-documents
Personal Statement:
Each applicant must submit a short statement of purpose (approximately 300 words) which indicates what he/she hopes to accomplish in the program. Please be as specific as possible in describing your research interests and explaining why you wish to join our department. This statement may either be included in your online application or sent to the department in hard copy. The Faculty of Graduate Studies website has some useful tips for writing your statement of intent.https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/application-admission/statement-interest
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation from three referees to be sent directly to the department.
Writing Sample:
Writing Sample:Applicants are also requested to submit a copy of a representative short paper which they have written. If possible this paper should be on a linguistic topic (or on any academic topic otherwise). |