当前位置: 首页> 国外大学> 密歇根理工大学


Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295
历史悠久 交通便利
  • 建校时间:1885 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:7242
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:73:27
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:土木工程 电子通讯 机械工程 环境工程
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答



  密歇根理工大学位于美国密歇根州,现有Hougton和Sault两个校区。主校区位于该州北部的霍顿市,临近加拿大,毗邻苏必利尔湖和密歇根湖,景色怡人。密歇根理工大学始建于1885年,是采矿业在美国兴起的结果。学校以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,历经120余年,现已发展成为拥有工程学院、文理学院、商学与经济学学院、森林资源与环境科学学院、科技学院的综合大学,比较出名的专业有工程学、自然科学与物理科学、计算机、商学、技术、环境研究、艺术、人文与社会科学。环境、地质学和机械工程专业本科的招收情况居于美国前八位,科学与技术交流专业是美国最大的专业之一。根据美国新闻与世界报道“美国顶尖大学”,密歇根理工大学在美国249所大学中排名在前列。在《普林斯顿观察》的“361所顶尖大学中”, 密歇根理工大学被誉为“科技动力厂”。


  1885年,为适应美国密歇根州北部铜矿开采的需要, 密歇根州政府在该州北部的霍顿市建立了美国第一所矿业学校(Michigan Mining School),为密歇根理工大学的前身。 大萧条期间,学校更名为密歇根矿业技术学院(Michigan College of Mining and Technology)。第二次世界大战后,学校获得快速发展,并在距离主校区250英里远的Sault St. Marie建立了分校。1948年注册学生人数达到2173人。20世纪60年代,学校学科教育逐步完善,覆盖专业由采矿和冶金工程扩展至工程管理学、地质学、材料学、物理学、经济学、数学以及生物学等多个领域。1964年,学校正式更名为密歇根理工大学,校名沿用至今。


  学校现有专任教师485人(90%具有博士学位),现年注册学生人数达到7034人, 其中研究生1303人(42%攻读博士学位)。留学生约占14.5%。主校区所在地霍顿市约有人口12000人,居民多为芬兰移民,十分友好。校园治安状况良好,为美国第3大安全校园(2008)。五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖支流流经校园,四周有清澈湖水环绕,有丰富多彩的户外活动:滑雪、独木舟、攀岩、露营、游泳等。校内有 30 幢建筑物,最新落成的建筑物是环境科学与工程大楼。学校交通便利,美国No.41高速公路贯穿校区,离美国第三大城市芝加哥市约5小时车程。学校附近机场为汉考克(Hancoke,CMX),由此飞抵美国中部航空枢纽明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)约需2小时。



  密歇根理工大学创建于 1885 年,当时密歇根正陷于比加州沟金热潮早几年的铜矿开采的热潮中。建校伊始,密歇根理工大学主要培养采矿和冶金工程师。今天,该校已包含人文艺术与社会科学、商业与经济、计算机、工程学、林业与环境科学、理学及技术等学科,可授予各种认证证书、学士、硕士及博士学位。学校擅长跨学科和团队学习及研究,本科生从中非常受益。我们的毕业生在大学期间都接受了强化、先进的教育。


  土木工程 电子通讯 机械工程





  拥有许多咖啡厅和餐厅,如:后果咖啡馆,校园咖啡馆,DHH餐饮厅,食品法院,Huski咖啡馆,图书馆咖啡厅,捷用餐大厅,参数&Grill餐厅,SDC咖啡馆,沃兹沃思餐饮厅, DHH餐饮大厅,沃兹沃思餐饮大厅等。提供各种各样的食品,包括早中晚餐,熟食,水果,饮料,甜点等。


  学校社团主要分为几类:运动社团,文化社团,宗教信仰社团和专业学科社团。学校办社团的目的是:1建立一个世界性的校友网络;2与密歇根理工大学校友代表得以沟通;3认可密歇根理工大学的杰出校友和朋友;4发展对大学的战略目标做出贡献的校友赞助活动;5 密歇根理工大学和世界慈善事业的文化建设,并鼓励服务;6支持密歇根理工大学助学基金会和所有的理工大学的学生;7使学校董事会更好地了解协会和密歇根理工大学;8为前任董事提供参与协会和大学活动的机会。


  国际大使奖学金标准:申请人必须是美国以外的任何国家的公民和居民,为期四年(8个学期)的学士学位一年级研究生,并取得一定的学术成果。或是符合密歇根理工大学的要求的为期一段时间的交换生。课程要求:任何学士学位课程。奖学金:$1000至$6,000元(4年8个学期) 其他:申请者须为二年级,三年级,四年级学生,且在春季学期结束为止,获得2.5的平均年级成绩。社会表现良好且和为全日制大学生,要求有社区服务活动和优秀的领导力。







  密歇根理工大学坐落于密歇根州北端,临近加拿大,毗邻苏必利尔湖和密歇根湖,并有苏必利尔湖支流流经校园,景色怡人。主校区所在地霍顿市约有人口12000人,居民多为芬兰移民,十分友好。校园治安状况良好,为美国第3大安全校园(2008)。四周有清澈湖水环绕,有丰富多彩的户外活动:滑雪、独木舟、攀岩、露营、游泳等。校内有 30 幢建筑物,最新落成的建筑物是环境科学与工程大楼。






  雇用 在校园兼职工作,可通过政府资助和大学资助计划。谁完成联邦学生资助免费申请表(FAFSA),并表示,他们希望在校内工作的学生被自动视为勤工俭学就业。 联邦勤工俭学 这个程序提供兼职就业资助学生,美国公民或永久居民,有需要财务如FAFSA结果证明。然而,并非所有符合条件的学生将获得勤工助学资金,由于资金的有限性,这样的学生可以申请其他大学资助学生就业。勤工助学资助的学生必须重新申请工作研究,每年提交FAFSA和令人满意的进展符合政策要求。


  如果发生紧急情况,大学通过 Safety First警报系统沟通。宿舍社区内的安全性是最重要的问题。我们努力为居民提供一个安全的环境,同时最大限度地减少不便。每个居民必须了解和遵守安全和安全法规,以保护自己和他人。宿舍门禁时间为晚上12:00至次日早上7:00,居民可以使用自己的ID/门禁卡进入大厅。 紧急电话 校园紧急电话都位于极蓝灯开销装在一个黄色的盒子,和其他紧急电话只是一个小的蓝色光开销。


  2016 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第104名

  2016 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第123名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生环境/环境健康工程专业排名 - 第32名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生材料工程专业排名 - 第51名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第61名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生土木工程专业排名 - 第68名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学工程专业排名 - 第68名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物医学/生物工程专业排名 - 第71名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生地球科学专业排名 - 第88名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第90名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第97名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第114名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第116名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生物理学专业排名 - 第123名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生语言专业排名 - 第132名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生文学专业排名 - 第132名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生英文专业排名 - 第134名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第224名

  2014 美国公立大学排名 - 第58名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第65名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第117名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第65名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第120名


师生比:1:12国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:5717 男女比:73:27在校学生数:7242研究生数:1521



  密歇根理工大学创建于 1885 年,当时密歇根正陷于比加州沟金热潮早几年的铜矿开采的热潮中。建校伊始,密歇根理工大学主要培养采矿和冶金工程师。今天,该校已包含人文艺术与社会科学、商业与经济、计算机、工程学、林业与环境科学、理学及技术等学科,可授予各种认证证书、学士、硕士及博士学位。学校擅长跨学科和团队学习及研究,本科生从中非常受益。我们的毕业生在大学期间都接受了强化、先进的教育。


  土木工程 电子通讯 机械工程




为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:5717
  • 本科录取率:77%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:1521
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
会计学-硕士MS MS in Accounting 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 2 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
地质学-硕士MS MS in Geology 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:79,口语:79,写作:79 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 3 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
地质工程-硕士MS MS in Geological Engineering 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:79,口语:79,写作:79 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 3 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
应用生态学-硕士MS MS in Applied Ecology 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:79,口语:79,写作:79 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 3 Letters of Recommendation (1 Letter of Recommendation for Michigan Tech students) Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
应用科学教育-硕士MS MS in Applied Science Education 硕士 夏季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 3 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
应用认知科学与人为因素-硕士MS MS in Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 3 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
材料科学与工程学-硕士MS MS in Materials Science and Engineering 硕士 春季 托福:总分:79,口语:79,写作:79 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: 3 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
物理学:力学-硕士 Master of Physics: Mechanics 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:88,口语:88,写作:88 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
物理学:生物物理学-硕士 Master of Physics: Biophysics 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:88,口语:88,写作:88 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
计算机科学-硕士MS MS in Computer Science 硕士 春季 托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Once accepted, you are required to upload official copies of your previous college/university transcripts and proof of degree(s) to complete your enrollment and begin the application review process. If accepted, please bring your official documents to the main office (414 Administration Building) of the Graduate School upon arrival to Michigan Tech. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose (3,000 character limit, including spaces) should strongly convey your purpose for applying to the selected graduate program and specify: your passion for, and knowledge of, the intended plan of study using the language of the field; your intended program, area of study, research interest(s), and desired advisor (if applicable); experience you can bring to the department, including any professional and/or presentation experience; skills that can help you succeed such as research, leadership, or publication experience. You should review the areas of interest for the program and the research interests of Michigan Tech faculty before writing your Statement of Purpose. Recommendation Letter: Most programs require two to three letters of recommendation (please see program page for specific requirements). Letters of recommendation are requested through MyMichiganTech.3 Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement: The Personal Statement (2,000 character limit, including spaces) allows you to tell your story and your experiences that have shaped your life, and can provide: details on what is unique about you; information on overcoming personal hardships (financial, physical, or familial); your explanation of any discrepancies in your application; your thoughts on how this degree will help you achieve future goals.
  • Q:美国密歇根理工大学奖学金容易申请吗?
  • A:   助学金   申请材料清单   申请材料邮寄地址   财政资助   本科的奖学金在$3000-$6000之间
  • Q:密歇根理工大学留学好不好?
  • A:  学校概述   密歇根理工大学 Michigan Technological University 是采矿业在美国兴起的结果,以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,发展成为拥有科学、工程学、林学、商学、电信学和技术学的综合性大学。在全美公立大学排名位居前50,工程类专业排名前10,是全美第8安全校园。以培养工程师、科学家、制造业专家、森林学家、通讯人才、高级商业人员而著名。   教学优势   学校以理工科为主,工程类毕业生的起薪平均为4万5千美金。本科注重学科教育,研究生能接受到更为广泛深入的研究。该校的革新教育受到全世界的关注。学科之间强调融会贯通,被美国新闻多次评为最优秀的大学。   学校特色   学校以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,历经120余年,现已发展成为拥有包括科学、工程学、林学、商学、电信学和技术学等学科在内的的美国国家级大学。环境、地质学和机械工程专业本科的招收情况居于美国前八位,科学与技术交流专业是美国最大的专业之一。   学校规模   学校现有专任教师437人(90%具有博士学位),2008年注册学生人数达到7014人, 其中研究生981人(42%攻读博士学位)。留学生约占12%。
  • Q:美国密歇根理工大学如何申请?
  • A:   立思辰留学360介绍密歇根理工大学申请条件   本科   IELTS:6.5分以上;   TOEFL:IBT79/CBT213/PBT550;   GPA:3.5分;   SAT:写作部分:420以上,阅读:500以上;平均总分1783;   或ACT:综合部分26分   注:可双录   硕士   有学士学位,某些专业需要GRE或GMAT;   IELTS:6.5分以上;   TOEFL:79分;   GPA:3.0以上;(无申请费)
  • Q:密歇根理工大学好吗?
  • A:   密歇根理工大学(Michigan Technological University,简称MTU)位于美国密歇根州,校区位于该州上半岛的霍顿市,临近加拿大,五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖支流流经校园,景色怡人。密歇根理工大学始建于1885年,是采矿业在美国兴起的结果。   密歇根理工大学 Michigan Technological University 是采矿业在美国兴起的结果,以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,发展成为拥有科学、工程学、林学、商学、电信学和技术学的综合性大学。在全美公立大学排名位居前50,工程类专业排名前10,是全美第8安全校园。以培养工程师、科学家、制造业专家、森林学家、通讯人才、高级商业人员而著名。   学校以理工科为主,工程类毕业生的起薪平均为4万5千美金。本科注重学科教育,研究生能接受到更为广泛深入的研究。该校的革新教育受到全世界的关注。学科之间强调融会贯通,被美国新闻多次评为最优秀的大学。   学校以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,历经120余年,现已发展成为拥有包括科学、工程学、林学、商学、电信学和技术学等学科在内的的美国国家级大学。环境、地质学和机械工程专业本科的招收情况居于美国前八位,科学与技术交流专业是美国最大的专业之一。
  • Q:美国密歇根理工大学怎么样?
  • A:   密歇根理工大学(Michigan Technological University,简称MTU)位于美国密歇根州,校区位于该州上半岛的霍顿市,临近加拿大,五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖支流流经校园,景色怡人。密歇根理工大学始建于1885年,是采矿业在美国兴起的结果。   密歇根理工大学 Michigan Technological University 是采矿业在美国兴起的结果,以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,发展成为拥有科学、工程学、林学、商学、电信学和技术学的综合性大学。在全美公立大学排名位居前50,工程类专业排名前10,是全美第8安全校园。以培养工程师、科学家、制造业专家、森林学家、通讯人才、高级商业人员而著名。   学校以理工科为主,工程类毕业生的起薪平均为4万5千美金。本科注重学科教育,研究生能接受到更为广泛深入的研究。该校的革新教育受到全世界的关注。学科之间强调融会贯通,被美国新闻多次评为最优秀的大学。   学校以采矿学和冶金工程学为开端,历经120余年,现已发展成为拥有包括科学、工程学、林学、商学、电信学和技术学等学科在内的的美国国家级大学。环境、地质学和机械工程专业本科的招收情况居于美国前八位,科学与技术交流专业是美国最大的专业之一。