当前位置: 首页> 国外大学> 伦斯勒理工学院> 专业设置


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th St Troy, NY 121803590
历史悠久 综合性大学
  • 建校时间:1824 年
  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学生总数:7028
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:17:8
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:工程,计算机与信息科学,商业/市场营销,建筑
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答





  无论是美国国内大学排名,还是世界理工大学排名,伦斯勒理工学院RPI都可以轻松跻身Top50。伦斯勒理工学院的工程学院更是经常性的被评为全美No.1。伦斯勒理工学院RPI在1999年启动了著名的“The Rennsselaer Plan”,将学校的研究经费翻了一倍,另外还兴建了一座专门用于生物工程与跨学科项目的研究中心和一座价值1亿美金的超级计算机中心。




  支持雅思成绩申请;排名TOP41; 私立综合性大学;提供奖学金;东北部;尽享都市便利;















  学校的Dining Plan包括23、19、15餐每周三种选择,周一到周四10:30pm-11:30pm还有夜宵供应,方便学习到很晚的同学补充能量。



  伦斯勒理工(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,简称RPI),位于美国纽约州首府奥尔巴尼附近的特洛伊( Troy ),临近纽约曼哈顿市。曼哈顿面积约59.5平方千米,人口160万。




  曼哈顿著名的观光景点包括上城的中央公园、上城东区、大都会博物馆、古根汉博物馆、麦迪逊大道、上城西区、林肯中心、美国自然历史博物馆、哈林区以及77街以北的博物馆大道〈Museum Miles〉。中城区除了拥有与天争高的摩天大楼如帝国大厦、克莱斯勒大楼、洛克菲勒中心,还邻近商业中心时报广场、百老汇剧院区、名牌货物集散地的第五大道、中央车站。下城区则以金融为中心,著名景点包括苏活区、纽约证券交易所、世界金融中心、南街海港、格林威治村〈Greenwich Village〉、炮台公园〈Battery Park〉。在下城区还有一处位于自由岛上的自由女神像。




  曼哈顿的公共交通非常方便,有很多地铁和公共汽车线路,四通八达。住在里面的人根本不需要私车。地铁离地面很近,只要下很少的台阶。有的地铁站很小,有的较大,多层,多站台。里面还算干净,就是非常闷热。一张票$2.25,只要不出站,可以随便坐。曼哈顿里的出租车,随处都有,统一标价,打表收费。如果出纽约市,需要事先跟司机讨论价格。起价$3,每五分之一迈(不到半公里)就跳字。根据早晚时间,行驶等待时间,行李等情况,收费不同。在曼哈顿旅游,双层观光车是不错的选择。2天约$60,在主要景点都有站,可以随时上下,车上有导游。 机场/接机信息: 学生可以从北京、上海转机到底特律再转机到奥尔巴尼,距离学校大概15分钟的车程。可以与学校联系接机。或者可以坐公交370倒117。







  2016 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第39名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第95名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生核工程专业排名 - 第13名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工业制造专业排名 - 第18名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生材料工程专业排名 - 第18名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第23名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第23名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生土木工程专业排名 - 第26名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学工程专业排名 - 第26名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第27名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生环境/环境健康工程专业排名 - 第32名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物医学/生物工程专业排名 - 第34名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第35名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第38名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第42名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机科学专业排名 - 第52名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生美术专业排名 - 第53名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生物理学专业排名 - 第54名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生地球科学专业排名 - 第54名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第56名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第76名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人力资源管理专业排名 - 第87名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生战略管理专业排名 - 第87名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第87名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生高级MBA专业排名 - 第87名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第93名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生语言专业排名 - 第111名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生文学专业排名 - 第111名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生英文专业排名 - 第113名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生心理学专业排名 - 第158名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生多媒体专业排名 - 第6名

  2014 最佳就业服务学校排行 - 第9名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生核工程专业排名 - 第14名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第17名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第19名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生材料工程专业排名 - 第19名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生工程/制造工程专业排名 - 第22名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第23名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第26名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第41名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科商科类排名 - 第47名

  2014 美国艺术学院排名 - 第65名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第26名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第41名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科商科类排名 - 第47名

  2013 泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名 - 第175名


师生比:1:13国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:5864 男女比:17:8在校学生数:7028研究生数:1249


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:5864
  • 本科录取率:40%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
传播学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Communication 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
信息技术网络科学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Web Science 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
地质学/水文地质学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Geology/Hydrogeology 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
心理学-学士 Bachelor of Psychology 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
数学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
生物学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Biology 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
经济学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Economics 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
计算机科学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
计算机系统工程-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Computer and Systems Engineering 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
跨学科研究-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Science 本科 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业成绩单 4、学历证明 5、资金证明
  • 研究生学生数:1249
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
化学-硕士MS MS in Chemistry 硕士 1年 秋季 39600美元/学年 托福:总分:88,口语:88,写作:88 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.
化学工程-硕士MEng MEng in Chemical Engineering 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:88,口语:88,写作:88 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.
天文学-硕士MS MS in Astronomy 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.
建筑学-硕士MArch II-Geofutures MArch (Master of Architecture) II - Geofutures 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.
核工程-硕士MS MS in Nuclear Engineering 硕士 1年 秋季 39600美元/学年 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.
经济学-硕士MS Master of Scinece in Economics 硕士 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业证明或者相关工作经验证明 4、资金证明
自然科学-学士BS Master of Science in Natural Sciences 硕士 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业证明或者相关工作经验证明 4、资金证明
航天工程学-硕士MS Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering 硕士 1、8月 39600美元/学年 托福:笔考570 雅思:7.0
1、申请表 2、托福或雅思成绩单 3、毕业证明或者相关工作经验证明 4、资金证明
航空工程-硕士MEng MEng in Aeronautical Engineering 硕士 10个月 秋季 托福:总分:88,口语:88,写作:88 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.
计算机与系统工程-硕士MS MS in Computer and Systems Engineering 硕士 2年 春季 托福:总分:88,口语:88,写作:88 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies, including course work taken as a non-degree student, must be submitted. Student printed or downloaded copies of transcripts are not acceptable. Note for current Rensselaer students and Rensselaer alumni: We will request your Rensselaer transcripts on your behalf. If you are currently attending a university, a final transcript must be submitted upon completion of your course work. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript. Transcript keys must accompany all transcripts to be considered acceptable. If your school does not release official transcripts directly to students, you must request that the school send the official copy directly to Graduate Admissions. If transcripts of previous or current study do not include the award of degree, include a certified copy of the diploma or other official evidence that the degree has been awarded. All international transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents. Uncertified translations, or translations by students, will not be accepted. Do not submit secondary school (high school) exam results or transcripts. Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae is required. Your resume should include details about your education, employment, and internship history and any pertinent research experience. International students in the U.S. on OPT or CPT should include details about their current activities. Personal Statement: Statement of Background and Goals (including current work/academic activities): All applicants must upload a one- or two-page statement that includes the following information: Your primary educational and research interests. An outline of your research experience and a list of any publications and academic honors. A description of your background in fields particularly relevant to your study objectives – include any relevant industrial/work or research experience. Information outlining your current work/study activities. A discussion of specific research topics and methods you might pursue in your thesis research (not required for Master’s programs in the Lally School). Recommendation Letter: Rensselaer requires two letters of recommendation. You will be required to enter two recommenders on the online application. Recommendations should be from your academic advisor(s), other professors, academic deans, etc., who can provide an assessment of your likelihood of success at the graduate level in your field of study. If you are currently working or have been out of school for several years, you may substitute a recommendation from a supervisor or co-worker. Rensselaer will send an electronic recommendation request to each recommender and each recommender will be able to submit his/her recommendation electronically. We have found this to be an efficient and effective method of submission for both the recommender and applicant. Electronically submitted recommendations do not need to be followed up with paper recommendations. Copy of your passport: Copy of your passport (international students only) is required.

专业名称 学位类型 专业方向 学制 开课时间 开课类型
商业与管理(Business and Management) 本科 商科 48个月 3月 9月 全日制
商科与管理(Business and Management) 本科 商科 48个月 9月 全日制
商业分析(Business Analytics) 硕士 商科 12个月 9月 全日制
数量金融与风险分析(Quantitative Finance and Risk Analytics) 硕士 商科 12个月 9月 全日制
物流管理(Supply Chain Management) 硕士 商科 12个月 9月 全日制
商业分析(Business Analytics) 硕士 商科 18个月 9月 全日制
管理学(Management) 硕士 商科 18个月 3月 9月 全日制
供应链管理(Supply Chain Management) 硕士 商科 24个月 3月 9月 全日制
商业分析(Business Analytics) 硕士 商科 24个月 9月 全日制
定量经济与风险缝隙(Quantitative Finance and Risk Analytics) 硕士 商科 24个月 3月 9月 全日制
  • Q:伦斯勒理工学院专业设置怎么样?
  • A:  伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute),是一所顶尖私立的理工科大学 ,美国一级国家大学,位于美国纽约州首府奥尔巴尼附近的特洛伊市(Troy),距离纽约市166英里。由当时的美国首富,纽约州副总督斯蒂芬·万·伦斯勒先生于1824年创办,是英语系国家所理工学院,也是美国25所“新常青藤盟校”之一。二战期间该校是美国军队的重要研究和教育机构。伦斯勒理工被誉为美国理工科教育的基石,从这儿走出来的学生后来建立了包括麻省理工学院,耶鲁大学雪菲尔德科学学院,以及几乎后来美国所有的科学学术研究机构。   立思辰留学360介绍:RPI有本科生5618人。其中美籍亚裔占2%,国际生占10%,录取率37.5%。师生比为1:15,少于20名学生的课占比51%。尽管女学生逐年增多,但男女比例依然不平衡,2015年为7:3。   RPI知名校友有摩天轮发明者 George Ferris,首次把人类送上月球的阿波罗计划的总指挥、美国国家宇航局的George Low,现代电视之父Dr. Allen B. Dumont (1924),微处理器之父Ted Hoff(1958),网络上电子邮件的发明者Raymond Tomlinson,。Curtis Priem(1982)则为显卡处理芯片发明者,并且也是 NVIDIA 共同创办人之一。全球最大的车用导航器厂商台湾国际航电(GARMIN)两位创办人之一 Gary Burrell 亦是 RPI 校友。另外,发现超导体穿隧效应的诺贝尔物理奖得主 Ivar Giaever(1964)是校友且为 RPI 教授。   专业设置   优势专业:航空航天专业全美排名5,建筑学本科专业全美排名6,电子工程专业全美排名25,生物工程专业全美排名12,材料工程专业全美排名17,工业工程/制造工程专业全美排名21。   本科专业:建筑,生物,化学工程,金融,航空航天工程,社会科学,科学技术与社会科学,心理学,医学,法律,物理学,哲学,运筹学,核工程,多学科研究,机械工程,数学,材料工程,制造工程,人文研究,地质学,环境卫生工程,工程及相关,工程,工程物理学,电器、电子、通讯,经济学,计算机信息科学,计算机工程技,视觉和表演艺术相关,交通,公路,通讯研究,土木工程,化学,工商管理,生物医学工程,物理学等专业。   硕士专业:工程,计算机信息科学,计算机工程技术,土木工程,建筑照明,生物医学工程,社会科学,心理学,物理学,哲学,运筹学,核工程,机械工程,数学,材料工程,制造工程,人文研究,地质学,环境卫生工程,环境科学,工程与相关,工程物理学,工程力学经济学,通讯研究,化学,化工,商业、市场相关支持服务,工商管理,生物医学技术,生物学,天文学,建筑及相关,建筑学,应用数学,航天航空工程等专业。
  • Q:谁能简单介绍一下伦斯勒理工学院如何?
  • A:这标志着博实乐国际学校正式进驻海南,将为提升海南教育国际化水平,助推海南自贸区建设再添新动力。博实乐在海南创办国际化学校,旨在培养更多学生成为会做人做事、知识渊博,立足中国传统文化,具有国际视野的国际性精英人才。同时,博实乐希望把这所学校打造成为国际教育领域的标杆与典范,为海南的教育事业贡献自己的力量,推动海南教育接轨国际化。此次签约仪式,标志着博实乐的国际化学校版图扩张到了中国的最南端,办学规模再一次升级。未来,博实乐将不忘初心,继续优化办学模式,打造更多标杆性国际学校,培养更多国际化视野的人才,为中国的国际教育做出更大的贡献。中国教育产业在需求快速增长和持续升级的背景下,万亿潜能得以迅速释放,裂变式增长推动行业快速进入发展黄金时代。伴随着“刚性”需求的持续上升和供给侧多元赋能,K12必将迎来高速发展、快速整合的市场新格局。在中国K12教育办学集团中,无论是品牌扩张力度还是办学模式,博实乐无疑已经占据十分重要的市场份额,可以说是当之无愧的k12教育王者。而不满足于现时发展速度的博实乐,为进一步给予学生国际化的优质教育资源,迈开了全球寻找优质合作伙伴的步伐。2019年,博实乐就先后与4所英国私立学校建立联系,包括:伯恩茅斯学校、圣迈克尔学校、博斯沃思学校及英国教育集团。博实乐表示,此为博实乐实现建设全球高品质学校网络迈出了重要的另一步,同时在国际化的平台上为我们的教师和学生提供更多机会。博实乐也正在尝试跳出K12实体学校运营的传统模式,开始涉足出国留学、营地教育等“新玩法”。
  • Q:美国本科如何选校,罗切斯特大学,uiuc,伦斯勒理工?
  • A:在过去的几个月里,已经上映了不少科幻爽片。近期的4部最佳电影都在这里!1.《隐形人》类型:科幻/惊悚/恐怖豆瓣得分:7.4推荐指数:5颗星2020年第一部热门科幻恐怖片。女主是《使女的故事》里的女一号:伊丽莎白.莫斯。导演“雷.沃纳尔”是温子仁团队的执行制片人和御用编剧,已经创作过的大作有《电锯惊魂》和《升级》等。在这部电影中,女主经历的所有暴力和折磨,看起来好像都是“看不见 ”的前任在搞鬼。偷窥、下药、虐待、逃跑、大开杀戒、绝地反杀...这部电影情节跌宕起伏,甚至有些烧脑,而激动人心且惊悚刺激的气氛贯穿了整部电影,深夜挑战最适合不过了。2.《饥饿站台》类型:科幻/惊悚片豆瓣得分:7.7推荐指数:5颗星说实话这部科幻惊悚片让我感觉有点重口。在未来的反乌托邦国家,囚犯将被关押在垂直堆叠的牢房里。每天,一大桌子美食物从上到下慢慢下降。顶层的人吃得很好,而底层的人经常挨饿。在这个监狱里,一切都是为了食物。如果你不幸被分配到底部,只有两个结果——吃人或被人吃掉。在这个扭曲的社会寓言中,人类最黑暗和最饥饿的一面得到了充分展现。3.《异界》类型:科幻豆瓣得分:6.2推荐指数:3颗星战斗民族的最新科幻电影,被称为战斗民族版本的“盗梦空间”。遭遇了一场神秘的大事故之后,男主醒来时,却发现自己来到了一个陌生奇异的异世界。因为这个世界是建立在处于深度昏迷中的人们的记忆之上的,并且每个人的记忆都是不平衡的、混乱的和不稳定的,所以导致了这个世界也是十分的混乱。城市、冰川和河流可以在一个房间里共存,所有的物理定律都可以被打破。.这部电影的故事设定本身就已经非常精彩,而电影中的特效场景更是让人眼前一亮!4.《逃离比勒陀利亚》豆瓣得分:7.6推荐指数:4颗星“哈利波特”化身为一名囚犯,用自制的木钥匙解开诸多枷锁,成功逃出监狱获得新生。这部电影没有通常越狱电影中最常见的“打斗、帮派、杀戮”等故事情节,而是专注于刻画男主如何运用高智商和特殊的技巧成功越狱的整个过程。这部电影主要以男主的情绪展现作为第一视角,给观众制造了非常强的代入感。整个过程紧张得我无法呼吸,看完太令人激动了。
  • Q:伦斯勒理工明明是理工牛校为什么理工排名并不是很高?
  • A:主要有四个方面的原因:其一美国是典型的控枪不禁枪国家。世界各国针对枪支问题的基本做法主要有两种,即禁枪和控枪。美国是典型的控枪但不禁枪国家。为了严格控制枪支,美国进行了大量的枪支管理立法。美国的枪支管理法分为两个层次:联邦立法和州立法。联邦立法在全国范围内都有效,其主要规定了枪支管理最基本的原则和单一的州立法无法涉及的问题,如跨州或跨国枪支运输和销售。除了联邦枪支管理立法,各州也分别制定有相互独立的法管理本州,有时州与州之间的法差异很大。二是美国宪法确定可以有持枪权。美国对待枪支的特点是控枪而不禁枪,这两点都可以在美国法律中找到依据。美国联邦立法中,涉及枪支管理的最重要法是美国宪法,而美国人又将宪法捧上神坛,看做立国之本,国家的基石,任何情况下不允许改变。目前,美国的50个州中,44个州的宪法都有明确保护公民持枪权利的条款。这一修正案是美国最初建国者们精心设计的。当时许多美国人的祖先是为了逃避欧洲的宗教迫害而逃到北美大陆的新教徒,他们力图建立一个没有政治迫害的国度,确保公民享受最大的个人自由,而欧洲的经验使得他们对于中央政府有一种不信任感。美国建国者担心政府权力异化,政府权力扩张侵犯公民权利和自由,于是精心设计了宪法,1791年在权利法案第二条明确规定,“人民持有和携带武器的权利不受侵犯”。他们设想的是赋予民众拥有枪支的权利,枪口的目标是政府,看着政府防止它为非作歹。三是不少美国人在生活中认为持枪才能保障自己的合法权利。枪支成了美国人保护自身安全和土地财产的手段。枪支作为制约政府权力的象征不能消失。这也是美国的建国者对于政府有可能发生异化而设立的一种防备,确实在一定程度上防止了其他国家时有发生的情况:即手无寸铁的人民面对政府军队的镇压束手无策,也使作为个人的美国人对保护自己的私有财产和土地的信心大增。由于特殊的历史环境,美国建国前后,拥有和携带枪支的权利,被视为最珍视的个人权利之一。不少美国人认为,这条修正案保护的是个人的持枪权利,枪支管制是非法的。四是利益集团大力鼓吹持枪权。1871年11月,退役军人威廉姆•邱奇上校和乔治•温盖特将军在纽约州注册成立了全美步枪协会。当时,协会的主要目的只是“在一个科学的基础上推进和鼓励来复枪射击水平”,促进步枪爱好者之间的交流,相互提高射击技艺,推动狩猎、打靶射击以及枪支安全等水平的提高。而,随着国内政治氛围的变化,步枪协会的发展方向开始发生了转变。上世纪60年代,该协会开始动用其资源来阻止强化枪支管理,活动越来越带有政治色彩。1975年,全美步枪协会成立了立法行动学会,使其政治活动步入正规化。从此,协会的角色从火器使用安全教育扩展到了政治游说领域。一年后,协会的政治行动委员会“政治胜利基金”建立了起来,其目的就是帮助支持协会立场的候选人进入美国国会。1990年,协会又建立了全美步枪协会基金会,以便筹集资金。时至今日,全美步枪协会被公认为是美国社会中最为强大的单一问题利益集团,在美国影响力巨大,现在会员超过400万,美国军政界中也有不少人是会员。
  • Q:伦斯勒理工大学怎么样?
  • A:去我强烈给大家推荐一部反作弊的电影叫做《天才枪手》,刚看这名字我还以为是一部枪战谍战大片,后来才知道是自己脑洞大开啦!这部影片是根据真实事件改编,豆瓣分数快高达将近9.0分。读书的时候大家都有考试作弊过吧?电影里展示了两种作弊手法——弹钢琴作弊法和时差作弊法!一群未成年人竟然通过考试作弊赚取了上亿金钱。 电影里的小琳和班克,葛瑞丝和阿派这一对学霸,一对学渣是怎么一步步的走进了跨国作弊案的深渊之中的呢。一切罪恶的起源,皆是因为不公平!从挑战学校的不公,到滑向集体作案牟取暴利的疯狂,一场横跨两大洲的国际作弊案从此拉开序幕。我想说的是,电影比谍战大片看的还刺激,小琳和班克想靠着读书改变自己和家庭的命运,但是学校都是收了她们天价学费才能让他们进来读书,这两个天才的希望破灭了,开始掉进了深渊里,似乎也给那些期望可以靠知识和努力改变命运的人使劲的泼了一盆冷水!故事的导火索是一个自私自利的心机婊将自己暗恋的正直帅气男学霸拉下水一起实施跨国作弊赚钱,最后却又过河拆桥抛弃了学霸和所有人独自站在了道德制高点的故事!女主角小琳长相高冷是个典型的高智商学霸,身为单亲家庭的她,从小与自己那拿着微薄工资的老师父亲过着清贫的生活。虽然穷,但是穷得有骨气。惊人的大脑让她学习成绩出众,拿到了学校的奖学金,甚至连学费生活补贴都免去。作为学霸,作弊对她来说本来是一辈子都不可能的事情。所以白富美闺蜜如何软硬兼施,她也没有动摇。但有一天她意外发现一个惊人的大秘密,学校里的老师竟然疯狂利用考卷上的题目敛财,如果学生想顺利毕业,就得私底下乖乖花钱去参加补习。清高得女学霸,自然看不惯学校老师这种行为,将自己试卷的答案递给了掏钱给老师上补习班的闺蜜。作弊这种事,有了第一次,就会有无数次。学霸不愧是学霸,她竟然发明了钢琴法手势作弊,利用手指传输自己得答案,给那些花钱买答案得学生。内心很鄙视得放话称:你们当老师的,做校长的,可以利用学校资源来谋利,凭什么我不行?于是越来越多得学生参加了她得钢琴作弊补习班,有一次一个胆小鬼想不花钱于是去求男主,班克男学霸考试时给自己抄答案。男主班克家也是单亲家庭很穷但很鄙视那些不劳而获得人,所以不想搭理他。但通过这件事后男主学霸发现了猫腻,因为他举报作弊而无意导致琳丧失奖学金,从而被卷入了琳与富人朋友们的作弊世界。班克因为这件事情被全学校人讨厌,学渣们设圈套,打他,受伤,被扔垃圾场,错过重要考试,痛失奖学金,跌入深渊。小琳作弊这一事虽然学校不追究,但她为了帮富豪闺蜜与男友,疯狂得想在STIC干一票大滴!为了能成功决定拉自己心仪的学霸班克下水……男主角班克家境更加贫穷,失去金学好像要失去了一切,他得学费可是母亲双手帮别人洗一桶桶的衣物换来滴。无奈之下,班克加入了跨国作弊,成了作弊四人组中的一员!后来,第一次做坏事的班克,在通过之前安放在厕所水槽里的手机发送答案时,因为紧张而暴露被监考人员抓了现形。而这个污点不仅影响他上学,更封死了他留学的可能……这一切,谁之过?班克被抓,一如之前排练的那样没有供出同伙小琳,但是小琳在被问话的时候,却最终选择了删掉班克的合影而自保,小琳的心机,小琳的自私与无耻,就在她按下删除键的一瞬间彻底暴露无遗!她拒绝了庆功会,退出了作弊群,放弃了历尽艰辛获得的酬金。她背负着破坏男主人生的愧疚,承认错误,决心去做一个踏实认真的教育者。做了这一切,她才如释重负,满怀希望走进班克的小洗衣店。令人痛心的是,你以为会有男女主互相原谅,扶持走出困境的美好结局。然而,却看到了班克的彻底黑化。他不惜用女主的名声、友谊和前途来要挟她再次合作枪手。此刻,身处深渊的他充满着怨恨与卑劣的世故,他对社会丧失了信心,遗弃了最初的正直善良,选择在肮脏的泥泞中沉沦。故事的最终,琳宁可自首,也不愿与班克同流合污。在父亲的含泪微笑中,与过去犯错的自己坦诚以对。