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University of Minnesota Twin Cities
100 Church Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455
历史悠久 公立大学 安全 地理位置优越
  • 建校时间:1851 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:34071
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:49:51
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:化学化工 药剂学 应用数学 统计
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答



  密苏里大学于1839年在哥伦比亚城建立,是当时密西西比河西岸唯一的大学,现在已发展成为密苏里大学体系,包括四个分校,分别是哥伦比亚校区(Columbia)、罗拉分校(Rolla)、堪萨斯分校(Kansas City)和圣路易斯分校(St. Louis)。四个校区共有学生6.3万名。 密苏里大学是该州34所大学中唯一入选美国大学联盟AAU(Association of American Universities)的大学,素有“公立长春藤名校”的美誉。大学可以提供265种以上的学位课程,在教学与研究方面声名卓著


  密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校在录取新生方面很明显的要比其它州立大学严格许多,有1/3的大学部新生中学成绩居于全校前10%,但就保证了学生的高质量,从而为本校教学科研的高水平打下基础。 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校校内有完善的设施,如:计算机教室、图书馆、学生健康中心、数个展览馆、运动设备,如学生休闲中心、重量训练设备、游泳池、网球场与足球场。




  密苏里大学 (Binghamton University, State University of New York)在美国大学排名2012为第90名。





  1.美国大学排名第97名。  2.教育学院排名第50,工程学院全美第80,法学院第79,医学院第74,商学院第54。  3.提供奖学金。












  学校为学生准备了4种meal plans,学生可以根据自己的需要以及时间安排来选择适合自己的一款。











  气候全年气候温和,夏天不至于过于炎热,冬天会下雪,夏天平均温度为摄氏 25 度左右,冬天平均温度为摄氏-0.6度左右。










  2016 U.S.News美国研究生初级护理排名 - 第35名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生护理学专业排名 - 第36名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生教育专业排名 - 第40名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生医学专业排名 - 第76名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第79名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第88名

  2016 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第103名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生新闻与大众传播专业排名 - 第1名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生核工程专业排名 - 第15名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物/农业工程专业排名 - 第26名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生公共行政管理专业排名 - 第28名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生公共事务专业排名 - 第33名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生心理学专业排名 - 第52名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生统计学专业排名 - 第53名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生教育专业排名 - 第55名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第57名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工业制造专业排名 - 第58名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生战略管理专业排名 - 第58名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第58名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生高级MBA专业排名 - 第58名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人力资源管理专业排名 - 第58名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生政治专业排名 - 第61名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生语言专业排名 - 第63名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生文学专业排名 - 第63名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生英文专业排名 - 第63名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生法学院排名 - 第64名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生历史专业排名 - 第64名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第65名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会服务工作专业排名 - 第66名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生环境/环境健康工程专业排名 - 第68名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人类学专业排名 - 第69名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生经济学专业排名 - 第72名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生医学专业排名 - 第75名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会政策专业排名 - 第78名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会学专业排名 - 第78名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第79名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第81名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第84名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生地球科学专业排名 - 第88名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第92名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生物理学专业排名 - 第95名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第97名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第99名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机科学专业排名 - 第101名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第102名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生美术专业排名 - 第153名

  2015 U.S.News全球大学排名 - 第288名

  2014 美国医学院排名 - 第27名

  2014 美国公立大学排名 - 第42名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科商科类排名 - 第58名

  2014 美国音乐学院排名 - 第73名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第97名

  2014 美国艺术学院排名 - 第147名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科商科类排名 - 第58名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第97名


师生比:1:17国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:29000 男女比:49:51在校学生数:34071研究生数:16000



  1.美国大学排名第97名。 2.教育学院排名第50,工程学院全美第80,法学院第79,医学院第74,商学院第54。 3.提供奖学金。











为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:29000
  • 本科录取率:44%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
农业与食品经营管理-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Food Business Management 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
化学工程-学士 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
商务(管理信息系统)-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Business (Management Information Systems) 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
土木工程-学士 Bachelor of Civil Engineering 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
地球科学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
天体物理学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
平面图形设计-艺术学士BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
环境科学,政策与管理-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
生物医学工程-学士 Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
计算机科学-学士BS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 本科 1、8月 19336美元/学年 托福:79 雅思:6.5
1、完成在线入学申请 2、申请费 3、成绩单以及相应的英文翻译件 4、语言能力证明 5、财产证明
  • 研究生学生数:16000
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
土地与大气科学-硕士MS MS in Land and Atmospheric Science 硕士 18个月 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Unofficial transcripts or academic records should be uploaded directly to the online application. International students should also upload an English translation if the transcript is not in English.Please do not mail in paper copies of your transcripts, there is no need for official transcripts or academic records for initial review. Recommendation Letter: List Recommendation Provider information for three letters of recommendation and your recommendation provider will be sent instructions regarding completion and submission of this form to the program. Other Documents: If applicable: Upload your publications and articles into the Other Information portion on the Graduate Program Supplementary Information section of the ApplyYourself online application.
工业与系统工程(系统工程方向)-硕士MS MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering-Systems Engineering Track 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Unofficial transcripts or academic records should be uploaded directly to the online application. Please do not mail in paper copies of your transcripts, there is no need for official transcripts or academic records for initial review. If you are admitted, the University will then request official copies of this material. Curriculum Vitae: You may also upload your CV. If you choose to do so, please include any publications and awards on your CV, but do not upload any publications or awards. Personal Statement: Personal Statement (this is Statement #1 in ApplyYourself Recommendation Letter: Paper copies can be accepted, but you are strongly encouraged to submit letters via ApplyYourself. If you choose to submit paper copies, they should be mailed to Mr. John Gardner, Mechanical Engineering, 111 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Optional Statements: Statements #2 and #3 in ApplyYourself are optional
工商管理-硕士MBA MBA 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:7,听力:6.5,阅读:6.5,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Unofficial transcripts can be submitted through the online application. You will need to submit a transcript from each college or university where you have completed coursework before your application will be considered complete and reviewed by the admissions committee. Official transcripts will be required if you are admitted to the program. Curriculum Vitae: Submit a current resume (CV) that includes job responsibilities and accomplishments. Personal Statement: We require a personal statement answering the following three questions: Briefly describe your short-term and long-term career goals. Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA at this time in your career, and what are you hoping to accomplish by doing so? Why are you interested in pursuing an MBA at the Carlson School of Management? What do you feel makes you a strong candidate for the program? How will you contribute to the MBA Program overall? Recommendation Letter: Use the online application to provide the names and contact information of three professional references.
干细胞生物学-硕士MS MS in Stem Cell Biology 硕士 16个月 秋季 托福:听力:22,阅读:22 雅思:总分:7,听力:6.5,阅读:6.5,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Transcripts - unofficial transcripts can be uploaded; official transcripts will be requested by the Graduate Admissions Office upon enrollment. Curriculum Vitae: A curriculum vitae or resume. Your CV or resume can be uploaded to the Graduate Program Supplementary Information section of the online application. Personal Statement: A personal statement (500 words or less) outlining previous research experience, research interests, and long-short-term goals. Upload your personal statement to Statement #1 in the Applicant Statement section of the online application. Please do not submit Personal Statement #2, as that will delay the processing of your application. Recommendation Letter: The names of 3 individuals whom you have asked to write a letter of recommendation addressing your previous research experience and ability to pursue graduate study.
建筑:研究实践-硕士MS MS in Architecture: Research Practices 硕士 18个月 秋季 托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Unofficial transcripts or academic records must be uploaded directly to the ApplyYourself online application. International students must also upload an English translation if the transcript is not in English. Please do NOT submit paper copies of this material because it will cause delays in your application processing. You will only be asked to submit official transcripts or academic records if you are admitted. The University of Minnesota reserves the right to require the submission of official transcripts or credentials any time during the admission review process. Curriculum Vitae: Résumé or CV Personal Statement: Statement of your relevant goals and experiences and how these would be served by a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Minnesota Name 3-5 particular faculty members with whom you wish to study Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation are required and are processed through the online application. Applicants are encouraged to submit 2 of the 3 letters from faculty members who are familiar with their aptitude for academic work. If an applicant majored in architecture as an undergraduate, then faculty letters should be from design studio faculty. Essay: Submit a statement up to 1,000 words that includes 1) research interests including any past research pursued and methodology skills learned 2) ideal electives that would support your research interests and skill-building 3) a description of your work experience and professional progress and goals, including approximate IDP/AXP hours in each area and clarification of your intention for licensure (which state(s) and if you plan to track 5600 hours or 3740 hours or both). Portfolio: The portfolio should be uploaded as a pdf file electronically to the digital publishing platform ISSUU.COM. You will need to create an account as a "publisher" in order to use this site. There is no fee to do this. Please use your complete name in the registration process since this will be generating a URL weblink to your portfolio. The online application will ask you to paste in a "Link to Portfolio." Submit a portfolio of approximately 12-20 pages/sides that indicates an ability to produce drawings of architectural form and space, as well as a broader design sensitivity. Architectural drawings and design studio work should be included. Other work showing artistic or design ability or facility with digital technology may also be included. Please do not send a hard copy of the portfolio.
建筑学-硕士MArch MArch (Master of Architecture) 硕士 3年 秋季 托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Unofficial transcripts or academic records must be uploaded directly to the ApplyYourself online application. International students must also upload an English translation if the transcript is not in English. Please do NOT submit paper copies of this material because it will cause delays in your application processing. You will only be asked to submit official transcripts or academic records if you are admitted. The University of Minnesota reserves the right to require the submission of official transcripts or credentials any time during the admission review process. Curriculum Vitae: Résumé or CV Personal Statement: Statement of your relevant goals and experiences and how these would be served by a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Minnesota Name 3-5 particular faculty members with whom you wish to study Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation are required and are processed through the online application. Applicants are encouraged to submit 2 of the 3 letters from faculty members who are familiar with their aptitude for academic work. If an applicant majored in architecture as an undergraduate, then faculty letters should be from design studio faculty. Essays: Two brief essays, each one no more than 500 words. Select from two of the following three options. Upload the two essays at the "Graduate Program Supplementary Information" section and use the "UPLOAD #1" and "UPLOAD #2" buttons. Option #1 - Write about a formative personal experience that helped to inspire your interest in pursuing the professional study of architecture and the built environment. Option #2 - Describe a place that is meaningful and state why you find it meaningful. Option #3 - Describe an object (at any scale) that you find sublime, grotesque or culturally significant and state why. Portfolio: The portfolio should be uploaded as a pdf file electronically to the digital publishing platform ISSUU.COM. You will need to create an account as a "publisher" in order to use this site. There is no fee to do this. Please use your complete name in the registration process since this will be generating a URL weblink to your portfolio. The online application will ask you to paste in a "Link to Portfolio." If you have questions about this process, please contact our office at archinfo@umn.com. TWO-YEAR PROGRAM. Submit a portfolio of approximately 12-20 pages/sides that indicates an ability to produce drawings of architectural form and space, as well as a broader design sensitivity. Architectural drawings and design studio work should be included. Other work showing artistic or design ability or facility with digital technology may also be included. Please do not send a hard copy of the portfolio. THREE-YEAR PROGRAM Submit a portfolio of _number:8-15 pages/sides. The portfolio should indicate design ability through drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic art, industrial design, or photography (2 pages of photographs maximum). The portfolio must include a hand-drawn self portrait. The drawing must not be copied from a photograph. Please do not send a hard copy of the portfolio.
日耳曼语研究-硕士MA MA in Germanic Studies 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:79,阅读:19,口语:79,写作:79 雅思:
Transcript: Please make sure your institution's name is on the copy you upload. International transcripts: The Graduate School requires non-English transcripts to be accompanied by English translations of those documents. Personal Statement: A description of your professional goals of approximately one–two pages (750 words) as related to your academic interests in the proposed field of study. Please include information about the level of your training at the time of application; the particular areas of scholarly interest that you would like to pursue during your graduate work; and your professional plans upon completion of your training. You should also address your reasons for undertaking graduate study in the field, and for studying at the University of Minnesota in particular. The statement should be written in English. Recommendation Letter: The letters should be from persons who can comment meaningfully about your intellectual capabilities. At least two of these letters must be from professors with whom you have studied. Please note that only the narrative evaluation (i.e., letter) is required. Writing sample: The paper should be no more than 25 pages and should reflect your scholarly/academic interests as well as the current level of your analytic knowledge in German or Scandinavian Studies. A term or seminar paper is best. If you have a thesis, please send an excerpt (e.g., title page, contents, and one chapter). The paper may be in English, German, or a Scandinavian language, but keep in mind that the admissions committee is made up of faculty members from both German and Scandinavian, and it is not a given that they are fluent in all these languages. Some students send two shorter papers, one in English and one in German. If you do this and want to use the upload feature in ApplyYourself, only one paper can be uploaded into the “Writing Sample” section. The other one can be uploaded in the ”Other Information” section. If submitting more than one paper, the total number of pages should not exceed 25 pages. Diversity Statement: Diversity statement (Statement #2) (OPTIONAL) The nominee’s demonstrated experience with, or commitment to, serving or working with historically underserved or underprivileged populations. If you believe these descriptions fit you, please submit the statement (not to exceed one page in length).
服装研究-硕士MS MS in Apparel Studies 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: You must upload an unofficial transcript or academic record for each institution (even if you didn't receive a degree) in the Educational Background section of the online application. Personal Statement: Personal Statement of Academic Goals Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (3) - Your requests for letters of recommendation can be sent PRIOR to submitting the application. This should be done early in the process to ensure that recommendations are received by the deadline. Portfolio : Portfolio of creative work consisting of 15-20 examples, for applicants to Graphic Design, Interior Design, and Product Development. Submit as .pdf file to dhagrad@umn.edu - or - include link to portfolio in your application.
法律硕士LLM LLM (Master of Laws) 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts Transcripts from each college or university you have attended are required. Unofficial transcripts must be submitted electronically with your application. Official transcripts, submitted directly by institutions attended, will be required upon acceptance into the program. Curriculum Vitae: Resume: Include a resume (1-2 pages) outlining relevant course work and professional experience. Personal Statement: Personal Statement Provide a personal statement (1-3 pages, double spaced) articulating the reason(s) you are interested in the field of patent law and why you are an ideal candidate for this program. Recommendation Letter: Letter(s) of Recommendation Submit at least one letter of recommendation. If possible, this person should be someone from an academic setting who can attest to your ability to succeed in a competitive professional program. If you have been out of school for two or more years, the recommender may be from your employer or other person from a professional setting. No more than three letters of reference will be considered.
科学与技术通讯-硕士MS MS in Scientific and Technical Communication 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:79,阅读:19,口语:79,写作:79 雅思:总分:6.5,阅读:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Upload unofficial transcripts or academic records from each undergraduate and graduate institution attended directly to the online application. International students should also upload an English translation if the transcript is not in English. Please do not mail paper copies of your transcripts; you do not need official transcripts or academic records for initial review. If you are admitted, the University will request official copies of this material. Recommendation Letter: Recommendations may be submitted through the Graduate School's online application system. Acceptable recommendations must come from current or former professors who can assess your potential for graduate work. Other recommenders, such as employers, are also acceptable. Send online copies ONLY. This is optional for applicants to the certificate program. Writing samples: Upload two writing samples into the “Other Information” portion on the “Graduate Program Supplementary Information” section of ApplyYourself. At least one sample must demonstrate your writing proficiency. We recommend submitting published works; however, undergraduate work is also acceptable. To demonstrate your verbal and visual proficiency, the second sample may include other media such as graphics, photographs, slides, art work, or audio or video tape. Materials can be returned if return postage is included.

专业名称 学位类型 专业方向 学制 开课时间 开课类型
农业与食品企业管理(Agricultural and Food Business Management) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业企业与推广(Agricultural Industries and Marketing) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
农业教育(Agricultural Education) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
动物科学(Animal Science) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
园艺学(Horticulture) 本科 农林 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
人力资源和劳资关系(Human Resources and Industrial Relations) 本科 商科 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
企业管理(Entrepreneurial Management) 本科 商科 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
会计(Accounting) 本科 商科 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
公共与非盈利机构管理(Public and Nonprofit Management) 本科 商科 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
国际贸易(International Business) 本科 商科 48个月 8月 9月 全日制
  • Q:明尼苏达大学双城分校留学怎样?
  • A:   立思辰留学360介绍:明尼苏达双城校区引是全美最具综合性的大学之一,为世界顶尖的本科、研究生教育学府和研究机构,双城分校傲居于美国高校十大联盟之列,国际21世纪学术联盟的成员大学之一,被誉为“公立常春藤”。自1851年建校至今,学校已拥有众多声名显赫的校友,包括25位诺贝尔奖获得者 ,1位前美国首席大法官,2位前美国副总统,以及多位名列美国财富500强的企业巨子。许多世界顶尖的技术和发明在明大诞生:飞行记录器(黑匣子)、可收取式汽车安全带、心脏起搏器、心肺呼吸器等。明大拥有肾脏移植机构。
  • Q:明尼苏达大学双城分校入学条件有哪些?
  • A:   立思辰留学360介绍:明尼苏达双城校区引是全美最具综合性的大学之一,为世界顶尖的本科、研究生教育学府和研究机构,双城分校傲居于美国高校十大联盟之列,国际21世纪学术联盟的成员大学之一,被誉为“公立常春藤”。自1851年建校至今,学校已拥有众多声名显赫的校友,包括25位诺贝尔奖获得者,1位前美国首席大法官,2位前美国副总统,以及多位名列美国财富500强的企业巨子。许多世界顶尖的技术和发明在明大诞生:飞行记录器(黑匣子)、可收取式汽车安全带、心脏起搏器、心肺呼吸器等。明大拥有肾脏移植机构。   入学条件   本科——托福ibt80或雅思6.5,SAT1700, GPA3.4 (09年统计托福ibt录取平均分已达到100分左右)   硕士——托福ibt90(不同学院要求不同)或雅思7 , 及GRE或GMAT   费用:本科——约32762 USD/年(学费+书本费:17875 USD/12个月 生活住宿费:14887 USD/9个月)   费用:硕士——总合 约35500 USD/年
  • Q:明尼苏达大学双子分校留学好不好?
  • A:  明尼苏达大学双子城分校位于明尼苏达州的双子城市:明尼亚波里斯(Minneapolis)与圣保罗(St. Paul)中,隶属于明尼苏达大学系统学校。明尼苏达大学除了双子城分校以外,还有杜鲁奇分校(Duluth Campus)、库克斯顿分校(Crookston Campus)与莫理斯分校(Morris Campus);不过仍以双子城分校的知名度最高,是全美前百名内的国家级大学。   双子城分校,是明尼苏达州内最好的大学,提供150种学士学位文凭(bachelor’s degrees),200种硕士文凭(master’s degrees),与100种博士文凭(doctoral degrees)。既然是研究型大学,明尼苏达大学在投资研究计划的同时,也拥有雄厚的研究经费。   资金雄厚   明尼苏达大学的研究经费大部分来自于民间或政府机关研究计划签订的合约。明尼苏达大学在2000年一年就与州内的企业签有40亿的研究计划,到了2001年,有73家新厂商申请与该校合作研究,其中有36家获准。   而多角化的经营与民间企业合作研究的计划不但增加了学校的知名度,更提高校内学生参与大型学术性研究计划的机会。根据2000年,11间美国的国际性大厂针对美国142间有名的研究型大学做研究潜力的分析,明尼苏达大学在这项分析排名中获得第4名,主要归功于其企业研究计划的健全与多样。
  • Q:明尼苏达大学双子城分校如何?
  • A:  明尼苏达大学双子城分校位于明尼苏达州的双子城市:明尼亚波里斯(Minneapolis)与圣保罗(St. Paul)中,隶属于明尼苏达大学系统学校。明尼苏达大学除了双子城分校以外,还有杜鲁奇分校(Duluth Campus)、库克斯顿分校(Crookston Campus)与莫理斯分校(Morris Campus);不过仍以双子城分校的知名度最高,是全美前百名内的国家级大学。   双子城分校,是明尼苏达州内最好的大学,提供150种学士学位文凭(bachelor’s degrees),200种硕士文凭(master’s degrees),与100种博士文凭(doctoral degrees)。既然是研究型大学,明尼苏达大学在投资研究计划的同时,也拥有雄厚的研究经费。   资金雄厚   明尼苏达大学的研究经费大部分来自于民间或政府机关研究计划签订的合约。明尼苏达大学在2000年一年就与州内的企业签有40亿的研究计划,到了2001年,有73家新厂商申请与该校合作研究,其中有36家获准。   而多角化的经营与民间企业合作研究的计划不但增加了学校的知名度,更提高校内学生参与大型学术性研究计划的机会。根据2000年,11间美国的国际性大厂针对美国142间有名的研究型大学做研究潜力的分析,明尼苏达大学在这项分析排名中获得第4名,主要归功于其企业研究计划的健全与多样。