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Pepperdine University
24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90263
历史悠久 地理位置优越 商学院
  • 建校时间:1937 年
  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学生总数:7417
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:41:59
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:视觉艺术与设计 商科/经济类 科学/数学
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校问答



  美国名校佩珀代因大学(Pepperdine University)是一所独立的普通大学,每年其五个学院招收大约8,300名学生。西维尔学院(Seaver College)、法学院、教育心理学学院、Graziadio商管学院和公共政策学院均位于该大学830英亩的校园内,俯瞰马利布的太平洋。学校在马利布、加州南部的6个研究生院,以及在德国、英国、意大利、阿根廷的国际学院授课。该大学于1937年由乔治. 佩珀代因成立。乔治·佩珀代是一个基督教商人,他建立了西方汽车代理公司。在该大学成立后的前30年里,它是一所小型的主要招收本科生的学院。在1970年由于增加了研究生学院和职业学院,它被提升为大学。1972年,它在马利布开办了新校区。美国名校佩珀代因大学附属于基督教会,而佩珀代因先生就是终生会员。全体教员、行政人员以及董事会成员均代表了许多宗教背景,欢迎所有种族所有信仰的学生。这就是佩珀代因大学追求最高学术标准的意图。


  佩珀代因大学的商管学院Graziadio School of Business and Management成立于1969年,在美国AACSB认证的商管学院中以学生人数排为第五,是美国最具实力的商学院之一。其EMBA连续三年被Business Week评为世界前20名。2005年的「US News & World Report」将Graziadio School评为全美最佳商学院排名的前75名。2004年的「Wall Street Journal」也将Graziadio School囊括在世界百大商学院之林。


  佩珀代因大学Malibu校区 地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业,文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。校区坐落在太平洋沿祡的山坡上,绵延的祡岸以及绿草覆盖的山坡加上清新的祡风吹拂为学校增添了许多独特的魅力。学校所属的Malibu小区相当安全并且独具文化气息。占地50英亩的Graziadio School依山傍祡,风景如画,可以俯瞰广阔的太平洋。2003年八月竣工的新校园,具备尖端科技的教室、演讲厅、图书馆、科技中心、学生服务中心、研究生宿舍及停车场等,这所院校也是2011年7月英美名校-预科-奖学金- 专场面试会的参展院校。位于南加州的佩珀代因大学成立于1937年,是一所私立中型大学,建校以来以严谨求实的学风位居美国一流大学的行列。


  佩珀代因大学(Pepperdine University)在美国大学排名2012为第55名。





  佩珀代因大学创建于 1937 年,是一所隶属于教会的私立文理科大学。 学校下设法律与公共政策学院和商学院、传媒、美术、人文、自然科学、宗教及社会科学分部及教育学和哲学研究生院。 学校占地 830 英亩,坐落在距离圣塔莫尼卡 12 英里的马里布。


  佩珀代因大学有7个学院, 提供200多种专业,其中:





  佩珀代因大学所有的宿舍都坐落在Santa Monica山上,可以俯瞰周围的城市、山丘、大海。另外,学校宿舍还提供多种服务包括房间打扫、烤肉架、沙滩排球场等。宿舍所有类型都有自己独立卫生间,大部分宿舍是套房式,房间除了基本设施外还有厨房、客厅、餐厅,面积也十分大。


  佩珀代因大学为学生提供了五种meal plans。学校有10个不同的用餐地点,提供多种多样的食物,其中也包括素食、沙拉、甜点等。











  马里布是典型的地中海气候,平均夏天是26 °C,冬天平均最低9°C。


  佩珀代因大学地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业、文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。在航空方面,洛杉矶国际机场是美国最繁忙的机场之一。洛杉矶有覆盖整个城市的巴士以及三条地铁路线。 机场/接机信息: 佩珀代因大学距离洛杉矶机场半个小时的车程。从北京、上海都有直飞洛杉矶的飞机。学生可以与大学联系接机。公共交通方面,可以坐3号公交车再做534号到学校。





  2016 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第52名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生法学院排名 - 第52名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生法学院排名 - 第54名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第54名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第76名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生战略管理专业排名 - 第76名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人力资源管理专业排名 - 第76名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生高级MBA专业排名 - 第76名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生公共事务专业排名 - 第87名

  2014 最美校园排行 - 第11名

  2014 美国大学法学院排名 - 第54名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第57名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第54名


师生比:1:14国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:3542 男女比:41:59在校学生数:7417研究生数:11,072人



  佩珀代因大学创建于 1937 年,是一所隶属于教会的私立文理科大学。 学校下设法律与公共政策学院和商学院、传媒、美术、人文、自然科学、宗教及社会科学分部及教育学和哲学研究生院。 学校占地 830 英亩,坐落在距离圣塔莫尼卡 12 英里的马里布。


  佩珀代因大学有7个学院, 提供200多种专业,其中:






为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:3542
  • 本科录取率:37%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
历史学-学士BA BA in History 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
影视制作-学士BA BA in Film & Television Production 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
戏剧与音乐-学士BA BA in Theatre and Music 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
教练-学士BA BA in Coaching 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
法语-学士BA BA in French 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
物理-学士BS BS in Physics 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
生物化学-学士BS BS in Biochemistry 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
西班牙语-学士BA BA in Spanish 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
非营利管理-学士BS BS in Non-profit Management 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
音乐创作-学士BA BA in Music Composition 本科 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考550 雅思:6.5
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
会计学-硕士MS MS in Accounting 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:
Transcript: Submit one official transcript from each institution you have attended (including extension work). You do not need to submit an official transcript from Seaver College. Please note: International transcripts, including all key information, must be translated into English. Please mail all additional materials to: Pepperdine University Seaver Graduate Admissions Office Attn: Leslie Seah Graduate Program in _________*** 24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90263-4280 Recommendation Letter: Submit three letters of recommendation. Once you have finalized your application and submitted it, your recommenders will be sent a link through which they may submit an online recommendation. If they prefer to mail a hard copy recommendation, please use the address listed above in "Step 2." Two recommendations should be academic and one should be personal. The personal reference may be from an employer, minister or friend who is not related to you. Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
传播学-硕士MA MA in Communication 硕士 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考600 雅思:
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
国际商务仲裁-硕士LLM LLM in International Commercial Arbitration 硕士 1年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts are required for all applicants for the Certificate, Masters, and LLM program. We must receive Official Transcripts to consider your application, and must be received directly from the university or in a university sealed envelope from the applicant. Transcripts must be included from all institutions attended. If you are currently a student in another graduate program or undergraduate program, we will need your current transcript to date. Transcripts from international institutions need to be submitted through a credential evaluation service. Curriculum Vitae: A copy of a current resumé or vita outlining professional and educational experience is required. Personal Statement: The LLM, Master's Degree and Certificate Programs in Dispute Resolution are designed to combine a graduate level academic experience with a commitment to the development of professional skills, especially those related to dispute resolution. Please include a three to four page personal statement indicating your reasons for wanting to study dispute resolution, why you chose to apply to Pepperdine University School of Law, what use you anticipate making of the education you receive, what contribution you will make to the program, and any further information that you feel should be considered by the Admissions Committee. Please include in your personal statement a discussion of any economic, educational, or social disadvantages that you have encountered, what you have done to overcome these disadvantages, community service endeavors that you may have participated in, and your plans as they now relate to future community service. Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation are required for applicants applying for any of our academic programs. Applicants can have their recommenders complete the Prospective Student Evaluation Form, or have their recommenders write a narrative letter of recommendation. This form/letter is an opportunity for the admissions committee to learn about your potential or current work in the dispute resolution field. Recommendations can be from co-workers, supervisors, mentors, professors and others that can talk about your experience or potential experience in the field. Applicants are encouraged to provide recommendations from different sectors, professional and academic, to provide the committee will a well-rounded understanding of your experiences. Recommendations should not be from family members. Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
国际商法及争议解决-硕士LLM LLM in International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution 硕士 1年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts are required for all applicants for the Certificate, Masters, and LLM program. We must receive Official Transcripts to consider your application, and must be received directly from the university or in a university sealed envelope from the applicant. Transcripts must be included from all institutions attended. If you are currently a student in another graduate program or undergraduate program, we will need your current transcript to date. Transcripts from international institutions need to be submitted through a credential evaluation service. Curriculum Vitae: A copy of a current resumé or vita outlining professional and educational experience is required. Personal Statement: The LLM, Master's Degree and Certificate Programs in Dispute Resolution are designed to combine a graduate level academic experience with a commitment to the development of professional skills, especially those related to dispute resolution. Please include a three to four page personal statement indicating your reasons for wanting to study dispute resolution, why you chose to apply to Pepperdine University School of Law, what use you anticipate making of the education you receive, what contribution you will make to the program, and any further information that you feel should be considered by the Admissions Committee. Please include in your personal statement a discussion of any economic, educational, or social disadvantages that you have encountered, what you have done to overcome these disadvantages, community service endeavors that you may have participated in, and your plans as they now relate to future community service. Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation are required for applicants applying for any of our academic programs. Applicants can have their recommenders complete the Prospective Student Evaluation Form, or have their recommenders write a narrative letter of recommendation. This form/letter is an opportunity for the admissions committee to learn about your potential or current work in the dispute resolution field. Recommendations can be from co-workers, supervisors, mentors, professors and others that can talk about your experience or potential experience in the field. Applicants are encouraged to provide recommendations from different sectors, professional and academic, to provide the committee will a well-rounded understanding of your experiences. Recommendations should not be from family members. Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
工商管理-硕士MBA(两年) MBA (Two-Year) 硕士 20个月 秋季 托福:总分:95,口语:95,写作:95 雅思:
Transcript: Prior to enrollment, official transcripts from all regionally accredited colleges or universities you’ve attended must be provided to the Office of Admissions. All transcripts must: Be issued by the registrar. Be provided in English. Arrive in a sealed envelope. Include a grade point average (GPA) evaluated by a credentials service, such as the World Education Services. Curriculum Vitae: Provide a current resume required with the submission of your online Application for Admission. One year minimum work experience is required for the 20-month MBA program. Three years minimum work experience is required for the 12- and 15-month MBA programs. Personal Statement: Provide essay required with the submission of your online Application for Admission. Essay topic(s) are available on the application. Recommendation Letter: Letters of recommendation are not required for the program. Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
教育学-硕士MA MA in Education 硕士 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考600 雅思:
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
法律博士JD/公共政策硕士MPP JD/MPP 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
硕博连读:法律博士JD/神学硕士MDIV JD/MDIV 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
神学-硕士 Master of Divinity 硕士 1、8月 38734美元/学年 托福:笔考600 雅思:
1、学历证明及成绩单 2、英语成绩单 3、推荐信 4、申请表
美国法-硕士LLM LLM in United States Law 硕士 1年 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts are required for all applicants for the Certificate, Masters, and LLM program. We must receive Official Transcripts to consider your application, and must be received directly from the university or in a university sealed envelope from the applicant. Transcripts must be included from all institutions attended. If you are currently a student in another graduate program or undergraduate program, we will need your current transcript to date. Transcripts from international institutions need to be submitted through a credential evaluation service. Curriculum Vitae: A copy of a current resumé or vita outlining professional and educational experience is required. Personal Statement: The LLM, Master's Degree and Certificate Programs in Dispute Resolution are designed to combine a graduate level academic experience with a commitment to the development of professional skills, especially those related to dispute resolution. Please include a three to four page personal statement indicating your reasons for wanting to study dispute resolution, why you chose to apply to Pepperdine University School of Law, what use you anticipate making of the education you receive, what contribution you will make to the program, and any further information that you feel should be considered by the Admissions Committee. Please include in your personal statement a discussion of any economic, educational, or social disadvantages that you have encountered, what you have done to overcome these disadvantages, community service endeavors that you may have participated in, and your plans as they now relate to future community service. Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation are required for applicants applying for any of our academic programs. Applicants can have their recommenders complete the Prospective Student Evaluation Form, or have their recommenders write a narrative letter of recommendation. This form/letter is an opportunity for the admissions committee to learn about your potential or current work in the dispute resolution field. Recommendations can be from co-workers, supervisors, mentors, professors and others that can talk about your experience or potential experience in the field. Applicants are encouraged to provide recommendations from different sectors, professional and academic, to provide the committee will a well-rounded understanding of your experiences. Recommendations should not be from family members. Proof of Financial Support: You must submit documentary evidence of financial support for all sources that you have indicated on the ISD form. The financial support must be sufficient to cover the student's expenses for one academic year. You will need to submit the following documents: First, check the Cost of Attendance table below to see the total cost of your program. For personal funds, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s). For the list of acceptable financial documents, please refer to the Proof of Financial Support ( http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/international-students/content/forms/guidelines_for_submitting_proof_of_financial_eligibility.pdf). For private or family sponsors, provide a bank statement or other financial statement(s) AND an Affidavit of Support. For other institutional support/awards/scholarships/etc., provide a letter on OFFICIAL letterhead including a signature showing amount and length of support. Copy of Passport: Submit a copy of your passport, as well as your dependents' passport. If your dependent is a spouse, include a copy of the marriage certificate.
  • Q:佩珀代因大学优势专业有哪些?
  • A:   据立思辰留学360介绍:佩珀代因大学位于Malibu的校园地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业,文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。校区座落在太平洋沿祡的山坡上,绵延的祡岸以及绿草覆盖的山坡加上清新的祡风吹拂为学校增添了许多独特的魅力。学校所属的Malibu小区相当安全并且独具文化气息。占地50英亩的Graziadio School依山傍祡,风景如画,可以俯瞰广阔的太平洋。   优势专业:   财经类、法律、纺织与服装、管理、教育、旅游、人文艺术、社科类、体育、新闻传播、语言
  • Q:佩珀代因大学申请条件高吗?
  • A:   基本信息   据立思辰留学360介绍:位于南加州的佩珀代因大学成立于1937年,是一所私立中型大学,建校以来以严谨求实的学风位居美国一流大学的行列。佩珀代因大学Malibu校区 地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业,文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。校区坐落在太平洋沿祡的山坡上,绵延的祡岸以及绿草覆盖的山坡加上清新的祡风吹拂为学校增添了许多独特的魅力。学校所属的Malibu小区相当安全并且独具文化气息。占地50英亩的Graziadio School依山傍水,风景如画,可以俯瞰广阔的太平洋。2003年八月竣工的新校园,具备尖端科技的教室、演讲厅、图书馆、科技中心、学生服务中心、研究生宿舍及停车场等,这所院校也是2011年7月英美名校-预科-奖学金- 专场面试会的参展院校。   Pepperdine Univ 的综合排名于US News 排名到52。   本科申请条件   开学时间:每年1月、8月   申请截至日:每年10月15日、1月15日   TOEFL分数要求:80.0   SAT总分:1228.0   雅思分数要求:6.5   研究生申请条件   开学时间:每年1月、8月   申请截至日:春季入学:每年1月15日;秋季入学:每年10月15日   TOEFL分数要求:90.0   雅思分数要求:6.5   格拉齐亚迪奥商务管理学院:6.5   公共秩序学院:7.0   法学院* 法学硕士:7.0   * MDR: 7.0
  • Q:美国佩珀代因大学教学特色是什么?
  • A:   基本信息   据立思辰留学360介绍:位于南加州的佩珀代因大学成立于1937年,是一所私立中型大学,建校以来以严谨求实的学风位居美国一流大学的行列。佩珀代因大学Malibu校区 地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业,文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。校区坐落在太平洋沿祡的山坡上,绵延的祡岸以及绿草覆盖的山坡加上清新的祡风吹拂为学校增添了许多独特的魅力。学校所属的Malibu小区相当安全并且独具文化气息。占地50英亩的Graziadio School依山傍水,风景如画,可以俯瞰广阔的太平洋。2003年八月竣工的新校园,具备尖端科技的教室、演讲厅、图书馆、科技中心、学生服务中心、研究生宿舍及停车场等,这所院校也是2011年7月英美名校-预科-奖学金- 专场面试会的参展院校。   Pepperdine Univ 的综合排名于US News 排名到52。   院校坏境   学校是全美最美的校园,马里布风景如梦如幻,SEX AND THE CITY 电影版里加州场景就是在这里拍的。电影钢铁侠在malibu拍摄,钢铁侠托尼斯塔克的家是malibu沿海豪宅。Princeton Review 杂志在2004年和2007年列该校为“拥有如王宫般的宿舍”,在2006年和2007年,此杂志列该校为“最美的校园”的冠军。马里布华人较少,本地美国人占多数,属于洛杉矶最富裕的地区,治安很好。从正门口一出外就是PCH(所谓西岸最著名的沿海公路),美丽的太平洋海岸线再加上依山而建的名流豪宅,不时还可以看到湿地以及独特的地貌。   教学特点   Pepperdine实行小班教学,且教授注重会实际应用到real business中的技能和知识。平均22人,最多不超过30人一个班,老师都非常注重课堂参与。   Pepperdine是一个隶属教会的学校,学风严谨,在校园里no wine,no smoke,no sex,no party ,但对于商学院来说,party又是非常重要的network,所以商学院会一直在santa monica组织party增进大家了解。
  • Q:美国佩珀代因大学申请需要什么材料?
  • A:   基本信息   据立思辰留学360介绍:位于南加州的佩珀代因大学成立于1937年,是一所私立中型大学,建校以来以严谨求实的学风位居美国一流大学的行列。佩珀代因大学Malibu校区 地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业,文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。校区坐落在太平洋沿祡的山坡上,绵延的祡岸以及绿草覆盖的山坡加上清新的祡风吹拂为学校增添了许多独特的魅力。学校所属的Malibu小区相当安全并且独具文化气息。占地50英亩的Graziadio School依山傍水,风景如画,可以俯瞰广阔的太平洋。2003年八月竣工的新校园,具备尖端科技的教室、演讲厅、图书馆、科技中心、学生服务中心、研究生宿舍及停车场等,这所院校也是2011年7月英美名校-预科-奖学金- 专场面试会的参展院校。   Pepperdine Univ 的综合排名于US News 排名到52。   新生申请材料   学校补充申请表   申请费   通用申请-未来计划   通用申请-申请表   SATI成绩单   托福成绩单   通用申请-国际学生补充表   通用申请-推荐人信息表   推荐信   高中成绩单
  • Q:佩珀代因大学相当于国内什么学校?
  • A:清华成立学院,设计车辆外壳,开发概念,然后卖钱,就这样,不要想的太深。