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Harvard university
Massachusetts HallCambridge, MA 02138
中等城市 旅游城市 历史名城 安全 英语 师资力量雄厚
  • 建校时间:1636 年
  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学生总数:10803
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:53:47
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:商学 法学 教育学 生物医学
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答


  哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称哈佛,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。这里走出了8位美利坚合众国总统,上百位诺贝尔获得者曾在此工作、学习,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。






  被哈佛录取的学生SAT Math部分平均成绩在710到790之间;Verbal部分平均得分在700-800之间;平均SAT总分(Combined)为2225,比全美其它各大学的录取平均SAT成绩高出了41.3%。每年约有70%的学生能够获得奖学金,且申请奖学金不会影响申请者被录取的几率。


  支持雅思成绩申请;排名第一; 私立综合性大学;提供奖学金;东北部,尽享都市便利;



  1.哈佛大学(Harvard University),美国大学教育的旗舰,常青藤联盟的代表。





  哈佛大学有12个学院, 提供46种本科专业,134种研究生专业,其中:







  John Adams - American President

  Ralph Waldo Emerson - Writer

  Al Gore - American Vice President

  John F. Kennedy - American President

  Mackenzie King - Canadian Prime Minister

  Sara Lazarus - Jazz vocalist

  Yo Yo Ma - Cellist

  Suzanne Malveaux - CNN Correspondent

  Natalie Portman - Actress

  Henry David Thoreau - Journalist, Philosopher and Writer


师生比:1:7国际学生比例:12.00本科生数:7029 男女比:53:47在校学生数:10803研究生数:14937



  1.哈佛大学(Harvard University),美国大学教育的旗舰,常青藤联盟的代表。





  哈佛大学有12个学院, 提供46种本科专业,134种研究生专业,其中:









为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7029
  • 本科录取率:6%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:14937
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
临床疗效-硕士MPH MPH in Clinical Effectiveness 硕士 夏季 60400美元 托福:总分:100,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside of the United States of America and/or non-English-language institutions in Canada must submit a credential evaluation from World Education Services (WES). We require the iCAP WES package that evaluates your transcripts course by course. Evaluations from WES will allow our reviewers to better understand the educational system in which you studied, which may be beneficial for your application review. If you are currently in a degree program, an updated, final WES evaluation will be required prior to matriculation at the Harvard Chan School. Curriculum Vitae: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health requires a resumé or curriculum vitae of all applicants outlining education (including dates attended and dates degrees were awarded or are expected to be awarded), work experience (including dates of employment, job title, and description of responsibilities for each position held), and if applicable, a bibliography of publications. Please include specialty board certifications and awards and honors you have earned, and indicate past and current affiliation with all professional, humanitarian, or volunteer organizations. Personal Statement: Statement requirement for all Master of Science (SM) and MPH (excluding JD/MPH): The statement of purpose and objectives should not exceed 600 words, although SOPHAS allows for a higher word count. In your statement, please describe the following: Academic and/or professional preparation for a career in public health Your focused interest in the degree program/department or MPH field of study to which you are applying Career plans upon completion of the program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Note any relevant strengths or weaknesses in your background or in your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline. Waiving the Right to Access Your Letters of Recommendation US federal legislation gives each student who enrolls at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health the right to access his or her academic record. Your letters of recommendation are part of your academic record. You may review them only if you matriculate and only if you did not waive your right to access each one. You may waive this right to access, if you wish, by selecting this option in the reference section. Please note that signing this waiver is not required as a condition for admission to the School.
凯尔特人语言与文学-硕士MA MA in Celtic Languages and Literatures 硕士 9月 18152美元/学年 托福:笔考600 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩单 4、GRE成绩单 5、推荐信 6、个人简历 7、个人自述
化学生物学-硕士MA MA in Chemical Biology 硕士 9月 18152美元/学年 托福:笔考600 雅思:
1、申请表 2、学历证明及成绩单 3、托福成绩单 4、GRE成绩单 5、推荐信 6、个人简历 7、个人自述
数据科学-硕士MS MS in Data Science 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:80,口语:80,写作:80 雅思:
Transcript: Applicants are required to upload transcript copies into our online application system: official hard copy/paper transcripts are not required at the time of application. However, prior to matriculation, admitted students will be required to have official, hard copy transcripts sent directly to the Office of Admissions by their prior academic institutions. Recommendation Letter: You should get letters of recommendation from the three people you think will be able to make the best case for why you are an outstanding applicant for this degree program. These should be people who know you and your capabilities very well. Former professors can certainly be valuable sources of recommendation letters, but letters from managers or colleagues from your work experience can also be helpful.
景观建筑-硕士I Master of Landscape Architecture I 硕士 3年 秋季 50120美元 托福:总分:92,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts from all colleges and universities from which you have received credit (please note that official transcripts must be scanned into the online application; official transcripts sent to the GSD are not accepted at the time of application). Curriculum Vitae: Resume and Essay. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (three) must be submitted electronically through the online application (instructions on how to do this are included in the application, as well as in the FAQs section). Portfolio: Applicants to degree programs other than the Master in Urban Planning program must submit a portfolio that includes their most important and representative visual arts, design, research, and/or professional work. A portfolio for the Master in Urban Planning degree program is optional. Master in Design Studies and Doctor of Design portfolios should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant, and as related to the proposed research area.The design portfolio for Master in Design Engineering applicants should provide three to five examples of the candidate’s work, design and/or research, which are most relevant to the MDE program. Examples may be professional or academic and may encompass designed, researched, and/or actualized work. Projects may include, but are not limited to, buildings, mechanical systems, electronic systems, organizational systems, and recommendations regarding processes. Demonstration of technical literacy and innovation is desirable. Projects should be submitted in PDF format and include a description of the project as well as supporting documentation, which may include images or a video (videos must be uploaded separately from the PDF). Applicants may include a list of additional relevant projects.
流行病学-硕士MS MS in Epidemiology 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:100,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside of the United States of America and/or non-English-language institutions in Canada must submit a credential evaluation from World Education Services (WES). We require the iCAP WES package that evaluates your transcripts course by course. Evaluations from WES will allow our reviewers to better understand the educational system in which you studied, which may be beneficial for your application review. If you are currently in a degree program, an updated, final WES evaluation will be required prior to matriculation at the Harvard Chan School. Curriculum Vitae: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health requires a resumé or curriculum vitae of all applicants outlining education (including dates attended and dates degrees were awarded or are expected to be awarded), work experience (including dates of employment, job title, and description of responsibilities for each position held), and if applicable, a bibliography of publications. Please include specialty board certifications and awards and honors you have earned, and indicate past and current affiliation with all professional, humanitarian, or volunteer organizations. Personal Statement: Statement requirement for all Master of Science (SM) and MPH (excluding JD/MPH): The statement of purpose and objectives should not exceed 600 words, although SOPHAS allows for a higher word count. In your statement, please describe the following: Academic and/or professional preparation for a career in public health Your focused interest in the degree program/department or MPH field of study to which you are applying Career plans upon completion of the program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Note any relevant strengths or weaknesses in your background or in your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline. Waiving the Right to Access Your Letters of Recommendation US federal legislation gives each student who enrolls at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health the right to access his or her academic record. Your letters of recommendation are part of your academic record. You may review them only if you matriculate and only if you did not waive your right to access each one. You may waive this right to access, if you wish, by selecting this option in the reference section. Please note that signing this waiver is not required as a condition for admission to the School.
环境卫生-硕士MS MS in Environmental Health 硕士 秋季 45540美元 托福:总分:100,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside of the United States of America and/or non-English-language institutions in Canada must submit a credential evaluation from World Education Services (WES). We require the iCAP WES package that evaluates your transcripts course by course. Evaluations from WES will allow our reviewers to better understand the educational system in which you studied, which may be beneficial for your application review. If you are currently in a degree program, an updated, final WES evaluation will be required prior to matriculation at the Harvard Chan School. Curriculum Vitae: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health requires a resumé or curriculum vitae of all applicants outlining education (including dates attended and dates degrees were awarded or are expected to be awarded), work experience (including dates of employment, job title, and description of responsibilities for each position held), and if applicable, a bibliography of publications. Please include specialty board certifications and awards and honors you have earned, and indicate past and current affiliation with all professional, humanitarian, or volunteer organizations. Personal Statement: Statement requirement for all Master of Science (SM) and MPH (excluding JD/MPH): The statement of purpose and objectives should not exceed 600 words, although SOPHAS allows for a higher word count. In your statement, please describe the following: Academic and/or professional preparation for a career in public health Your focused interest in the degree program/department or MPH field of study to which you are applying Career plans upon completion of the program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Note any relevant strengths or weaknesses in your background or in your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline. Waiving the Right to Access Your Letters of Recommendation US federal legislation gives each student who enrolls at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health the right to access his or her academic record. Your letters of recommendation are part of your academic record. You may review them only if you matriculate and only if you did not waive your right to access each one. You may waive this right to access, if you wish, by selecting this option in the reference section. Please note that signing this waiver is not required as a condition for admission to the School.
社会与行为科学-硕士MS MS in Social and Behavioral Sciences 硕士 1年 秋季 57060美元 托福:总分:100,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside of the United States of America and/or non-English-language institutions in Canada must submit a credential evaluation from World Education Services (WES). We require the iCAP WES package that evaluates your transcripts course by course. Evaluations from WES will allow our reviewers to better understand the educational system in which you studied, which may be beneficial for your application review. If you are currently in a degree program, an updated, final WES evaluation will be required prior to matriculation at the Harvard Chan School. Curriculum Vitae: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health requires a resumé or curriculum vitae of all applicants outlining education (including dates attended and dates degrees were awarded or are expected to be awarded), work experience (including dates of employment, job title, and description of responsibilities for each position held), and if applicable, a bibliography of publications. Please include specialty board certifications and awards and honors you have earned, and indicate past and current affiliation with all professional, humanitarian, or volunteer organizations. Personal Statement: Statement requirement for all Master of Science (SM) and MPH (excluding JD/MPH): The statement of purpose and objectives should not exceed 600 words, although SOPHAS allows for a higher word count. In your statement, please describe the following: Academic and/or professional preparation for a career in public health Your focused interest in the degree program/department or MPH field of study to which you are applying Career plans upon completion of the program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Note any relevant strengths or weaknesses in your background or in your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline. Waiving the Right to Access Your Letters of Recommendation US federal legislation gives each student who enrolls at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health the right to access his or her academic record. Your letters of recommendation are part of your academic record. You may review them only if you matriculate and only if you did not waive your right to access each one. You may waive this right to access, if you wish, by selecting this option in the reference section. Please note that signing this waiver is not required as a condition for admission to the School.
职业与环境卫生-硕士MPH MPH in Occupational and Environmental Health 硕士 秋季 60400美元 托福:总分:100,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside of the United States of America and/or non-English-language institutions in Canada must submit a credential evaluation from World Education Services (WES). We require the iCAP WES package that evaluates your transcripts course by course. Evaluations from WES will allow our reviewers to better understand the educational system in which you studied, which may be beneficial for your application review. If you are currently in a degree program, an updated, final WES evaluation will be required prior to matriculation at the Harvard Chan School. Curriculum Vitae: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health requires a resumé or curriculum vitae of all applicants outlining education (including dates attended and dates degrees were awarded or are expected to be awarded), work experience (including dates of employment, job title, and description of responsibilities for each position held), and if applicable, a bibliography of publications. Please include specialty board certifications and awards and honors you have earned, and indicate past and current affiliation with all professional, humanitarian, or volunteer organizations. Personal Statement: The statement of purpose and objectives should not exceed 600 words, although SOPHAS allows for a higher word count. In your statement, please describe the following: Academic and/or professional preparation for a career in public health Your focused interest in the degree program/department or MPH field of study to which you are applying Career plans upon completion of the program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Note any relevant strengths or weaknesses in your background or in your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline. Waiving the Right to Access Your Letters of Recommendation US federal legislation gives each student who enrolls at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health the right to access his or her academic record. Your letters of recommendation are part of your academic record. You may review them only if you matriculate and only if you did not waive your right to access each one. You may waive this right to access, if you wish, by selecting this option in the reference section. Please note that signing this waiver is not required as a condition for admission to the School.
设计研究-城市规划,景观,生态-硕士 Master of Design Studies - Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology 硕士 秋季 50120美元 托福:总分:92,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts from all colleges and universities from which you have received credit (please note that official transcripts must be scanned into the online application; official transcripts sent to the GSD are not accepted at the time of application). Curriculum Vitae: Resume and Essay. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (three) must be submitted electronically through the online application (instructions on how to do this are included in the application, as well as in the FAQs section). Portfolio: Applicants to degree programs other than the Master in Urban Planning program must submit a portfolio that includes their most important and representative visual arts, design, research, and/or professional work. A portfolio for the Master in Urban Planning degree program is optional. Master in Design Studies and Doctor of Design portfolios should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant, and as related to the proposed research area.The design portfolio for Master in Design Engineering applicants should provide three to five examples of the candidate’s work, design and/or research, which are most relevant to the MDE program. Examples may be professional or academic and may encompass designed, researched, and/or actualized work. Projects may include, but are not limited to, buildings, mechanical systems, electronic systems, organizational systems, and recommendations regarding processes. Demonstration of technical literacy and innovation is desirable. Projects should be submitted in PDF format and include a description of the project as well as supporting documentation, which may include images or a video (videos must be uploaded separately from the PDF). Applicants may include a list of additional relevant projects.
  • Q:从中国去美国哈佛大学留学的话需要多少学费,各类成绩达到多少分才行?
  • A:费用大概是五万多美元,条件就比较多了,有很多方面下面是一篇文章,希望对你有帮助。   出国留学美国哈佛大学需要条件:   1、哈佛大学入学要求之:学习成绩   哈佛大学招生官员除了看那些毫无表情的成绩外,他们更看重学生在班上或年级上的排名,以及所在学校是否是本省、本市的重点学校。为了提高自己的竞争力,学生最好有一些有一定难度的选修课程并获得好的成绩。   2、哈佛大学入学要求标:准化考试   需要参加SAT考试或ACT考试。哈佛大学的特别专业还要求申请者参加SATII的学科科目考试。选择考多少科目应该根据哈佛大学招生录取要求来决定。有些专业需要学生参加2科或3科的科目考试。所以说,了解大学的入学要求非常重要。   3、哈佛大学入学要求:学术成就   哈佛大学招生对中国的国家级比赛也相当重视。如果有参加自然科学竞赛,艺术体育比赛的经历,或者曾经入选过国际比赛(比如数理化奥林匹克)的国家集训队,都能给申请锦上添花,证明申请人在此领域有高人一等的能力。   此外,如果曾在学术期刊上发表过文章,那也是值得在个人陈述中重点描述的部分,借此突出申请者的科研能力和学术成就。   4、哈佛大学入学要求:课外活动   除了在课堂上的表现外,哈佛大学招生官员还希望了解如何度过自己的课余生活。对什么活动感兴趣?在活动中如何与同学相处。是否积极参加社区服务和志愿者活动。其实参加活动的多少、或者参加什么活动不重要。   单纯罗列一堆的活动,并不是哈佛大学招生官员想要的答案。关键是在参加活动时所体现出的一些品质:比如对待生活的态度和热情,对兴趣爱好的自主选择性和持久的恒心,在活动中所体现的奋斗精神和勇于挑战的魄力,以及在团队中所表现出的协作和互助精神等。课外活动可以塑造参与者的性格,即便是参加相同的活动,每个参与者所得到的启发和感悟也是各异的。录取官员真正感兴趣的是在活动中所体现出的独特之处。   5.哈佛大学入学要求:申请作文   申请作文在申请过程中的重要性显而易见。除了众所周知的个人陈述之外,可能被要求就某个特定的问题(比如最崇拜的人,生活中遇到的某个窘境和对策等)撰写一篇有字数限制的文章。这个时候不要害怕袒露自己的心声,如果什么东西对学生来说是真正重要的,谈论这样的事情,因为这正是录取人员希望了解的。但这样重要的事情应该是正面的,反映经历和收获,它们如何改变了学生,从中学到了什么?写的时候可以注意一些小的技巧:(1)选择题目的时候,要选有事可写,有感可发的题目。(2)根据题目,回答所问的问题,着重细节,简洁扼要地表述至关重要的部分——要做到准确地表达自己,同时又抓住录取人员的注意力和兴趣。(3)不要撒谎,不要说认为学校爱听的话,但可以在具体事件描述上润色, 写出真实的自己。(4)可以让一两个人来校对文章中的语法和拼写错误,但是不要过分修改,不然学生的“独特声音”就会消失,最后,看到的可能不是自己的作文了。   6.哈佛大学入学要求:推荐信   通常学校会要求提供至少两封推荐信,因为他们希望了解别人眼中的学生,特别是导师对学生的评价。推荐人可以是学生的任课老师、班主任或校长、个人辅导老师或任何了解自己的老师。他们将被要求评论学生课堂内外是一个怎样的学生,提及是否习惯课前预习,是否乐于助人,是否担任学生领导职务等等,同时对读大学的潜能作出评估。   大部分的学校除了推荐信之外,还会要求推荐人填写相应的推荐表格,表格上会罗列一系列的问题以了解推荐人对了解程度和评价。可以自由选择由谁来为自己写这份推荐信/表,但请记住一定要选那些真正了解、喜欢学生的人来写,并让推荐人了解学生的学习计划。   7.哈佛大学入学要求:大学面试   一些美国院校可能在录取的最后阶段,安排与申请人面谈,可以是招生官员与申请者的网上视频或电话交谈,也可能委托申请人所在国家的该校校友来主持这次面谈。面试可以说是一场非正式会谈,如果国际学生无法进行面谈通常情况下并不会对他们造成什么不利影响,但这是一个锤炼交流技巧,提出问题,从在校老师或毕业学生那里更好地了解学校的机会。目的是帮助学生对院校有进一步的了解,同时也让录取人员进一步了解学生。同样,记住不卑不亢表现真实的自我是至关重要的。   8.哈佛大学生入学要求:领导力   学生的潜在影响力或领导能力。可以是学生在各种国内、国际活动中获得的相应认可,也可以是学生参与的各种课外活动。这类活动的规模大小并不重要,但要在一定范围内有影响力。
  • Q:我已经工作三年了,之前我读都是计算机的专科,随后又跟着读了该专业专插本的本科。因为本科期间没有过CET4,所以导致学位证被取消。像我这种情况,现在具备申请哈佛大学MBA的资格嘛?
  • A:MBA与其他专业的申请不太相同,即使是毕业证书也可以直接申请,没有学位证书也是可以的,而且你有三年工作经验,MBA更看重这个。你当然有资格申请MBA。不过哈佛大学的要求比较高,先把各方面的成绩提高是关键,具体请咨询立思辰留学360老师
  • Q:哈佛大学是一所什么样的学校?
  • A:拉斯维加斯训练馆一生惨叫,湖人传来噩耗,表妹考辛斯在训练中被撞到膝盖后倒地,根据最新伤情报告,治疗期为6个月以上,很有可能赛季报销,上上个赛季在鹈鹕时还和浓眉一时瑜亮,场均能轰下24+13+5的第一中锋,如今连一份底薪合同也拿不消停,三年内第N次倒在伤病之下,把篮球运动员最害怕的两种伤病集于一身,心比天高、命比纸薄,不禁让人唏嘘。健康的考辛斯在内线足以大杀四方,来到联盟之后成名于国王,辗转于鹈鹕,上个赛季底薪加盟勇士,虽然只剩五成功力,在上场时间受限的情况下,也奉献了场均16+8+4的高效输出,在总决赛上得到了科尔重用,说明比起一般蓝领,考辛斯的综合能力仍然是更胜一筹的。今年考辛斯来到湖人,冲着的是詹皇这块金子招牌,希望在大哥的提携下,混一枚冠军戒指。但这块冲击总冠军的重要拼图,还没等完全贴合就被撕成碎片。考辛斯初入联盟以性格暴躁、小孩子脾气、无脑技术犯规著称,还被网友做成了表情包,但这些年伤了又好、好了又伤、打打停停,宝宝内心已经成熟了很多,改脾气改打法甘当绿叶,考辛斯做的已经不能再多,希望上帝既然给他了一副巨灵神的体格,就不要再去蹂躏他伤痕累累的双腿,摧残他柔软的小心脏。一个考辛斯倒下了,无数后来人会冲上去,詹姆斯冠军的心不会就此沉寂,湖人寻找强援的路还要继续往下走,纵观自由球员市场,能堪当大任的内线已经不多,基本上就是霍华德、法理埃德、思贝茨、诺阿这几个,从湖人整体打法上看,因为浓眉和詹姆斯都有冲击内线的能力,麦基吃饼的能力也不俗,这个人可以选一个守强攻弱的,我认为霍华德和诺阿的面大一些。只是霍华德在辅佐科比那段记忆有点不堪回首,不知他能不能放下;诺阿这两年基本上处于神游物外的状态,能不能东山再起也未可知,难道真要逼着隆指导出山,救湖人于危难之中?让我们拭目以待吧!
  • Q:哈佛大学和斯坦福大学相比,哪个比较好?
  • A:两次战斗挑翻了查理一世。建立了独裁政权。取得了英国政权。
  • Q:哈佛大学占地面积多少?
  • A:埃克塞特大学(Exeter)位于英国德文郡首府埃克塞特城,前身需要追溯到十九世界中叶的艺术学院,是英国的传统大学之一。埃克赛特大学由于优美的校园环境被泰晤士报评为“花园校园”,虽然院校综合实力在英国名列前茅,但独以泰晤士报对其评价最高,怀疑有虚高成分,但不管怎么说,英国各媒体公认的是埃克塞特大学其商学院的金融、会计、管理学等专业在英国是数一数二的。埃克塞特大学设立数十个国际全奖奖学金,多个中国留学生专项奖学金,与国内的清华大学、复旦大学、同济大学等多所名校建立了互派留学生、与华东师大签订2+2本科、1+1硕士等合作。同时与国内如中石化、中石油等在内的多家大型集团企业都有合作,值得一提的是上海相当一部分政府人员曾留学于埃克赛特大学。这么一看,埃克塞特大学还是挺亲近的,此院校与我国各行各业合作之深,包含政府、高校、各大企业。深谙中国市场环境,留学毕业于埃克赛特大学无论归国从事哪行行业,就业前景都必是明亮无疑的。