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Harvard university
Massachusetts HallCambridge, MA 02138
中等城市 旅游城市 历史名城 安全 英语 师资力量雄厚
  • 建校时间:1636 年
  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学生总数:10803
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:53:47
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:商学 法学 教育学 生物医学
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答


  哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称哈佛,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。这里走出了8位美利坚合众国总统,上百位诺贝尔获得者曾在此工作、学习,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。






  被哈佛录取的学生SAT Math部分平均成绩在710到790之间;Verbal部分平均得分在700-800之间;平均SAT总分(Combined)为2225,比全美其它各大学的录取平均SAT成绩高出了41.3%。每年约有70%的学生能够获得奖学金,且申请奖学金不会影响申请者被录取的几率。


  支持雅思成绩申请;排名第一; 私立综合性大学;提供奖学金;东北部,尽享都市便利;



  1.哈佛大学(Harvard University),美国大学教育的旗舰,常青藤联盟的代表。





  哈佛大学有12个学院, 提供46种本科专业,134种研究生专业,其中:







  John Adams - American President

  Ralph Waldo Emerson - Writer

  Al Gore - American Vice President

  John F. Kennedy - American President

  Mackenzie King - Canadian Prime Minister

  Sara Lazarus - Jazz vocalist

  Yo Yo Ma - Cellist

  Suzanne Malveaux - CNN Correspondent

  Natalie Portman - Actress

  Henry David Thoreau - Journalist, Philosopher and Writer


师生比:1:7国际学生比例:12.00本科生数:7029 男女比:53:47在校学生数:10803研究生数:14937



  1.哈佛大学(Harvard University),美国大学教育的旗舰,常青藤联盟的代表。





  哈佛大学有12个学院, 提供46种本科专业,134种研究生专业,其中:









为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7029
  • 本科录取率:6%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:14937
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
公共政策-硕士MPP Master of Public Policy 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:100,听力:25,阅读:25,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Academic transcripts that include your institution's name, course names, grades you received and proof of your degree (if received) Curriculum Vitae: Additional analytic resume/statement, which vary by program Personal Statement: Additional analytic resume/statement, which vary by program Recommendation Letter: Three strong letters of recommendation from individuals in academia or other professional sectors who know you well and can tell us about your qualifications for our programs
南亚研究-硕士MA MA in South Asian Studies 硕士 秋季 46384美元 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts uploaded to the application Personal Statement: The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should provide a vivid picture of your intellectual profile: how you formulate research topics, how you pursue them, and how you articulate any interesting findings. As you convey this information, it is important to emphasize how these experiences have influenced both your decision to undertake graduate study and your goals within a graduate program. Recommendation Letter: Before applying, confirm that three faculty members or others qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study have agreed to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf. At least one letter should be from a faculty member at the school where you earned your most recent degree, unless you have been out of school for more than five years. You must provide the e-mail addresses of three recommenders when you apply. GSAS requires your recommenders to submit their letters via an online recommendation system. By law, enrolled students have the right to view their letters of recommendation, unless they indicate otherwise at the time of application. Please note on your application whether you are waiving your right to see these letters. We regret that we are unable to accept letters submitted through a recommendation dossier service. Writing Sample: A writing sample is required.
卫生政策与管理-硕士MS MS in Health Policy and Management 硕士 2年 秋季 57060美元 托福:总分:100,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside of the United States of America and/or non-English-language institutions in Canada must submit a credential evaluation from World Education Services (WES). We require the iCAP WES package that evaluates your transcripts course by course. Evaluations from WES will allow our reviewers to better understand the educational system in which you studied, which may be beneficial for your application review. If you are currently in a degree program, an updated, final WES evaluation will be required prior to matriculation at the Harvard Chan School. Curriculum Vitae: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health requires a resumé or curriculum vitae of all applicants outlining education (including dates attended and dates degrees were awarded or are expected to be awarded), work experience (including dates of employment, job title, and description of responsibilities for each position held), and if applicable, a bibliography of publications. Please include specialty board certifications and awards and honors you have earned, and indicate past and current affiliation with all professional, humanitarian, or volunteer organizations. Personal Statement: Statement requirement for all Master of Science (SM) and MPH (excluding JD/MPH): The statement of purpose and objectives should not exceed 600 words, although SOPHAS allows for a higher word count. In your statement, please describe the following: Academic and/or professional preparation for a career in public health Your focused interest in the degree program/department or MPH field of study to which you are applying Career plans upon completion of the program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Note any relevant strengths or weaknesses in your background or in your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline. Waiving the Right to Access Your Letters of Recommendation US federal legislation gives each student who enrolls at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health the right to access his or her academic record. Your letters of recommendation are part of your academic record. You may review them only if you matriculate and only if you did not waive your right to access each one. You may waive this right to access, if you wish, by selecting this option in the reference section. Please note that signing this waiver is not required as a condition for admission to the School.
工商管理-硕士MBA MBA 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: When providing uploaded transcripts for the application, all course names must be translated into English before submission. An unofficial translation is acceptable in your initial written application. However, if admitted to Harvard Business School, you will be required to provide an official original language paper transcript sent directly from each college or university attended to World Education Services (WES), a third-party verification agency, along with an official word-for-word English translation of that transcript. The School reserves the right to withdraw any offer of admission if there is a discrepancy between the uploaded unofficial translation and the official original language transcript and/or the official translation. Curriculum Vitae: A current business resume uploaded through our online application system. This can be your standard business resume or CV. You do not need to have it in any special format. You can use whatever you would use to conduct a job search. Personal Statement: There is one question for the Class of 2019: As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? There is no word limit for this question. We think you know what guidance we're going to give here. Don't overthink, overcraft and overwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that those of us who don't know your world can understand. Joint program applicants for the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School must provide an additional essay: How do you expect the joint degree experience to benefit you on both a professional and a personal level? (400 words) Recommendation Letter: You will need to have two recommendations submitted online by the application deadlines. Use your best judgment on who you decide to ask - there is no set formula for who should be your recommenders. We know it is not always possible to have a direct supervisor write your recommendation – we would not want you to jeopardize your current position for the application process. Look at the questions we are asking recommenders to complete. Find people who know you well enough to answer them. This can be a former supervisor, a colleague, someone you collaborate on an activity outside of work. How well a person knows you should take priority over level of seniority or HBS alumni status.
法律硕士LLM LLM (Master of Laws) 硕士 秋季 63800美元 托福:总分:100,听力:25,阅读:25,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:
Transcript: Transcript(s) (including diplomas for all degrees that have been received) Curriculum Vitae: Resume or CV is required Personal Statement: Personal statement, parts (A) and (B) Recommendation Letter: Recommendations (at least two)
设计研究-房地产与建筑环境-硕士 Master of Design Studies - Real Estate and the Built Environment 硕士 秋季 50120美元 托福:总分:92,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts from all colleges and universities from which you have received credit (please note that official transcripts must be scanned into the online application; official transcripts sent to the GSD are not accepted at the time of application). Curriculum Vitae: Resume and Essay. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (three) must be submitted electronically through the online application (instructions on how to do this are included in the application, as well as in the FAQs section). Portfolio: Applicants to degree programs other than the Master in Urban Planning program must submit a portfolio that includes their most important and representative visual arts, design, research, and/or professional work. A portfolio for the Master in Urban Planning degree program is optional. Master in Design Studies and Doctor of Design portfolios should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant, and as related to the proposed research area.The design portfolio for Master in Design Engineering applicants should provide three to five examples of the candidate’s work, design and/or research, which are most relevant to the MDE program. Examples may be professional or academic and may encompass designed, researched, and/or actualized work. Projects may include, but are not limited to, buildings, mechanical systems, electronic systems, organizational systems, and recommendations regarding processes. Demonstration of technical literacy and innovation is desirable. Projects should be submitted in PDF format and include a description of the project as well as supporting documentation, which may include images or a video (videos must be uploaded separately from the PDF). Applicants may include a list of additional relevant projects.
设计研究-能源与环境-硕士 Master of Design Studies - Energy and Environments 硕士 秋季 50120美元 托福:总分:92,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts from all colleges and universities from which you have received credit (please note that official transcripts must be scanned into the online application; official transcripts sent to the GSD are not accepted at the time of application). Curriculum Vitae: Resume and Essay. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (three) must be submitted electronically through the online application (instructions on how to do this are included in the application, as well as in the FAQs section). Portfolio: Applicants to degree programs other than the Master in Urban Planning program must submit a portfolio that includes their most important and representative visual arts, design, research, and/or professional work. A portfolio for the Master in Urban Planning degree program is optional. Master in Design Studies and Doctor of Design portfolios should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant, and as related to the proposed research area.The design portfolio for Master in Design Engineering applicants should provide three to five examples of the candidate’s work, design and/or research, which are most relevant to the MDE program. Examples may be professional or academic and may encompass designed, researched, and/or actualized work. Projects may include, but are not limited to, buildings, mechanical systems, electronic systems, organizational systems, and recommendations regarding processes. Demonstration of technical literacy and innovation is desirable. Projects should be submitted in PDF format and include a description of the project as well as supporting documentation, which may include images or a video (videos must be uploaded separately from the PDF). Applicants may include a list of additional relevant projects.
设计研究-艺术与公共领域-硕士 Master of Design Studies - Art and the Public Domain 硕士 秋季 50120美元 托福:总分:92,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts from all colleges and universities from which you have received credit (please note that official transcripts must be scanned into the online application; official transcripts sent to the GSD are not accepted at the time of application). Curriculum Vitae: Resume and Essay. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (three) must be submitted electronically through the online application (instructions on how to do this are included in the application, as well as in the FAQs section). Portfolio: Applicants to degree programs other than the Master in Urban Planning program must submit a portfolio that includes their most important and representative visual arts, design, research, and/or professional work. A portfolio for the Master in Urban Planning degree program is optional. Master in Design Studies and Doctor of Design portfolios should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant, and as related to the proposed research area.The design portfolio for Master in Design Engineering applicants should provide three to five examples of the candidate’s work, design and/or research, which are most relevant to the MDE program. Examples may be professional or academic and may encompass designed, researched, and/or actualized work. Projects may include, but are not limited to, buildings, mechanical systems, electronic systems, organizational systems, and recommendations regarding processes. Demonstration of technical literacy and innovation is desirable. Projects should be submitted in PDF format and include a description of the project as well as supporting documentation, which may include images or a video (videos must be uploaded separately from the PDF). Applicants may include a list of additional relevant projects.
设计研究:减灾与弹性设计-硕士 Master of Design Studies - Risk and Resilience 硕士 2年 秋季 50120美元 托福:总分:92,听力:23,阅读:23,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:
Transcript: Transcripts from all colleges and universities from which you have received credit (please note that official transcripts must be scanned into the online application; official transcripts sent to the GSD are not accepted at the time of application). Curriculum Vitae: Resume and Essay. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (three) must be submitted electronically through the online application (instructions on how to do this are included in the application, as well as in the FAQs section). Portfolio: Applicants to degree programs other than the Master in Urban Planning program must submit a portfolio that includes their most important and representative visual arts, design, research, and/or professional work. A portfolio for the Master in Urban Planning degree program is optional. Master in Design Studies and Doctor of Design portfolios should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant, and as related to the proposed research area.The design portfolio for Master in Design Engineering applicants should provide three to five examples of the candidate’s work, design and/or research, which are most relevant to the MDE program. Examples may be professional or academic and may encompass designed, researched, and/or actualized work. Projects may include, but are not limited to, buildings, mechanical systems, electronic systems, organizational systems, and recommendations regarding processes. Demonstration of technical literacy and innovation is desirable. Projects should be submitted in PDF format and include a description of the project as well as supporting documentation, which may include images or a video (videos must be uploaded separately from the PDF). Applicants may include a list of additional relevant projects.
近东语言与文明-硕士MA MA in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations 硕士 1年 秋季 46384美元 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Please upload unofficial transcript to your online application. Personal Statement: The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should provide a vivid picture of your intellectual profile: how you formulate research topics, how you pursue them, and how you articulate any interesting findings. As you convey this information, it is important to emphasize how these experiences have influenced both your decision to undertake graduate study and your goals within a graduate program. Recommendation Letter: Before applying, confirm that three faculty members or others qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study have agreed to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf. At least one letter should be from a faculty member at the school where you earned your most recent degree, unless you have been out of school for more than five years. You must provide the e-mail addresses of three recommenders when you apply. GSAS requires your recommenders to submit their letters via an online recommendation system. By law, enrolled students have the right to view their letters of recommendation, unless they indicate otherwise at the time of application. Please note on your application whether you are waiving your right to see these letters. We regret that we are unable to accept letters submitted through a recommendation dossier service. Writing Sample: In addition to the application materials requested by GSAS, no application to the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations will be considered complete unless accompanied by a recent sample of the student's written work (e.g., term paper, senior thesis, master’s essay). There is not a specified length for this writing sample. However, one should keep in mind that the admissions committee may not have the time to examine carefully a large writing sample in its entirety. Please upload your writing sample to your online application along with your statement of purpose and unofficial transcript.
  • Q:哈佛大学在哪个国家?
  • A:要把玉米芯利用好:那么我跟大家科普一下玉米芯到底含有什么物质;[玉米芯主要有纤维素和木质素组成,含有2%~6%粗蛋白,0.5%的粗脂肪,可溶性无氮物52%.粗纤维33.1%,灰分3.2%,水分7.7%。。]玉米芯可以直接种植磨菇,关键要点是用高浓度石灰水30%-50%(一斤玉米芯用3两到5两的石灰)浸泡玉米芯七天时间,不用粉碎,然后直接放到大棚里覆土裁倍。就可以作为种植磨菇的基质了。玉米芯工业用途:可以制取木糖醇,糠醛,可以打成粉然后按比例用作橡胶增塑剂,增加轮胎的耐磨性及防滑性能。玉米芯里面有一种物质叫玉米朊的物质与脂肪酸组合可以生产可降解的食品包装材料。玉米芯深加工技术己经很成熟了,再不能2到3毛钱一斤买掉了,玉米芯全身都是宝了,玉米芯最高的利用价值,现在黑龙江大学付宏刚教授与济南圣全企业集团联合组成研究团队共同开发出了,利用玉米芯制作糠醛的下脚料里的生物纤维转化制作石墨烯的技术,已量产成功达到亿元创收产值。你在那个地方的,如果量大,比如你能收到几千吨玉米芯你可以把玉米芯供给他们的企业作原料提纯石墨烯。专家己经估算出我国的玉米芯产量大概一亿吨,它就能生产3至5亿人民币价值的石墨烯。在国外是5000元一克的石墨烯,(延伸阅读石墨烯的价值与应用:大家关注我的帐号,有一段介绍石墨烯的应用视频)综上所述大家都应该重新认识玉米芯的价值,再不能把玉米芯当柴火烧来烧掉哦!它可是农民增收的好宝贝哦!大家认为我说得对吗?记得留下你的宝贵评论!记得关注点赞啊!
  • Q:哈佛大学凭空捏造去年中国八月就流行新冠病毒,怎么看?
  • A:美国欲驱逐3000名中国研究生,这是美国欲与中国在政治、经济、科技、人文等领域全面脱钩的具体反应,是特朗普政府继续制造国际矛盾借以转移国内矛盾的惯用手段。而特朗普也将因其糟糕的做法,成为美国历史上最糟糕的总统。为什么这样说呢?我们先来看看特朗普最近在中美关系上搞的3个动作:一是,特朗普表示将召开记者会,宣布对中国的新政策,估计应该是很负面的内容,应该跟香港问题和经贸问题有关;二是,英美加澳四国发表联合声明,指责我国实施港区国安法,并提请联合国安理会召开关于香港国安法的相关会议;第三个,则是本题咱们要讨论的,关于美国计划驱逐中国3000名中国研究生。3个问题,均是最近两天美国针对中国搞出的动作,可见特朗普政府对中国有多“照顾”。好了,咱们现在重点来谈谈第三个问题。据美国《纽约时报》报道,特朗普政府计划取消“与中国人民解放军所属大学有直接关系的”3000千至5000名中国研究生和研究人员的签证。如果计划成行,“这将是美国第一个旨在禁止某一类中国学生的计划,中国是美国海外留学生中最大的群体”美国为什么要这样做?美方给出的理由是,这些学生“可能正在从事重要的研究项目”,是为了“打击间谍活动和知识产权盗窃行为”。在报道中还提到,“官员们承认,没有直接证据表明即将被驱逐的中国学生做错了事。美国官员的怀疑主要集中在他们本科就读的中国大学上。”这也就不难解释,前几天美国出台的实体清单中会涉及到的13所中国大学,为什么会包括哈工大、哈工程、国防科大、北航等具有军工背景的高校了。特朗普政府在抗疫问题上混乱无章,但在遏制中国的事情上倒是思路清晰,做法也是一环扣一环,真不愧是一个漠视生命、玩弄手段的无情政客。这3000至5000名中国学生,相对于大约36万名中国留学生来说,虽然比例很小,但无疑是美国针对中国“全面压力运动”、肆意破坏中美人文交流的第一步,以特朗普不按常理出牌的性格,以后会不会做出其它更出格的事情,咱们都要有充分的心理准备。虽然目前美国政府还没有正式宣布这一项计划,但成为事实已几无悬念。而特朗普政府也将因此至少面临来自三个方面的压力:第一,这是一件严重的外交事件。我国一定会作出反应,不排除作出对等的反制措施,比如,对美国人实施签证或教育禁令等;第二,将遭到民主党和美国相关大学的反对。因为在美国,大学历来是民主党的选票阵营,而共和党的特朗普要实施这样的计划,无疑是在断人衣食。要知道,在美国的留学生中,中国留学生最多,占了大约三分之一,“许多美国高校依靠外国学生的全额学费,特别是中国学生。”而驱逐行为,必将让中国留学生因难以安心地从事科研工作而离开或不再将美国作为留学首选地,那美国大学将失去大量的经费来源。如此一来,驱逐中国留学生,就必将成为民主党攻击共和党的利器。第三,这种针对特定国家学生的“红色恐慌”,可能会助长美国本就存在的反亚洲种族主义。最近发生的黑人弗洛伊德被美国白人警察“跪死”事件,再一次反应了在美国根深蒂固的种族主义,因此也引发了全国多地的暴乱事件。美国政府不引以为戒,反而再出驱逐中国留学生的损招,这必将为特朗普的政绩再添败笔。美国为什么要不断加速与中国的脱钩呢?究其根源,简单说来有两个原因。一是,为了转移美国国内矛盾。在新冠疫情之前,美国的就业率虽然不错,但中低层民众的收入却几十年没有明显提高。而现在因疫情之故,美国的失业率不断上升,目前已达到了20%,大有超越1918年史上最高失业率25%之势,这是让特朗普目前感到最头痛的。要知道,老特之所以赢得2016年美国大选,其最根本的就是他成功地搅动了美国国内的民粹情绪,把国内的困境归结于与其它国家的关系,尤其是中国。现在为了转移日益尖锐的国内矛盾,他“理所当然”地把中国当作了主要的甩锅对象。二是,为了遏制中国。特朗普政府认为,中国现在之所以成为世界第二大经济体,这是美国之前错误的政策造成的,他认为是美国每年从中国进口大量的商品,才扶持了中国企业不断强大。特朗普政府觉得,现在中国第二,将来要成为第一,势必威胁美国的老大地位。所以他们现在要从各方面跟中国脱钩,要减少跟中国的来往,以此达到遏制中国的目的。美国脱钩策略能成功吗?个人认为很难。要知道,经过几十年的发展,中国已经从人工低成本国家,逐渐发展成了全球产业链非常完善和强大的国家,已经培养、形成了一大批成熟的高端技术工人,同时还有一个庞大的消费市场,这是其它任何发展中国家都不具备的。可以这样说,如果脱离了中国,将对包括美国在内的国家造成产业断供的危险,而以逐利为本的企业,是不会买账的。举个例子,特朗普之前打算召回在中国的美国企业,并计划用260亿美元的资金给予补贴。但有超过70%的美国企业不仅表示不会离开中国,反而增大了投资力度。比如,美国最大的石油公司埃克森美孚,投资100亿美元落户广东;最大的电动汽车生产企业特斯拉在上海工厂投资二期生产。综上所述种种迹象表明,由于特朗普政府的对华政策,已让中美关系陷入了几十年来的冰点,美国对中国的打压、遏制也越来越公开化、明朗化。而驱逐中国留学生,只是美国欲与中国在政治、经济、科技、文化等领域全面脱钩的一个具体措施而已。可以预见的是,无论我国接下来如何应对,美国的对华政策必将呈现更加频繁、更加严厉、更具对抗的特点。对此,我们既要有充分的心理准备,更要有周全的应对策略。是忍让还是奋起?作为一名普通的中国人,也许在这场改变世界格局的战斗中不能贡献什么,但我们可以团结一心,众志成城,以“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的担当,为民族的伟大复兴,放好哨,站好岗!对此,大家有什么看法呢?欢迎留言交流。
  • Q:哈佛大学,剑桥大学和牛津大学最大的区别在哪里?
  • A:我看了很多历史上面军事和政治事件,我发现了一个很有趣的现象,就是领先于这个时代的兵种,这个兵种的统帅能够踏足于政治,对整个世界的格局展开影响。在这个里面分成两种境界,一个是古德里安,一个是拿破仑,古德里安是德国的装甲兵之父,德国人在第二次世界大战期间的闪电战期间,就是依靠着自己装甲部队的力量,逢山开山,逢水开水,一路披荆斩棘,替整个第三帝国的闪电战打起了头阵,所以古德里安的地位在德国军队内部可以说是无人可以撼动,但是古德里安本人并不醉心于政治,他更加关心的是军事,所以他没有像后面的那一位拿破仑一样,那么对政治有影响。拿破仑是醉心于炮兵的研发,拿破仑一开始就是一个炮兵,并且拿破仑将炮兵的艺术发挥到了极致,将那个时代火炮的威力发挥到了极致。但是拿破仑不同于古德里安,(今日头条漩涡鸣人yy首发于悟空问答)他比较醉心于政治,所以他能够成为法兰西的皇帝。这个克伦威尔事实上也是拿破仑一类的人,甚至于两个人可以放在一起进行比较,克伦威尔当时比较厉害的军种是什么呢?重装甲骑兵,那个时候火枪虽然已经列入到了军队的正式装备里面,但是那个时候火枪的性能不能够正面击穿中装甲骑兵前方的重装甲,所以在战场上面,骑士阶层,或者是中装甲骑兵,仍然还是战场上面举足轻重的一个兵种,谁掌握了骑兵,谁就是英格兰的军事最高统帅。克伦威尔一开始就看中了骑兵的潜能和骑兵在未来战场上面的影响力,比他第一只组建的部队就是骑兵部队,就是这样一个机遇,让克伦威尔逐步的成为了所有英格兰的骑兵部队的精神领袖,依靠着英格兰的骑兵,克伦威尔又在英格兰所有的军队内部树立的自己高大的形象,造成了英国议会想要和军方合作,就必须得去找到克伦威尔。克隆威尔又表示来者不拒,所以双方第一次合作,在推翻查理一世的时候,克伦威尔开始踏足于政治,开始影响英国的所有的政治活动,也正是在此时,克伦威尔凭借着推翻查理一世,推翻君主专制,开始在民间和政治留下了自己的影响力。在这之后,克伦威尔因为和议会闹翻,选择直接解散议会,更是开启了自己独裁整个英国的道路!
  • Q:我孙子上哈佛大学,请问怎么样?
  • A:英国本地人的思维和国内的完全不一样的,榜单都是给国内学生和家长看的。我问过很多native以及欧盟的学生。他们其实没有很严格的top20之分,因为很多学校是专业类学校。非得归纳的话的:头部的是:Oxford、Cambridge次头部是:St.andrews和Durham这几个古老的学校是英国一些贵族,资产阶级会优先读的学校。然后第一梯队是G5的几个成员:帝国理工IC,伦敦政经LSE,伦敦大学学院UCL这些次第一梯队的是:布里斯托Bristol、爱丁堡Edinburgh、国王学院King's college London,华威Warwick,巴斯Bath,曼彻斯特Manchester当然还有一些专业类的学校比如LBS,RCA这类的也是他们会考量的,但综合比较靠后,甚至不参与排名。后面就是其他学校了,其他就是一些比如伯明翰啊,格拉斯哥啊,谢菲尔德啊,利兹啊等等,类似国内211级别学校。
  • Q:哈佛大学占地面积多少?
  • A:埃克塞特大学(Exeter)位于英国德文郡首府埃克塞特城,前身需要追溯到十九世界中叶的艺术学院,是英国的传统大学之一。埃克赛特大学由于优美的校园环境被泰晤士报评为“花园校园”,虽然院校综合实力在英国名列前茅,但独以泰晤士报对其评价最高,怀疑有虚高成分,但不管怎么说,英国各媒体公认的是埃克塞特大学其商学院的金融、会计、管理学等专业在英国是数一数二的。埃克塞特大学设立数十个国际全奖奖学金,多个中国留学生专项奖学金,与国内的清华大学、复旦大学、同济大学等多所名校建立了互派留学生、与华东师大签订2+2本科、1+1硕士等合作。同时与国内如中石化、中石油等在内的多家大型集团企业都有合作,值得一提的是上海相当一部分政府人员曾留学于埃克赛特大学。这么一看,埃克塞特大学还是挺亲近的,此院校与我国各行各业合作之深,包含政府、高校、各大企业。深谙中国市场环境,留学毕业于埃克赛特大学无论归国从事哪行行业,就业前景都必是明亮无疑的。