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Leeming Senior High School

Leeming Senior High School

Leeming Senior High School
Aulberry Parade, Leeming,Western Australia 6149
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:1,050
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:34:66
  • 就业率:89.9%
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 院校问答
Leeming Senior High School院校介绍

  Leeming Senior High School was first considered in 1984 to address the large numbers at Willetton Senior High School. Leeming Senior High School commenced operation in 1985 based at Melville Senior High School.

  "Right from the start, the parents and staff wanted a high school which had high academic stands and where students wore school uniform. The first communication … stated 'it is our intention to run leeming as a well disciplined, sensibly organised school with the emphasis  .. on attainment of high stands of academic performance." (Garnett, G. 2006)

  With an abundance of bushland surrounding the new school "… kangaroos, lizards and snakes were regularly seen on the site and even after the new buildings opened, kangaroos and snakes were occasionally sighted. [The] newly arrived Polish gardener wanted to know what that thing was hopping through the car park, and a snake captured in the Library remains to this day in the Science Department (bottle!)" (Garnett, G. 2006)

  "On a bright sunny morning on Monday 5 February, 1986, Leeming Senior High School began its second year now in its brand new premises." (Garnett, G. 2006) This also coincided with the commencement of the four term year being introduced in Western Australia.

  Enrolments gradually increased and in 1989 there were 1018 students ranging from years 8 to 12. The numbers continued to rise where in 1992 1201 students were enrolled.

  The school was officially opened on 23 August, 1989 by the Minister of Education, Dr Carmen Lawrence.

  The original school crest incorporated the theodolyte, tree, arches and freeway.

  THEODOLYTE - a surveyor's tool. Its circle shape symbolises harmony and excellence.

  TREE - symbolised the 7 branches of curriculum at that time. Trees in the location are the jarrah and banksia. The logo for the Leeming land development was modified and incorporated into the original crest. Trees are also symbols of knowledge and endeavour.

  ARCHES - depict the architecture of the buildings. They symbolise support, security and protection.

  FREEWAY - Leeming was based at the start of the Freeway. It symbolises travelling to new horizons, skills and understandings. The road forms the base of the tree.

  In 2000 the school's new logo and the adoption of the motto HARMONY AND EXCELLENCE was adopted. Using the traditional school colours, the new logo was depicted by a kangaroo paw with 5 fronds; one for each year group. The star at the end represented students reaching their potential; reaching for the stars. The kangaroo paw is representative of the bushland that still surrounds the school to this day.

  In 2006, to celebrate the school's 21st birthday a gathering of ex head boys and girls planted an avenue of twenty one trees between the school and the Recreation Centre. The formation of the Leeming Senior High School Alumni also marked the occasion.


师生比:1:11国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:1,050研究生数:11,072人


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7,274人
  • 本科录取率:
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
  • Q:Leeming Senior High School怎么样?
  • A:  Leeming Senior High School是一所西澳大利亚州政府公立高中。   Leeming Senior High School成立于1985年,现有学生1150人。位于梅尔维尔市的Leeming郊区。距珀斯中央商务区南约20公里,东约12公里的距离到历史上著名的港口和弗里曼特尔市。
  • Q:Leeming Senior High School留学好吗?
  • A:  Leeming Senior High School是一所西澳大利亚州政府公立高中。   Leeming Senior High School成立于1985年,现有学生1150人。位于梅尔维尔市的Leeming郊区。距珀斯中央商务区南约20公里,东约12公里的距离到历史上著名的港口和弗里曼特尔市。   单层建筑物和运动场为学生提供一个优秀的资源和现代学习设施。Leeming Senior High School有许多体育运动中心,包括游泳池、篮球场、健身房和壁球场。   Leeming Senior High School的座右铭是:和谐和卓越。学校鼓励学生们参与各种比赛和挑战,旨在全方位扩大他们的学习。培养学生的潜在领导力是特别重要的。学校为学生提供全方位的支持,努力配合个别学生的需要。大型学生服务团队包括年协调员、SAER协调员、职业生涯顾问、学校护士、牧师和所有教师。
  • Q:Leeming Senior High School毕业率如何?
  • A:  Leeming Senior High School成立于1985年,现有学生1150人。位于梅尔维尔市的Leeming郊区。距珀斯中央商务区南约20公里,东约12公里的距离到历史上著名的港口和弗里曼特尔市。   单层建筑物和运动场为学生提供一个优秀的资源和现代学习设施。Leeming Senior High School有许多体育运动中心,包括游泳池、篮球场、健身房和壁球场。   Leeming Senior High School2012年ATAR成绩   5名学生ATAR成绩在99%以上   12名学生ATAR成绩在95%以上   ATAR平均分78.8%
  • Q:Leeming Senior High School费用多少?
  • A:  Leeming Senior High School是一所西澳大利亚州政府公立高中。   Leeming Senior High School成立于1985年,现有学生1150人。位于梅尔维尔市的Leeming郊区。距珀斯中央商务区南约20公里,东约12公里的距离到历史上著名的港口和弗里曼特尔市。   学费:AUD 14800
  • Q:Leeming Senior High School入学条件是什么?
  • A:  Leeming Senior High School的座右铭是:和谐和卓越。学校鼓励学生们参与各种比赛和挑战,旨在全方位扩大他们的学习。培养学生的潜在领导力是特别重要的。学校为学生提供全方位的支持,努力配合个别学生的需要。大型学生服务团队包括年协调员、SAER协调员、职业生涯顾问、学校护士、牧师和所有教师。   入学申请:   所有申请就读的申请人需要向西澳大利亚州教育部申请,而不是直接向学校申请。   申请需要提交的申请资料:   申请表。   过去两年的成绩表包括英文翻译和学校盖章。   初中毕业证和英文翻译。   学生的中文地址。   所有文件,均需英文翻译及盖印,推荐信和成绩表必须列于学校公函信纸上,推荐信必须列出学生的学习能力和从哪一年开始就读。   申请者年龄不能超过17岁9个月。   申请者必须还未开始读高三下学期。