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Ryerson University
Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3
公立大学 地理位置优越
  • 建校时间:1948 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:32000
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:34:66
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:新闻 传媒 教育 会计
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答

  瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University),加拿大安大略省高等院校之一,与苏州大学、中国传媒大学等有国际合作培养交流项目, 是一所著名公立大学,校名是以早年加拿大西部的教育部长Egerton Ryerson而命名。校址位于加拿大最大城市多伦多市中心,是一所典型的城市大学。该校的前身-雷尔森理工学院(Ryerson Institute of Technology)-于1948年创立,该校于2002年正式易名为瑞尔森大学。瑞尔森大学也是加拿大大学中最多本科毕业生的大学,其教学宗旨是“通过实践学习知识”,很多学生选择瑞尔森大学是因为他们不但可以随时进行实践,而且瑞尔森大学提供的课程给他们将来的就业提供了广泛的前景。








  综合排名:《麦考林》加拿大综合类大学排名(2015) 第8

  详细地址:350 Victoria Street, Toronto,Canada



  瑞尔森大学位于加拿大安大略省,加国最大城市 多伦多市中心,是一所典型的城市大学。瑞尔森成立于1948年,瑞尔森大学的宗旨是“通过实践学习知识”,这充分体现在学校的课程教学中,其新闻系的学生出版了“瑞尔森旅游评论”的杂志,是在国内获得好评的杂志。时装设计专业的学生自己设计并展示自己的服饰。很多学生选择瑞尔森因为他们可以随时进行实践。学校在 1993 年就被誉为 教育创新型学校,成为了 21 世纪各大学学习的楷模。瑞尔森大学已经发展成为了一所以本科教育为主的高等学府,是加拿大大学中最多本科毕业生的大学。据统计,瑞尔森大学有学生约32,000人,其中本科生30,700人,研究生2,000人,有来自数十个国家的留学生约1000人左右,教职员工705人。学校聘请了许多知名教授,有给加拿大广播电台编辑过稿件,有的给音乐会进行过[2] 指导,有的参与过设计世界级建筑,学校于劳伦森和麦克玛斯特大学联合提供了加拿大第一个产科方面的学位,还提供了残疾研究方面应用文科学位,信息技术管理商科学位,表演和舞蹈艺术学位。



  Egerton Ryerson在1852年于历史上著名的St. James Square成立安大略省的第一所教师培训设施--多伦多师范学校(Toronto Normal School)。该设施同时也是教育局及自然历史及美术博物馆,即现称皇家安省博物馆Royal Ontario Museum)的所在地。

  Egerton Ryerson是一位出色的教育家,政客,及循道宗教徒神职人员。他被吁为安大略省公立学校制度之父。他同时是加拿大第一个出版社的创办人,于1829年创立Methodist Book and Publishing House (于1919年改名为The Ryerson Press,即现时加拿大教科书及专业书籍出版商McGraw-Hill Ryerson的成员)。虽然McGraw-Hill Ryerson与瑞尔森大学本身无关,但这著名的出版商依然带着Egerton Ryerson的名义来营运加拿大的出版业务。

  瑞尔森理工学院(Ryerson Institute of Technology)-于1948年创立,英文名称于1966年改为“Ryerson Polytechnical Institute”,并于1971年获安大略省政府及加拿大大专院校联盟认可,成为一所可以颁授学位的大专院校。同年,该大学成为安大略省大学议会(COU)的成员之一。1992年,瑞尔森大学受加拿大工程鉴定委员会(C.E.A.B.)任命,成为多伦多第二所设有工程系的大学。为表示瑞尔森大学与加拿大太空人Roberta Bondar合作进行的研究,航天飞机哥伦比亚号带有一面印有瑞尔森校徽的旗帜 (直至该航天飞机于2003年意外坠毁)。1993年,瑞尔森大学被安省政府升格为综合性大学,同年,学校名称改成 “Ryerson Polytechnic University”,来反映及强调学校在毕业研究生程度的发展。2001年6月,学校再次易名定位最终的瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University)。



  这是由Diamond Schmitt事件所设计的位于多伦多的瑞尔森大学学影像中心工程,事务所将一个几近无窗的啤酒厂仓库改造为一个明亮的学院建筑,它照亮整个学院,定义多伦多新的文化中心。翻新和扩建的建筑外立面是双层的玻璃表皮,它下面隐藏着LED照明系统,夜晚这些照亮的玻璃板面延展三个表皮,它们可以统一点亮,也可以分开点亮,搜聚也许1670万种差别的色彩组合。白天这些顶层的不透明玻璃形成白色的流畅背景,与中心下层的透明结构构成对比。


  瑞尔森大学给学生提供良好的住宿环境,学校住宿区共有三个部分,可容纳840名学生。它们分别是The International Living and Learning Centre(ILLC)、O‘Keefe House(OKH)和Pitman Hall(PIT)。三个住宿区的风格各不相同,可以根据自己的需求进行选择。瑞尔森大学May 1st开始接受住宿申请,到June 6th结束。住宿的费用根据选择的住宿类型会有所不同,费用可分期付款。

  瑞尔森大学还为学生建立了专门的饮食网站,在这里学生们可以了解学校提供的各种饮食服务及就餐计划,还可以得到工作人员的帮助,非常便利。学校设有专职的留学生助理员,与学校的学业咨询顾问、心理咨询顾问和学习技能顾问共同为学生提供不间断的帮助和服务,可以说,留学在瑞尔森大学,您会有一种家的温暖感觉。  地理位置



  学校坐落于安大略湖畔,气候温和。春季和夏季气温在15℃-25℃之间。冬季(除1月份)白天温度在零度上下。学校位于多伦多, 皮尔逊国际机场是北美第四大机场,也是加拿大通往世界的门户。多伦多城市中心机场承载短途往返于蒙特利尔、魁北克、渥太华、伦敦与安大略之间的往返航班。拥有2条国家铁路干线:CP铁路系统和加拿大国家铁路(CN)。拥有10个公交系统。


师生比:1:31国际学生比例:4.10本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:32000研究生数:11,072人


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7,274人
  • 本科录取率:71.4%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
应用数学-硕士MSc MSc in Applied Mathematics 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:93,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: You must submit notarized English translations along with the original documents. Curriculum Vitae: Curriculum Vitae Please submit a curriculum vitae detailing your education, work experience, technical skills, awards and publications. Personal Statement: Statement of Interest You are required to submit a brief statement (about 500 words in length) that should address the following: - your reasons for graduate study in Applied Math; - the research interest(s) you may wish to pursue; - how your previous studies and experience have prepared you for the program; and - your career objectives and how this degree program relates to them. Please note: Your research interests will be examined by faculty to determine whether they are willing to serve as your supervisor. Recommendation Letter: A minimum of TWO Letters of Recommendation are required for each application. The two recommendations should be from academic referees - former professors or research supervisors familiar with applicant's abilities. One recommendation may be substituted with a professional letter from a previous employer.
心理学-硕士MA MA in Psychological Science 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7.5,口语:7.5,写作:7.5
Transcript: Transcripts: One scanned, electronic copy of an official transcript is required from every degree granting institution you have attended. Applicants from Ontario universities and colleges will have the option of ordering transcripts while completing the online application. Applicants who have not ordered transcripts while completing the online application should scan an official copy of each transcript, and be prepared to email the scanned copy of their transcripts as part of the application. Please ensure, when scanning your transcripts, that both sides of each transcript page are scanned (unless blank). If you are admitted into the program, you will be required to submit official final transcripts in a sealed envelope, sent directly from the institution. Ryerson students are not required to submit official transcripts of study undertaken at Ryerson (if they were first registered after September 1984). If your transcripts/documents are in a language other than English, you must also provide a notarized English translation; note that translations do not replace original documentation (i.e., both the English translation and the original version must be submitted). More information is available on this page. Curriculum Vitae: Curriculum Vitae (CV or Résumé): Please be prepared to upload a copy of your CV as part of your application. Suggestions about what to include in the CV are available here: Curriculum Vitae. Personal Statement: Statement of Interest: Please complete the PDF file Statement of Interest Form, and be prepared to upload this as part of your application. More information about the Statement of Interest can be found here: Statement of Interest. Recommendation Letter: References / When you complete the online application (see Submit the Online Application Form, below), you will need to indicate at least 2 referees; however, it is possible that a 3rd or 4th reference will be requested during the interview stage. The online application will ask you to enter the contact information of your two referees; please be sure to confirm the spelling of your referee's contact details (especially their email addresses). After you submit the online application, your referees will receive an email with a link to the letter of reference form. Please see our webpage about referees and letter of reference forms for more information.
技术与创新管理-硕士MBA MBA in the Management of Technology and Innovation 硕士 1年 春季 托福:总分:93,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Copies of transcripts must be provided with your online application. Upon receiving an offer of admission, applicants must submit official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. Personal Statement: Statement of Interest: Approximately 500 words outlining your reasons for graduate study, your career objectives, the research interest(s) you may wish to pursue in the MBA Global/MBA Technology & Innovation, how your previous studies and experience have prepared you for the program. Recommendation Letter: References: Contact information for two references must be provided, one reference should be from a former instructor at the post-secondary level, and the other from a current or recent employer. Online Video Interview: After the submission of your application, you will be contacted to complete an online video interview.
护理学-硕士 Master of Nursing 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:93,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Transcripts are required from each post-secondary institution attended. Applicants from Ontario Universities and Colleges will have the option of ordering their transcripts while completing the OUAC application (only one order required). If you choose this option you are exempt from submitting unofficial electronic copies of your transcripts with your package. Please note that once an Offer of Admission is received and confirmed by the Applicant, the Applicant will be required to submit official hardcopy transcripts that are properly sealed and signed (across the seal) by the issuing institution(s). If your transcripts/documents are in a language other than English, you must also electronically submit notarized English translations. Please note that once an Offer of Admission is received and confirmed by the Applicant, the Applicant will be required to 6 submit an official hardcopy translation that must be received in a sealed and signed envelope directly from an accredited translation service。 Curriculum Vitae: We are interested in your non-academic as well as your academic experience. You are required to submit two copies of your typed, professionally prepared CV. Please use the categories listed below when you are developing your CV. If a particular heading does not apply, you may omit it.  CNO Registration Number  Academic education (post-secondary degrees, diplomas, certificates)  Continuing education (including workshops, professional development)  Awards and honours  Relevant presentations/publications/research  Professional employment  Current membership in professional organizations  Committees (e.g., work related, professional)  Relevant volunteer activities Personal Statement: Statement of interest (one to two pages) A well composed, clear and concise statement of interest which includes: Your reasons for pursuing this particular graduate program How your previous studies and experience have prepared you for this program Your career objectives and how the Nutrition Communication graduate degree will advance them Recommendation Letter: A total of three Letters of Recommendation are required for each application. Because the Letter of Recommendation is part of the on-line application process, a recommendation form must be completed and submitted electronically by each referee.
新闻学-硕士 Master of Journalism 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:105,口语:105,写作:105 雅思:总分:7.5,口语:7.5,写作:7.5
Transcript: You must submit notarized English translations along with the original documents. Curriculum Vitae: Each program, with the exception of Philosophy, requires that you submit an updated resume/CV. Depending on the nature of the program you are applying to, you may include, but are not limited to, relevant work experience, education, awards (academic, professional or financial), publications, technical skills, research experience, prior production or media experience and/or memberships in professional associations. Recommendation Letter: Reference letters are a key component of your application package. Depending on the program(s) you are applying to, the referees you choose should be able to speak to your academic, research and/or professional abilities. As a part of your online application, you will be asked to submit contact information only for one to three referees, depending on the program requirements. It is your responsibility to contact the referee before filling out the online application form to confirm their availability. Your referees will be contacted electronically within two to three business days of your application submission with further instructions. Please ensure that the contact information is accurate. All reference letters must come directly from the referee. Student submitted copies will not be accepted.
生物医学物理学-硕士MSc MSc in Biomedical Physics 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:93,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: You must submit notarized English translations along with the original documents. Recommendation Letter: Two letters of reference are also required from former professors (one may be from a previous employer) familiar with the applicant's abilities.
管理学-硕士 Master of Management Sciences 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:100,口语:100,写作:100 雅思:总分:7.5,口语:7.5,写作:7.5
Transcript: You must submit notarized English translations along with the original documents. Curriculum Vitae: A Comprehensive Resume: Work experience is preferred but not required. Personal Statement: Statement of Interest: Approximately 500 word statement to include the following: a) Outline of your reasons for applying to the MScM program b) Your research interest(s) you may wish to pursue while in the program c) How your previous studies and experience have prepared you for the program d) Your career objectives e) Identification of at least two to three potential supervisors Recommendation Letter: Reference letters are a key component of your application package. Depending on the program(s) you are applying to, the referees you choose should be able to speak to your academic, research and/or professional abilities. As a part of your online application, you will be asked to submit contact information only for one to three referees, depending on the program requirements. It is your responsibility to contact the referee before filling out the online application form to confirm their availability. Your referees will be contacted electronically within two to three business days of your application submission with further instructions. Please ensure that the contact information is accurate. All reference letters must come directly from the referee. Student submitted copies will not be accepted.
航空工程-硕士MEng MEng in Aerospace Engineering 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:93,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: You must submit notarized English translations along with the original documents. Curriculum Vitae: Curriculum Vitae Please be sure to include all applicable work experience and publications. Personal Statement: Your Statement of Interest should be no more than 500-1000 words and should include the following: For PhD, MASc and MEng project-based applicants please list a maximum of THREE (3) Aerospace faculty with whom you might like to have supervise you. For MEng applicants please indicate whether you prefer a project based (faculty supervisor required) or course-based (no faculty supervisor required) program of study. Your reasons for graduate study in Aerospace Engineering. The research interest(s) you may wish to pursue in a Master's research thesis or project, or Doctoral dissertation. How your previous studies and experience have prepared you for the program. Your career objectives and how this degree program relates to them. Recommendation Letter: Letters of Recommendation (2) are required.
计算机科学-硕士MSc MSc in Computer Science 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:93,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: Transcripts (or mark sheets, where applicable) are required from every degree granting institution you have attended. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted for admissions/evaluation purposes. Personal Statement: Provide a statement of intent. Your statement should also explain your reasons for studying Computer Science, how your previous studies and experience have prepared you for the MSc program, and your career objectives. Recommendation Letter: Provide two letters of recommendation from former postsecondary instructors.
计算机网络-硕士MASc MASc in Computer Networks 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:80,口语:80,写作:80 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: You must submit notarized English translations along with the original documents. Curriculum Vitae: Each program, with the exception of Philosophy, requires that you submit an updated resume/CV. Depending on the nature of the program you are applying to, you may include, but are not limited to, relevant work experience, education, awards (academic, professional or financial), publications, technical skills, research experience, prior production or media experience and/or memberships in professional associations. Personal Statement: Each program requires that you submit a Statement of Interest/Letter of Intent. For more information, please refer to program specific requirements. Recommendation Letter: Reference letters are a key component of your application package. Depending on the program(s) you are applying to, the referees you choose should be able to speak to your academic, research and/or professional abilities. As a part of your online application, you will be asked to submit contact information only for one to three referees, depending on the program requirements. It is your responsibility to contact the referee before filling out the online application form to confirm their availability. Your referees will be contacted electronically within two to three business days of your application submission with further instructions. Please ensure that the contact information is accurate. All reference letters must come directly from the referee. Student submitted copies will not be accepted.
  • Q:你好,请问去加拿大瑞尔森大学留学好不好呢?
  • A:  瑞尔森大学简介   瑞尔森大学是加拿大安大略省高等院校之一,与中国传媒大学、苏州大学、哈尔滨工业大学等有国际合作培养交流项目 ,是一所著名公立大学。校名以早年加拿大西部的教育部长艾格顿·瑞尔森(Egerton Ryerson)命名。校址位于加国最大城市多伦多市中心,是一所典型的城市大学。
  • Q:我想咨询加拿大瑞尔森这所大学,能简单概述下这所大学吗?
  • A:  建校年代:1948年   所属国家:加拿大   所在省州:安大略省(Ontario),所在城市:多伦多(Toronto)   创立时间:1948年   课程阶段:本科,研究生,博士   学生人数:32000人   综合排名:《麦考林》加拿大综合类大学排名(2015) 第8   详细地址:350 Victoria Street, Toronto,Canada   中国教育部是否认证:获得认证
  • Q:高中毕业,雅思6.5分,请问可以申请2019年加拿大瑞尔森大学预科吗?
  • A:国内高三在读或高中毕业,大一在读生亦可;雅思6.5分(单科不低于6)
  • Q:加拿大的瑞尔森大学和卡尔顿大学哪个好?
  • A:男篮世界杯开赛在即,美国队也正在抓紧时间紧张训练之中。就在今天,他们跟小范甘迪率领的陪练队进行了两场比赛,结果令人大跌眼镜,美国队两场比赛都输了。这两场比赛,每场比赛时间为10分钟,美国队第一场输了3分,第二场更是以17-36惨败19分。对于波波维奇和美国队来讲,这可绝对不是个好消息。毕竟第一场输了3分可以理解为美国队轻视陪练队,然后放水;但是第二场在短短10分钟之内就输了19分,仅仅是用放水就可以解释得了的吗?要知道,陪练队一共11人,分别是贾斯丁-安德森、克里斯-齐奥萨、斯科蒂-霍普森、达坎-杰弗里斯、约翰-詹金森、亚特-马腾、沙松-兰德尔、本-摩尔、奥努阿库、特拉维斯-特莱斯和特拉维斯-维尔,这些人都可以说是名不见经传,主要是由发展联盟和NBA边缘球员所组成,美国队连他们都打不过,又怎么在即将到来男篮世界杯上去击败来势汹汹的塞尔维亚、澳大利亚、西班牙等强队呢?今夏梦之队的确有点不太顺利,哈登、利拉德、戴维斯、洛瑞等多位联盟巨星相继退出美国队,使得球队实力大打折扣。但是再怎么说,目前球队14人阵容名单里,好歹还有着米德尔顿和沃克这两位上赛季全明星,以及米切尔、塔图姆、福克斯等潜力新人,实力绝对在陪练队之上。这一次惨败给陪练队,真的需要波波维奇好好思考一下了,如何将这支美国队捏合成一个整体,以期能在男篮世界杯上取得好成绩了。
  • Q:瑞尔森大学相当于国内哪些大学?
  • A:你好,我是小蕾,一名专注于零基础教学的英语老师。我来给你一些我的建议,希望能帮到你。首先想跟你说的是,绝对能跟得上!这点信心还是要有的!但是前提是:你想跟上,你想逆袭!这个社会有很多不公平,中低层的人群财富可能很难追得上上层人的财富、在体育领域,没有天赋的话怎么学都不一定能超过有天赋的体育选手......但是学习这件事,只要不是涉及非常难的学科,是不存在说跟不上,追不上的情况的!只要你肯学,肯下功夫,学习应该是我们这个社会少数还存在的公平的事情了~我们应该怎么学英语呢?很多同学对于学英语很迷茫,不知道自己应该从何学起?其实我们回顾自身是如何学中文的就能得出答案:1、发音基础任何语言(除了手语),都是先有发音,再有文字的。我们小时候没有文字的概念,不会读,也不会写,但是并不妨碍我们说很多话是吧~所以!标准的发音是学好英语的关键,而且沟通交流是语言最大的魅力,如果学成哑巴英语,只会读写但不会说,那会错过多少精彩呢?希望同学们能够把发音重视起来发音的学习顺序如下:26个字母的本音26个字母的自然拼音48个国际音标发音技巧(连读,重读,弱读等等)如果想系统学习英语的小伙伴,可以评论告诉我~2、词汇量学完发音后,我们就要开始学会读,写了。学习汉字其实就相当于英语中的积累单词。小学的英语词汇量要求是500-700个单词左右,单词是必须要背的,不然题目都看不懂,考试只能是蒙3、语法小学语法并不是很难,在这里我整理了下小学英语要学的语法知识点。大家把对应的知识点掌握好即可~如果想系统学习的话,也是联系我就好了词类:名词代词冠词动词借此数词形容词副词连词感叹词时态:一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时一般过去时句式:肯定句否定句疑问句感叹句祈使句There be 结构“wh”的特殊疑问句以上已经把小学英语应该掌握的知识点都告诉你啦~同学们按照上面的内容逐项去过。相信英语不是难事哦~我是小蕾,多伦多大学英语教育专业硕士,有多年英语教学经验~希望能帮你不仅仅是学好英语,更希望能让你爱上英语~