当前位置: 首页> 国外大学> 普渡大学西拉法叶分校


Purdue University West Lafayette
Schleman Hall, 475 Stadium Mall Drive West Lafayette, IN 47907
历史悠久 交通便利
  • 建校时间:1869 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:39409
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:29:21
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:农业 生物医学 化学 土木
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答



  普渡大学(Purdue University)是一所历史悠久的研究性公立大学,有政府特批的土地、海洋和空间使用权,历来以优良的教学质量和适中的收费标准闻名世界。该校于1869年由约翰・普渡捐资、印第安纳州划拨土地建造。普渡大学有“旅游界的哈佛大学”和“美国航空航天之母”的美誉。


  普渡大学现有教员3,000人,在校学生39,228 人,其中大学部30,779 人,研究所8,147人。


  目前工学院教师中有20位美国工程院院士、2位美国技术和创新奖得主、45位美国科学基金NSF得主,其中电机及计算机工程系有4位美国工程院院士、2位美国工程院Gordon Prize得主,1位美国技术奖得主,1位IEEE主席,23位IEEE院士(fellow)。中国人对普渡大学并不陌生,它是中国“两弹元勋”邓稼先的美国母校,抗日名将孙立人也曾在普渡大学求学并获得学士学位。2001年10月,清华大学以年薪10万美元聘请美国工程院院士、普渡大学工业工程系塞尔文迪教授担任清华工业工程系第一任系主任,开外国一流学者任清华系主任的先河。普渡大学培养了美国大学中人数最多的宇航员,包括第一位登上月亮的阿姆斯特朗和最后一位离开月亮在内的22位宇航员。2009年1月将美联航受损飞机成功迫降在纽约附近冰河上,并挽救了155人生命的英雄飞行员Chesley B. Sullenberger 就是普渡大学产业心理学的硕士毕业生。普渡大学在学术界的声誉很高,在泰晤士高等教育世界大学学术声誉排名中位列世界第47。




  普渡大学(Purdue University)在美国大学排名2012为第62名。













  普渡大学为学生提供很多种meal plan,使所有学生都能找到适合自己时间安排的一种。可以选择traditional plans里的一种:7/10/12/15/20顿饭一星期,没有使用的过了那个星期就会作废。学生在8月21日以后到19岁以上还可以选择Boiler Block Plan,那样可以随时使用而且不用担心过期的问题。







  该校属于十大联盟。由于西拉法叶地区国际学生及教授众多,因此国际文化活动也相当众多。每年劳动节前后的Global Feast是夏天结束前市政府会举办的一个庆典,当地来自不同国家的国际学生及居民均会参与。






  普渡大学机场建于1930年,是美国的第一个大学飞机场。这里曾经先后有几家航空公司经营着通往芝加哥等地的几条航线,一年要迎送近万名旅客。普渡大学机场在印第安纳州其繁忙程度,仅次于波利斯国际机场。由于紧邻通往拉法叶地区的桥梁,占地约90公顷的李维区也成为西拉法叶最大的商业区。区内最主要的购物区Wabash Landing有各种店铺、餐厅、咖啡店、电影院、旅馆及溜冰场。另外一个商业区则是位于市政府周围靠近52号公路的商圈,主要的杂货、食品、药房以及连锁餐厅都可以在这里找到。


  而1961年成立,占地591公顷的普渡研究园区中有超过140个高科技公司,并约有2500个员工。主要工作为研发通讯设备以及其他世界级的研究,园区内并有许多厂房及办公室提供新设立的公司创业的协助。普渡研究园区也是全美国以大学名义成立的最大型研究园区之一,是由普渡研究基金会管理。位于普渡研究园区内的公司包括有:Arxan科技公司、C-SPAN archives、Cook生物科技 、Endocyte生物科技。





  2016 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第6名

  2016 USNEWS 美国最具创新大学排名 - 第21名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生教育专业排名 - 第38名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第53名

  2016 U.S.News美国研究生护理学专业排名 - 第58名

  2016 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第61名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物/农业工程专业排名 - 第1名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第5名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生药剂学专业排名 - 第7名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生经营管理专业排名 - 第7名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工业制造专业排名 - 第8名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第8名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第9名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第10名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生供应链及物流管理专业排名 - 第10名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第10名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生信息系统专业排名 - 第12名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生核工程专业排名 - 第12名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生土木工程专业排名 - 第14名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学工程专业排名 - 第14名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生环境/环境健康工程专业排名 - 第16名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生材料工程专业排名 - 第17名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生计算机科学专业排名 - 第20名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第21名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生统计学专业排名 - 第24名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物医学/生物工程专业排名 - 第26名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第28名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生教育专业排名 - 第38名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生高级MBA专业排名 - 第40名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第40名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生人力资源管理专业排名 - 第40名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生战略管理专业排名 - 第40名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生地球科学专业排名 - 第42名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生经济学专业排名 - 第42名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生物理学专业排名 - 第44名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生心理学专业排名 - 第46名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会政策专业排名 - 第52名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生社会学专业排名 - 第52名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生生物科学专业排名 - 第55名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生政治专业排名 - 第61名

  2015 上海交大世界大学学术排名 - 第61名

  2015 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第62名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生英文专业排名 - 第63名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生文学专业排名 - 第63名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生语言专业排名 - 第63名

  2015 U.S.News全球大学排名 - 第69名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生历史专业排名 - 第74名

  2015 泰晤士世界大学声誉排行榜 - 第78名

  2015 QS世界大学排名 - 第89名

  2015 U.S.News美国研究生美术专业排名 - 第114名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生生物/农业工程专业排名 - 第1名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生解析化学专业排名 - 第2名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生土木工程专业排名 - 第3名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生航天/航空/宇航专业排名 - 第6名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生经营管理专业排名 - 第6名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生数学专业排名 - 第8名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生计算机工程专业排名 - 第9名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生机械工程专业排名 - 第9名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第10名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生工程/制造工程专业排名 - 第10名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生供应链及物流管理专业排名 - 第11名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生电子/电气/通讯工程专业排名 - 第11名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生核工程专业排名 - 第12名

  2014 校园食物好评排行 - 第14名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生化学工程专业排名 - 第15名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生材料工程专业排名 - 第16名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生环境/环境健康工程专业排名 - 第16名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生计算机科学专业排名 - 第20名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生化学专业排名 - 第21名

  2014 U.S.News美国大学本科商科类排名 - 第22名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生生物医学/生物工程专业排名 - 第22名

  2014 U.S.News美国研究生统计学专业排名 - 第22名

  2014 美国公立大学排名 - 第23名

  2014 上海交大世界大学学术排名 - 第60名

  2014 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第68名

  2014 美国艺术学院排名 - 第145名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科工程学排名 - 第10名

  2013 U.S.News美国大学本科商科类排名 - 第22名

  2013 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第65名

  2013 泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名 - 第69名

  2012 上海交大世界大学学术排名 - 第56名


师生比:1:12国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:29497 男女比:29:21在校学生数:39409研究生数:9912


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。











为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:29497
  • 本科录取率:60%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:9912
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
公共管理-硕士MPA Master of Public Administration 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Official Transcripts Request Form (transcripts of all previous college or university work) Recommendation Letter: Three Letters of Reference
化学-硕士MS MS in Chemistry 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to: Office of Graduate Admissions Purdue University Graduate School 155 South Grant Street, YONG 170 West Lafayette, IN 47907 Detail information: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/admissions/how/apply-transcripts.html Curriculum Vitae: Resume (optional) - This is highly recommended as a concise way to present your accomplishments to your reviewers. Personal Statement: The statement of purpose should be 300-500 words concerning your purpose for undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your research interests, professional plans, and career goals. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history. Recommendation Letter: Three Recommendation letters- Ask your three recommenders to submit their recommendations electronically. Directions are in the on-line application. If possible, at least one of these letters should be from a research advisor. Diversity Essay: Diversity Essay (optional) - If you are an American student, who has been significantly involved with any racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational community that has traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, please make an effort to submit a diversity essay. Although this is optional, it is also a prerequisite for eligibility to certain graduate fellowships.
化学工程-硕士MS MS in Chemical Engineering 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:77,听力:14,阅读:19,口语:77,写作:77 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to: Office of Graduate Admissions Purdue University Graduate School 155 South Grant Street, YONG 170 West Lafayette, IN 47907 Detail information: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/admissions/how/apply-transcripts.html Curriculum Vitae: Resume (optional) Personal Statement: The statement of purpose should be 300-500 words concerning your purpose for undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your research interests, professional plans, and career goals. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history. Recommendation Letter: Three Recommendation letters Ask your three recommenders to submit their recommendations electronically. Directions are in the on-line application. Diversity Essay: Diversity Essay (optional)
工商管理-硕士MBA MBA 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:93,听力:18,阅读:22,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5
Transcript: All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded to the online application system are considered UNOFFICIAL. If requested by the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll, you must submit OFFICIAL transcripts and/or academic documents directly to the Purdue MBA and MS Programs. The Office of Graduate Admissions accepts official electronic transcripts from accredited U.S. colleges and universities sent via eSCRIP-SAFE, Docufide, Parchment Exchange or directly from the accredited U.S. college and university. The transcript must be sent to krannertmasters@purdue.edu. Purdue MBA and MS Programs does not accept electronic transcripts from international colleges or universities. The Office of Graduate Admissions also accepts official paper transcripts. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution.Transcripts must indicate “grades earned” for all courses taken. Please note that a summary of semester totals alone does not meet this requirement. Documents stamped with ‘True Copy’ will not be accepted. Official documents should be submitted to: Purdue MBA & MS Programs Admissions Office Rawls Hall, Suite 2020 100 S. Grant Street West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076 Transcripts and English translations must be mailed directly from a Registrar’s office to the Purdue MBA & MS Programs. (You can choose to send the transcripts yourself, but the transcripts must be in an envelope sealed by the Registrar). *The Purdue University Graduate School reserves the right to require official transcripts and/or academic documents at any time during the admissions process. **Transcripts will not be returned. Curriculum Vitae: Current Professional Resume Personal Statement: [Required] Statement of Purpose (500 words max): Please submit a statement introducing yourself to the Admissions Committee. Some topics you may wish to discuss include a brief academic and professional background, reason for seeking an MBA or Master’s degree at Purdue, desired career path after graduation and your thoughts on giving back as a student and as an alumnus. Recommendation Letter: We prefer that recommenders be employers who are able to render an opinion on the basis of close, current, and sustained observation. We strongly urge (but do not require) that one recommendation be from your direct supervisor. Recommendations from friends, family members, acquaintances, and other sources unable to evaluate professional or academic qualifications for MBA study are not acceptable. No more than two recommendations are needed. We require that recommenders submit the recommendations online. (No paper recommendations will be accepted) Instructions are provided within the online application. Please note that we will not receive your application until your recommendations have been submitted. Diversity Fellowship Applicant Essay: The Diversity Fellowship Applicant Essay is not required for admission consideration to our programs. You are welcome to complete the Diversity Fellowship Essay should you feel you meet the specific criteria for the Fellowship award. This Fellowship is awarded through the Purdue University Graduate School independently from the Krannert School of Management admission process.
市场营销-硕士MS MS in Marketing 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:93,听力:18,阅读:22,口语:93,写作:93 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5
Transcript: Any individual who is not a permanent resident or citizen of the United States is classified as an international applicant. In order to be considered for admission to the Krannert School of Management, international applicants must hold a bachelor degree or its equivalent from an accredited college in the U.S. or abroad. This requires 16 years of education in a University setting, which must be the equivalent of a four year U.S. Bachelor’s degree. Correspondence courses do not meet this requirement. Transcripts must indicate “grades earned” for all courses taken. Please note that a summary of semester totals alone does not meet this requirement. Documents stamped with ‘True Copy’ will not be accepted, which will potentially delay admission consideration. If you were educated outside the United States, and the native language of the country where you were educated is not English, you must upload both a certified official transcript in the original language of instruction and a certified official English translation. Personal Statement: For ease of review, please include the essay question as a 'title' above your response. [Required] Statement of Purpose (500 words max): Please submit a statement introducing yourself to the Admissions Committee. Some topics you may wish to discuss include a brief academic and professional background, reason for seeking an MBA or Master’s degree at Purdue, desired career path after graduation and your thoughts on giving back as a student and as an alumnus. Please note: The Diversity Fellowship Applicant Essay is not required for admission consideration to our programs. You are welcome to complete the Diversity Fellowship Essay should you feel you meet the specific criteria for the Fellowship award. This Fellowship is awarded through the Purdue University Graduate School independently from the Krannert School of Management admission process. Recommendation Letter: We prefer that recommenders be employers who are able to render an opinion on the basis of close, current, and sustained observation. We strongly urge (but do not require) that one recommendation be from your direct supervisor. Recommendations from friends, family members, acquaintances, and other sources unable to evaluate professional or academic qualifications for MBA study are not acceptable. No more than two recommendations are needed. We require that recommenders submit the recommendations online. (No paper recommendations will be accepted) Instructions are provided within the online application. Please note that we will not receive your application until your recommendations have been submitted. Supplementary Information: The Krannert School of Management does not require proof of financial capability until after a student has been admitted. We ask that you not include it when submitting your application. Upon an offer of admission, students will work with the Office of International Students and Scholars (ISS) to demonstrate eligibility for a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019). 2018-11-15: http://www.krannert.purdue.edu/masters/programs/ms-marketing/admissions.php
德语-硕士MA MA in German 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:77,听力:14,阅读:19,口语:77,写作:77 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Transcript(s) and academic document(s) (diploma and/or graduate certificates) for every institution of higher education you attended. If a transcript is not in English, you must upload an English translation certified by the college or university which issued it. The uploaded transcript and/or academic document must be from the official version of the document. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. All transcripts and/or academic document uploaded to the online application system are considered UNOFFICIAL. Send by mail or courier service official transcripts and/or academic documents AND certified translations to: Graduate Secretary School of Languages and Cultures 640 Oval Drive West Lafayette, IN 47907-2039 U.S.A. Curriculum Vitae: Résumé Personal Statement: Statement of Purpose Recommendation Letter: Three recommenders’ names and email addresses Writing Sample: Writing sample in English and in the language you wish to study. A term paper or a part of a thesis would make a good sample. Audio File: Upload an audio file containing speaking sample in English and in the language you wish to study to your application. PLEASE USE SPONTANEOUS SPEECH, DO NOT READ FROM A TEXT OR WRITTEN SPEECH! Speak for 2 to 3 minutes in each language on a topic of your choice (e.g. self-introduction, your purpose and motivations). UPLOADING can be done by editing the “Portfolio” section of your Slate application, directly under the “Application Checklist.” Clicking on “Edit Portfolio” takes you to the “Upload Instructions.” There is a list of what audio files will be accepted. Reading the instructions should answer any questions you might have.
日语-硕士MA MA in Japanese 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:77,听力:14,阅读:19,口语:77,写作:77 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: Transcript(s) and academic document(s) (diploma and/or graduate certificates) for every institution of higher education you attended. If a transcript is not in English, you must upload an English translation certified by the college or university which issued it. The uploaded transcript and/or academic document must be from the official version of the document. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. All transcripts and/or academic document uploaded to the online application system are considered UNOFFICIAL. Send by mail or courier service official transcripts and/or academic documents AND certified translations to: Graduate Secretary School of Languages and Cultures 640 Oval Drive West Lafayette, IN 47907-2039 U.S.A. Curriculum Vitae: Résumé Personal Statement: Statement of Purpose Recommendation Letter: Three recommenders’ names and email addresses Writing Sample: Writing sample in English and in the language you wish to study. A term paper or a part of a thesis would make a good sample. Audio File: Upload an audio file containing speaking sample in English and in the language you wish to study to your application. PLEASE USE SPONTANEOUS SPEECH, DO NOT READ FROM A TEXT OR WRITTEN SPEECH! Speak for 2 to 3 minutes in each language on a topic of your choice (e.g. self-introduction, your purpose and motivations). UPLOADING can be done by editing the “Portfolio” section of your Slate application, directly under the “Application Checklist.” Clicking on “Edit Portfolio” takes you to the “Upload Instructions.” There is a list of what audio files will be accepted. Reading the instructions should answer any questions you might have.
生物科学-硕士MS MS in Biological Sciences 硕士 2年 秋季 托福:总分:107,听力:22,阅读:22,口语:107,写作:107 雅思:总分:7.5,口语:7.5,写作:7.5
Transcript: You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to: Office of Graduate Admissions Purdue University Graduate School 155 South Grant Street, YONG 170 West Lafayette, IN 47907 Detail information: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/admissions/how/apply-transcripts.html Personal Statement: The statement of purpose should be 300-500 words concerning your purpose for undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your research interests, professional plans, and career goals. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history. Recommendation Letter: Three (3) letters of recommendation are required for degree-seeking applicants Writing Sample: Writing Sample - You may submit a research paper from a class or PDF of a publication. The faculty would like to view your writing skills.
电气工程-硕士MS MS in Electrical Engineering 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:77,听力:14,阅读:19,口语:77,写作:77 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to: Office of Graduate Admissions Purdue University Graduate School 155 South Grant Street, YONG 170 West Lafayette, IN 47907 Detail information: https://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/admissions/how/apply-transcripts.html Curriculum Vitae: Resume - may be submitted online with your application. Personal Statement: The statement of purpose should be 300-500 words concerning your purpose for undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your research interests, professional plans, and career goals. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your scholarly publications, awards, achievements, abilities, and/or professional history. Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation, online required. If your recommenders are unable to submit electronically, you must download the recommendation form and complete the top portion before giving to your recommender(s) to include with their letter.
航空航天-硕士MS MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:77,听力:14,阅读:19,口语:77,写作:77 雅思:
Transcript: Official Transcripts (international students need original language and English translations). We will review files with copies of official transcripts (no student copies) uploaded to the application system, but you will need to provide official transcripts to the Graduate School after admission. International applicants must also upload a copy of any diplomas (original language and English translations) if any previous degrees have already been granted. If you haven’t graduated and have no diploma, please send an email explanation to gradadm@purdue.edu. You can send your official transcripts to: Graduate Program School of Aeronautics and Astronautics 701 W. Stadium Avenue - Armstrong Hall Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045 Curriculum Vitae: Resume Personal Statement: Statement of Purpose Recommendation Letter: Three letters of recommendation (online)
  • Q:普渡大学西拉法叶分校农学项目怎么样?
  • A:  据普渡大学西拉法叶分校(Purdue University ,West Lafayette)常被称作“普渡大学”,也译作“普度大学”,是普渡大学系统三所分校的主校区。位于美国印第安纳州的西拉法叶,是一所著名的公立研究型大学,素以工学、农学和航天著称于世。该校也是美国五大湖地区的体育赛事联盟十大联盟(Big Ten)的一员,也是美国大学协会的会员。世界登月人阿姆斯特朗便是该校1947级的校友。在美国航天局(NASA)的任务中中,超过1/3的登月任务至少有一位普渡校友参与。   农学   基本信息   开设学位   MS、PhD   学费   $17,212   申请截止日期   4月15日   TOEFL要求   最低77   GPA要求   最低3.0   可申请学期   秋春夏季   IELTS要求   最低6.5   GRE 要求   Required   GRE Subject   Not Required   注:   (1) TOEFL单项阅读要求不低于19分,听力要求不低于14分,写作与口语要求不低于18分;除TOEFL/IELTS外,普渡还接受PTE成绩,要求58分以上。   (2)如申请者其中一项未达到最低标准要求,需尽快联系校方,切勿直接递交电子申请表。   申请说明   普渡大学农学院开设的农学项目(Agronomy)向国际学生提供的学位类型有MS和PhD学位。该项目春季和夏季学期皆录取学生,春季学期申请截止日期是9月15日,夏季学期申请截止日期是2月15日。