专业名称 |
学位类型 |
学制 |
开学时间 |
费用 |
申请要求 |
申请材料 |
工程科学-硕士MSc MSc by Research in Engineering Science |
硕士 |
7、9月 |
13200英镑/学年 |
托福:110,Listening: 22,Reading: 24,Speaking: 25,Writing: 24 雅思:7.5,小分不低于7.0 |
4、银行资金证明 |
放射生物学-硕士MSc MSc in Radiation Biology |
硕士 |
1年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:110,听力:22,阅读:24,口语:110,写作:110 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5 |
Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.(https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/applying-to-oxford/application-guide?wssl=1#content-tab--4)
Curriculum Vitae:
A CV/résumé is compulsory for all applications. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.
Personal Statement:
You should submit a personal statement explaining your scientific experience and background, your motivation for wishing to undertake the course and/or programme and to indicate your future career plans.https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/msc-radiation-biology?wssl=1
Recommendation Letter:
Three overall, academic strongly encouraged.Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.
Academic references are strongly encouraged, though you may use up to one professional reference provided that it is relevant to the course.
Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, motivation and ability to work in a group. |
教育学(儿童发展及教育)-硕士MSc MSc in Education (Child Development and Education) |
硕士 |
1年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:110,听力:22,阅读:24,口语:110,写作:110 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5 |
Transcripts – you should include scans of undergraduate as well as postgraduate transcripts with your application. You will be required to submit the original copies to the Course Administrator on acceptance to the course. If you are applying having followed the Graduate Teacher Programme, you may not receive a transcript, however, you will be required to supply evidence of successful completion of your course, e.g. a certificate/a formal letter of completion/final assessment.
Curriculum Vitae:
A CV/résumé is compulsory for all applications. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.
Personal Statement:
Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in. https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/msc-education-child-development-and-education?wssl=1
Recommendation Letter:
Three overall, all of which must usually be academic.
Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.
One of your references should be from your most recent academic tutor. If you are currently in employment, you would be expected to provide a reference from your employer alongside academic references which comment on your academic suitability for the course.
Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, motivation and ability to work in a group.
Written Work:
Academic essays or other writing samples, written in English, are required. Extracts of the requisite length from longer work are also permissible. https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/msc-education-child-development-and-education?wssl=1 |
数学-硕士 MMath in Mathematics |
硕士 |
5、7、9月 |
13200英镑/学年 |
托福:笔考600 雅思:7.0 |
4、银行资金证明 |
物理与哲学-硕士MPhysPhil MPhysPhil in Physics and Philosophy |
硕士 |
7、9月 |
13200英镑/学年 |
托福:笔考600 雅思:7.0 |
4、银行资金证明 |
现代日语研究哲学-硕士MPhil MPhil in Modern Japanese Studies |
硕士 |
21个月 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:110,听力:22,阅读:24,口语:110,写作:110 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5 |
Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.(https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/applying-to-oxford/application-guide?wssl=1#content-tab--4)
Curriculum Vitae:
A CV/résumé is compulsory for all applications. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.
Personal Statement:
Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you. https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/mphil-japanese-studies?wssl=1
Recommendation Letter:
Three overall, of which at least two must be academic。
Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.
References should generally be academic, though you may provide one professional reference if you would like.
Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, motivation, ability to work in a group and fitness for chosen course of study.
Written Work:
Academic essays or other writing samples from your most recent qualification, written in English, are required. Extracts of the requisite length from longer work are also permissible.https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/mphil-japanese-studies?wssl=1
Certificate of Japanese language proficiency:
A degree of Japanese language proficiency equivalent to the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Proficiency Level N4 is required. Please upload your score report to your application as a transcript.
This will be assessed for evidence of your Japanese language proficiency. |
生物多样性保护与管理-硕士MSc MSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management |
硕士 |
1年 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:110,听力:22,阅读:24,口语:110,写作:110 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5 |
If you share an official transcript with us via a secure electronic system, please register the email address graduate.admissions@admin.ox.ac.uk and select the maximum allowable time period for the document to be made available to us.
Curriculum Vitae:
A CV/résumé is compulsory for all applications. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.
Personal Statement:
Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in.https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/msc-biodiversity-conservation-and-management?wssl=1
Recommendation Letter:
Three overall, of which at least two must be academic.
Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.
Your references will support your academic achievements, interests, and personal motivation. In order to assist assessors in their consideration of applications references should be from experienced scholars and teachers of graduate students. In view of this, it is recommended that at least two of the three references are from academics.
Written Work:
The written work must be in English and can be either an essay you have written, a chapter(s) of a thesis, a published scholarly paper or even academic work written specifically to support your application.
This work should demonstrate your ability to write a good academic document though it does not need to be related to the proposed area of study.
An extract of the requisite length from longer work is permissible. The word count does not need to include any bibliography or brief footnotes.
This will be assessed for evidence of good basic knowledge, understanding of problems, powers of analysis, ability to construct a coherent train of thought, and to shape an argument, and powers of expression. The quality of English expression and of presentation may also be part of the assessment. Students with disclosed disabilities will receive appropriate consideration according to their particular needs. |
计算机科学-硕士 MCompSci in Computer Science |
硕士 |
7、9月 |
13200英镑/学年 |
托福:笔考600 雅思:7.0 |
4、银行资金证明 |
计算机科学与哲学-硕士MPhil MCompPhil in Computer Science and Philosophy |
硕士 |
7、9月 |
13200英镑/学年 |
托福:笔考600 雅思:7.0 |
4、银行资金证明 |
音乐(表演)-硕士MPhil MPhil in Music (Performance) |
硕士 |
21个月 |
秋季 |
托福:总分:110,听力:22,阅读:24,口语:110,写作:110 雅思:总分:7.5,听力:7,阅读:7,口语:7.5,写作:7.5 |
Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.(https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/applying-to-oxford/application-guide?wssl=1#content-tab--4)
Curriculum Vitae:
A CV/résumé is compulsory for all applications. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.
Personal Statement:
Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in.This will be assessed for the evidence it supplies of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study; the ability to present a reasoned case in English; feasibility and coherence of proposed performance project to be pursued during the course.
Recommendation Letter:
Three overall, generally academic.
Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.
References should generally be academic, though you may use one professional reference.
Your references will support performance ability, academic achievement, motivation, and research promise.
Written Work:
Two essays, up to 5000 words in total.Academic essays or other writing samples from your most recent qualification, written in English, are required. Extracts of the requisite length from longer work are also permissible.https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/mphil-music-performance?wssl=1
You should submit a recorded recital showing contrasting styles of performance.
You can submit mp3/mp4 recordings to Graduate Admissions via the online query form as it is not currently possible to send these file types via the application form.
Performances will be assessed for their interpretative maturity, persuasive powers of communication and technical proficiency. |