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The National University of Singapore
21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077
学校设施完善 世界级名牌大学 教育质量高 研究水平高
  • 建校时间:1905 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:37426
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:34:66
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:医学 法律 工程 商科
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答


  新加坡国立大学(The National University of Singapore),新加坡国立大学始创于1905年。是历史悠久的世界级名牌大学。1980年,新加坡大学和南洋大学合并,校名定为新加坡国立大学。目前拥有9所专业学院,7个研究生院,多个研究所和科研中心。共设学系50个,在校本科学生约22000人,研究生7900多人,教研人员3000人。新加坡国立大学目前拥有13个学科,可供至少22000名本科和8000名研究生学习。新国大目前有13家国家级别、12家大学级别和超过60家院系级别的研究学院和研发中心。英国《泰晤士报》的《高等教育增刊》将国大评为世界五十强大学中的第30名,在亚洲地区,排名列入前五。新加坡国立大学校园位于肯特岗下段,位于新加坡西南部,离市中心12公里,距东郊樟宜机场(Changi Airport)30分钟车程。校园北界是亚逸拉惹高速公路(Ayer Rajah Expressway),南界为巴西班让路(Pasir Panjang Rd),西临金文泰路(Clementi Rd),东濒南波那维斯达路(South Buona Vista Rd)。校区占地150公顷,前身是殖民地时代英军驻新加坡巴西班让(Pasir Panjang)空军基地。校区被肯特岗大致分为前后两部分,前部为学区,行政楼,和康乐设施;后部主要是研究所和学生公寓。校区毗邻新加坡科学园(Singapore Science Park)和国立大学医院(National University Hospital),科研条件十分便利。校区南临巴西班让集装箱港口,可以俯瞰港区风光。新加坡国立大学学科门类齐全,设有人文和社会科学、理学、工学、商学、法学、建筑学、计算机学、杨潞龄医学院和杨秀桃音乐学院。另有李光耀公共政策学院,东亚研究所等研究机构。国大拥有超过2400人的高素质教学与科研队伍,其中包括88名教授和525个副教授。超过一半的师资人员拥有博士学位。新加坡国立大学的教学语言是英文,并采用英美式的通才教育。


  新加坡国立大学是新加坡历史最悠久且最赋声望的大学,也是亚洲首屈一指的高等学府。国大的前身可以追溯到1905年设立的英皇爱德华七世医学院和1927年设立的莱佛士学院。大学拥有11个提供本科和研究生学位课程的学院、1700名博士、博士后专家与学者和500名研究人员。这些教职人员均毕业于世界著名的高等学府(主要是欧美名校),保障了教学内容的国际化和教学品质的卓越性。强大的教师队伍使大学在国际上得到了普遍的认同和赞誉。近年来,它在国际高等学府的排名中不断飙升,已成为亚太地区倍受瞩目的顶尖大学。国大目前设有9个学院,共50多个系科,培养全面发展并具有渊博学识的本科毕业生。国大也设有7个研究生院,提供高水准的研究生课程。除此以外,国大也设有多个国家级和校级研究院和研究中心,从事研究开发工作。9个学院 和7个研究生院 是:文学与社会科学院,测绘、建筑及地产学院,商业行政学院,法学院,理学院,工程学院,医学院,牙医学院,电脑学院,文学与社会科学研究院,商科研究院,理科研究院,工程研究院,建筑环境研究院,医学研究院,牙医研究院,师资和学生。国大校园内有四通八达互联网,主干速度可达每秒24GB。35,000个有线网络插口和400个无线网络发射器,让师生能够在学校的任何时间,任何地点,获得第一手即时资讯。国大的中央图书馆,中文图书馆,医学图书馆,科学图书馆,许云春法律图书馆,和韩瑞生纪念图书馆。新加坡国立大学在亚洲大学排名前五,师资力量雄厚,学生就业非常好。












  1、华侨银行国际本科生奖学金(The OCBC International Undergraduate Scholarship)


  2、香港学生本科生奖学金(Undergraduate Scholarship for Hong Kong Students)

  成绩优秀且为香港居民或具有香港永久居住证的学生可以获得此项奖学金,学生必须获得香港“A Level”学术成绩,奖学金包含学费及其他各种必缴费用、一次性迁居安置津贴200美元、住宿津贴(校外住宿双人间的最低费用)、每年生活补贴6000新元、学期初从香港到新加坡的单程机票、课程结束后从新加坡到香港的双程机票。奖学金只提供到完成本科课程的最短时期。





  途径2、到新加坡去参加A-Level考试,只要学生年满17周岁就可以参加这个考试,对学历和高考成绩没有要求,以 A-Level考试成绩来申请国立大学。两种方式你可以选择一种适合你的方式。




















师生比:1:11国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:37426研究生数:11,072人


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7,274人
  • 本科录取率:43.6%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
临床心理学-硕士 Master of Psychology (Clinical) 硕士 35,480新币 托福:85(写作不低于22) 雅思:6.0
亚洲法律研究-硕士LLM LLM(Asian Legal Studies) 硕士 1年 35,050新币 托福:100 雅思:7.0
企业及金融服务法-硕士LLM LLM(Corporate & Financial Services Law) 硕士 1年 35,050新币 托福:100 雅思:7.0
信息系统-硕士 Master in Information Systems 硕士 春季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: The application cannot be considered without an official transcript of academic records submitted by your University. This transcript must bear the stamp of your University and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorised person. DO NOT RETURN THE TRANSCRIPT TO THE APPLICANT. Please send the official transcript together with this form directly to the address given by the applicant above in an official sealed envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the University and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative (with the designation indicated on the envelope). Personal Statement: Personal statement (mandatory).To be Submitted/Uploaded via Online System and Hardcopies to be Sent Recommendation Letter: All applicants are required to submit at least one recommendation/referee letter along with your application. Note: Referees’ recommendations are to be submitted via the online admission system. Applicants are to include the referees’ email addresses in their online application, so that, the system will send an email to your referees automatically, hence, it is not necessary to submit hardcopies of the recommendation letters. To be Submitted/Uploaded via Online System Hardcopies to be Sent [If the referee has already provided an earlier letter, the applicant may submit the hardcopy letter which has been duly signed by the referee & placed in a sealed envelope whereby the openings bear their signatures]. To be sent by external agencies/parties Other document(s): A recent coloured passport-sized photograph must be pasted on the completed hardcopy application form. A copy of bank statement and recent payslip or original sponsor's letter.: A copy of bank statement and recent payslip or original sponsor's letter. Note: The sponsor will have to produce a copy of his/her bank statement. Bank statements should show that candidate will have sufficient financial support on the tuition fees for at least one academic year. As a guide, international students would require an estimated S$18,000 per year for living expenses.
化学(课程方向)-硕士MSc MSc in Chemistry by Coursework 硕士 1年 秋季 托福:总分:90,口语:90,写作:90 雅思:总分:6,口语:6,写作:6
Transcript: The application cannot be considered without an official transcript of academic records submitted by your University. This transcript must bear the stamp of your University and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorised person. DO NOT RETURN THE TRANSCRIPT TO THE APPLICANT. Please send the official transcript together with this form directly to the address given by the applicant above in an official sealed envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the University and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative (with the designation indicated on the envelope). Recommendation Letter: Referee Reports Recommendations from two (2) academic referees are to be submitted via the online admission system. You should check with your referees and obtain their institutional email address. Email addresses from domains other than the ".edu" may be subject to additional screening and filtering. Once your online application is submitted, an automated email will be sent to your referees. Alternatively recommendations from your referees can be submitted via hard copy. You should request your referees to return the recommendation form in a SEALED envelope, with its flap bearing their signatures across it. Other document(s) for international students: 1、For international applicants, please submit a copy of your passport page showing nationality. 2、Documentary Proof of Financial Support International applicants must submit documentary evidence of their ability to support their study (e.g. a bank statement) indicating the availability of funding of at least S$40,000 or its equivalent. Applicants who are sponsored by an individual or organization will need to submit a letter from the sponsor with details/ documentary proof of the sponsorship. Those who are working in Singapore and applying for admission to our part-time programme may submit a copy of their recent pay slip.
城市设计-硕士MA MA in Urban Design 硕士 2年 秋季 35,050新币 托福:总分:85,口语:85,写作:85 雅思:总分:7,口语:7,写作:7
Transcript: For Non-NUS graduates: Please complete this form and send it to the Registrar (or relevant person-in-charge) of the University from which you are requesting your transcript. Recommendation Letter: 2 referee reports (to be submitted via the Graduate Admission System 2)
心理学-硕士MSociSci MSocSci in Psychology 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:85,口语:85,写作:85 雅思:总分:6,口语:6,写作:6
Transcript: The application cannot be considered without an official transcript of academic records submitted by your University. This transcript must bear the stamp of your University and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorised person. DO NOT RETURN THE TRANSCRIPT TO THE APPLICANT. Please send the official transcript together with this form directly to the address given by the applicant above in an official sealed envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the University and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative (with the designation indicated on the envelope). Recommendation Letter: Recommendation from two referees. If you are applying online, your recommendations from the two academic referees are to be submitted via the online admission system. You should check with your referees and obtain their institutional e-mail address. E-mail addresses from domains other than ".edu" may be subject to additional screening and filtering. After your online application is submitted, an automated e-mail will be sent to your referees inviting them to complete their recommendations online. Your referee reports will be sent to us directly via the online application system so there is no need for you to send separate recommendations to us. Only if your referees are unable to access the online system should you ask them to complete the paper-based report. The referees' report must be forwarded to you in sealed envelopes with the flap of each envelope bearing the signature of the respective referees. These envelopes must be forwarded, unopened, to the respective department with the other application materials. Download the Referee Report Form HERE Writing sample: Candidates applying for admission to the Master of Arts (English Language and Linguistics) and/or Master of Arts (Literary Studies) programme(s) must submit a sample of your own writing between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length.
环境工程-硕士MS MS in Environmental Engineering 硕士 12-24个月 秋季 36,550新币 托福:85 雅思:6.0
Transcript: Arrange for the official transcript to be sent to us Besides uploading a copy of the transcript, applicants must also submit an official transcript of academic records from each university attended. You are responsible for requesting your transcript from the university concerned. You may download the Transcript Request form for this purpose. Graduates from NUS can submit certified copies of the official transcripts of their academic records with their applications. For graduates not from this university, the official transcript must be enclosed in a SEALED envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of your University and the signature of the Registrar or his representative. Your application will be incomplete and will not processed if the official transcript is not received by the Department that you are applying to before the application closing date. Recommendation Letter: Referee reports / recommendation letters* (optional) Other document(s) for international students: 1、Passport page bearing the passport number and other particulars (for non-Singaporeans) 2、Financial statement indicating a balance of at least S$25,000 or its equivalent* (for International applicants applying for full-time courses) Polytechnic results and certificate or its equivalent (if applicable) : if applicable
统计学(课程方向)-硕士MSc MSc in Statistics by Coursework 硕士 秋季 托福: 雅思:
Transcript: Transcript An official transcript of academic records is required from each university you have attended. you are responsible for requesting the transcript(s) from the relevant University. Please use the prescribed form for such request. Transcripts must be enclosed in an official SEALED envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar or representative. Graduates from NUS may submit copies of their result slips or transcripts. Recommendation Letter: Referee Reports Recommendations from two (2) academic referees are to be submitted via the online admission system. You should check with your referees and obtain their institutional email address. Email addresses from domains other than the ".edu" may be subject to additional screening and filtering. Once your online application is submitted, an automated email will be sent to your referees. Alternatively recommendations from your referees can be submitted via hard copy. You should request your referees to return the recommendation form in a SEALED envelope, with its flap bearing their signatures across it. Other document(s) for international students: 1、For international applicants, please submit a copy of your passport page showing nationality. 2、Documentary Proof of Financial Support International applicants must submit documentary evidence of their ability to support their study (e.g. a bank statement) indicating the availability of funding of at least S$40,000 or its equivalent. Applicants who are sponsored by an individual or organization will need to submit a letter from the sponsor with details/ documentary proof of the sponsorship. Those who are working in Singapore and applying for admission to our part-time programme may submit a copy of their recent pay slip.
综合可持续设计-硕士MS Master of Science (Integrated Sustainable Design) 硕士 36,550新币 托福:85 雅思:6.0
  • Q:孩子在新加坡国立大学读数据科学与分析专业,将来回国前景怎么样?
  • A:一切尽在掌握。美国的法制那可不是摆设。
  • Q:学生要怎样努力才能考上新加坡国立大学?
  • A:很棒!连签证时,签证官一看你要去的学校十分高兴的说,去吧!非常棒!
  • Q:在新加坡国立大学就读是怎样一番体验?
  • A:继黑人男子弗洛伊德在遭到白人警察粗暴跪压致死后,全美33个城市已爆发街头抗议了,民众们示威、抢劫、打砸、纵火等暴力行为也接连上演,抗议弗洛伊德遭到不公正对待。甚至在美国的白宫外也出现了游行示威的人群,川普不得不下令关闭白宫。真搞不懂特朗普的脑回路是怎样的,自己家里乱成了一锅粥,肆虐的新冠疫情增速狂奔不止,医院人满为患,死亡人数每天上升不止,打砸抢烧的骚乱事件遍布全国,爆炸事件也是此起彼伏,眼看要亡国的节奏,不赶紧想办法解决,还忙着干涉别国内政,叫嚣着要对内地及香港特区官员进行“制裁”。对于美国这种不顾死活,死作的行为,只有少数一些国家和国际组织作了表态评论,进行强烈谴责,反对针对美国黑人公民持续歧视做法,批评美国无视人权组织建议,敦促美国尊重人权。而一向以“人权卫士”自居的西方国家,却集体沉默,显得非常寂静。尤其是英国、法国、澳大利亚这几个国家,若是此事发生在别国,他们肯定早就指手画脚,说三道四,指责别国侵犯公民人权,又喊叫又跳跃的叫嚣个不停了,而面对美国出现的骚乱事件,却是悄无声息,不发一言,究其原因有以下三点:一、与美国为同宗,不必发声美国与欧洲国家在历史上有着千丝万缕的渊源以及联系,由于历史移民原因美国白人和欧洲人本质上是一个祖宗,而白人歧视其他种族在欧洲各个国家都是存在的。他们平时都以人权卫士自居,从此次的疫情事件中就可看出,其实他们都只是道貌黯然的伪君子,只为自己谋取利益,根本不顾民众的死活。对于这种事件,在本国已以司空见惯,习以为常了,所以就装聋作哑,没有发声的必要。二、以美国为靠山,不敢发声美国作为世界唯一的超级大国,在经济、军事、科技领域都遥遥领先,西方国家无论是从政制度、军事、经济都需要以美国为靠山,正是美国强大的军事能力让他们有恃无恐,跟着老大到处为非作歹,无恶为作,顺便沾光喝汤,所以就是美国再有不是,他们也不敢发声,提出异议。三、幸灾乐祸,不愿发声西方各国作为美国的同盟,与美国一样在本质上是一致的,拥有相同的价值观,都是自私自利的,这些国家和美国也是貌合神离,有好处时一哄而上,有难时都是考虑各自利益,也不去卷入美国这场内斗纷争,甚至受美国盘剥的国家可能还偷着乐,虽不落井下石,但也巴不得美国内乱出点事才好,一种幸灾乐祸有感觉,也不愿意发声。大家怎么看,请在下面评论区发表意见。
  • Q:本人985目前绩点3.5/4.0打算2022年申请新加坡国立大学,请问难度大吗?
  • A:我为了陪自己4岁儿子启蒙英语,整整一年陪他一起看了朵拉、卡由、PJ、大红狗、小猪佩奇,以及数十部迪斯尼动画….感觉自己现在随便英文动画都能听懂百分90。目前可以裸听摩登家庭、绝望主妇等美剧了……听力一定要补起来..由易到难…就从小孩子启蒙用的英文动画开始着手,先看2~3遍弄懂每句话意思,然后反复精听…坚持一年基本可以听力自由..口语也会跟着提高…
  • Q:新加坡国立大学有哪些专业?可以说明一下吗?
  • A:英国的祖先做了几个世纪的強盗,但在表面上还是伪装斯文,并以绅士自诩。在杀人的时候,蓝眼珠暴出兴奋。十九世纪前,曾是美国的干爹,现在实力大降了,沦为美国的义子。但现在的英吉利还是把自己绑在美国的战车上,对美国有情绪了,顶多发点牢骚,断不敢批评美国。二战后,法国是北约国家的另类。脑后虽有反骨,也敢于批评美国,但总体上还是在维护北约。并且,法国对美国在北约的领导权虽然一直耿耿于怀。如美国倒下,法国不会悲伤,但可能強挤几滴眼泪去安慰一下。当下,法国还不可能与美国叫板。更不可能落井下石。澳大利亚的脊梁骨只有靠向美国时才能挺起来,在依附美国的同时,澳大利亚还在利用各种机会向美国献殷勤,甘心充当美国的马前卒。另外,软骨病的澳大利亚总想宣示自己的存在,想混入大国俱乐部。法国还算是有点个人主见,英澳两国在美国面前尽显奴才本相。为了维护美国,根本就不会去顾及什么真理和正义,只会想着美国人大餐后能不能去分一杯羹。现在看,美国的暴乱还是小规模的,可控的,不会撬动美利坚的根基。而能够遣责美国种族主义行为的,也只有很少一部分坚持正义的国家。大部分国家会饶有兴致地看戏。