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University College London
The International Office University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
历史悠久 研究型大学
  • 建校时间:1826 年
  • 学校类型:公立
  • 学生总数:19300
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:48:52
  • 就业率:89.9%
  • 优势专业:经济 金融 会计 工程
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 专业设置 院校排名 院校问答

  伦敦大学学院 (University College London),简称UCL,建校于1826年,位于英国伦敦,是一所誉满全球的世界顶尖名校。它是伦敦大学联盟(University of London,简称UOL)的创校学院,与剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院并称“G5超级精英大学”。“G5超级精英大学”代表了英国最顶尖的科研实力、师生质量以及经济实力。

  时至今日,曾就读、曾任职或现任职于UCL的校友中,共有32位诺贝尔奖获得者和3位菲尔兹奖获得者,此外还不乏政治、科学、文化以及娱乐等多个领域的名人。其中包括“光纤之父” 高锟,前中国科学院院长卢嘉锡,泰戈尔, 圣雄甘地以及日本前首相伊藤博文和小泉纯一郎等。






  伦敦大学学院是英国顶尖研究型大学联盟---罗素大学集团的一员。罗素大学集团” (The Russel Group)成立于1994年,由二十四所英国研究型大学组成,包含了牛津大学、剑桥大学与伦敦大学学院等,被称为英国的常春藤联盟,代表着英国最优秀的大学。


  2009年-2010年度伦敦大学学院的年净收入约 12.6亿美元。

  伦敦大学学院(UCL)的主校区邻近大英博物馆和大英图书馆,坐落于伦敦市中心,也因此使其成为了世界最昂贵的大学。UCL在卡塔尔--多哈的校区主要从事考古学及博物馆文物保存研究。UCL在澳大利亚--阿德莱德的校区主要从事能源与环境科学的研究。UCL有欧洲最大的医学研究中心,及生命科学研究所。2009年起, UCL与耶鲁大学在医学方向展开深度合作,建立UCL耶鲁联合医学系。


  伦敦大学学院是“G5超级精英”大学之一。牛津大学位于牛津。剑桥大学位于剑桥。其余三所大学均位于英国首都伦敦。伦敦帝国学院曾是伦敦大学的加盟学院,但它在2007年离开伦敦大学联盟而独立。伦敦大学学院UCL 和伦敦政治经济学院LSE 仍然留在伦敦大学联盟(UOL)内。




  伦敦大学学院( University College London,UCL)创建于1826年,是伦敦历史最悠久最大的学院,近二万人的学生规模可谓是伦敦大学学院的总和,与很多伦敦的大学一样,伦敦大学学院是一个开放式的大学,由众多分散的建筑组成。尽管伦敦大学学院的建筑遍布伦敦,但学校主要部分在伦敦中心的布鲁姆斯伯里高尔街。高尔街的校区包括伦敦大学学院主要的科学及图书馆、语言系、历史系、布鲁姆斯伯里剧院、生物与物理系、皮特里埃及考古博物馆。


  伦敦大学学院有教学及研究人员共4000多名,教授648多位。其中46名为英国皇家学会院士(Fellows of Royal Society),10名为英国皇家工程院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering),55名不列颠人文与社会科学学院院士(Fellows of British Academy),99名英国医学科学院院士(Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences)。

  在UCL的学者及研究人员中,有32位诺贝尔奖得主与3位菲尔兹奖得主,其中有15名是诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主。距今最近的奖项之一,是2014年UCL的John O‘Keefe教授获得诺贝尔医学奖。








  因此,UCL也被作高尔街上的无神论学院。不过学校里并没有对学生和教员宗教自由的限制,并且有一个安静的房间为所有不同信仰人士开放以便他用。UCL坚持世俗观念的初衷就是为了能使不同教派的学生们(例如天主教徒与新教徒)和睦相处,共同进步。 这项传统保留至今,使得UCL反映了民族和宗教上双重的多样和多重性。



  UCL位于Bloomsbury District,在London的一区,交通非常方便。距UCL最近的地铁站是Euston Square。其他相近的地铁站有Warren Street,Russell Square 和Goodge Street,Euston火车站也在UCL附近。

  1. 乘London Underground (Piccadilly Line)到Russell Square or King’s Cross/St. Pancras。旅程大约为55分钟,车票是4英镑。另外,办理Oyster Card地铁票还可以打折。

  2. 也可以坐Heathrow Express(机场快线)到Paddington station(帕丁顿站)。旅程只需15分钟! 车票单程是14.5英磅。 然后从 Paddington坐地铁(Hammersmith/City, Metropolitan or Circle Lines) 到EustonSquare,这段路程大约为10分钟,车票是4英镑。

  (备注:所有的London的学生都可以办理National Rail Student Oyster photocard(全国学生铁路优惠卡),购买地铁票、公车票时可以优惠30%。 如果乘坐taxi(的士)价格为60英镑左右。)


  【地铁[subway]】:离UCL最近的地铁站是Euston Square (Hammersmith and City, Metropolitan and Circle lines)、 Warren Street (Northern and Victoria lines)、Euston (Northern and Victoria lines) 和 Russell Square (Piccadilly line)。

  【公交车[bus]】:从UCL出门,Gower Street就有公车(从北到南)。 走路不到5分钟, 到Warren Street station,就有从南到北的公交车。

  包括的公车有10路、 14路、 24路、29路、 54路、 217路、 390路。

  【火车[train]】:UCL离大火车站Euston、King’s Cross 和St Pancras都非常近! 乘火车可以到英国的各个角落,提前订票,车票可以优惠,尽情的享受旅行的乐趣吧!

  【欧洲之星】:Eurostar 就在 St Pancras station 乘坐, 你可以享受200英里每小时的速度跨越英吉利海峡。 2小时15分钟到达法国巴黎,1小时50分钟到达比利时布鲁塞尔!


师生比:1:10.2国际学生比例:15.10本科生数:16491 男女比:48:52在校学生数:19300研究生数:14060


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:16491
  • 本科录取率:27%
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
网络科学与大数据分析 Network Science and Analysis of Large Data 本科 23020.00澳币/年 托福: 雅思:总分7
高级材料科学 Advanced Materials Science 本科 25140.00英镑/年 托福:不建议 雅思:总分7
  • 研究生学生数:14060
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
专业名称 学位类型 学制 开学时间 费用 申请要求 申请材料
产前遗传学与胎儿医学-硕士MSc MSc in Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:92,听力:20,阅读:24,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: The academic transcript is a mandatory document for all applications. Do not submit additional documents unless they are specifically requested. Admissions selectors will not use them when assessing your application unless they are required. An academic transcript is a list of the programmes you have been enrolled on and the grades that you have received during your programme of study. Some institutions may also list the credits for each module. You must provide an official transcript from the Academic Registry or Student Records office at your institution. The transcript must be: on institutional-headed paper; be stamped and signed by the issuing office. If your documents are not in English, you must also upload a full translation of each document, prepared by your university or a registered translator. You must not translate the documents yourself. Personal Statement: There is a section in the application form for you to enter a personal statement (3,000 word character limit) or attach a statement as a separate document. The personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme you are applying to. You should consider the following questions when writing your personal statement: why do you want to undertake the programme or research? what are your academic interests? why do you wish to study at UCL? what educational experience do you have? do you have any relevant work experience? have you completed any extracurricular and voluntary activities relevant to the programme? what are your career aspirations? Some programmes request that you supply programme-specific information in your personal statement. To check if this is relevant to your programme please consult the relevant programme in the Graduate Prospectus. Your personal statement should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. Recommendation Letter: Your application must be supported by two academic references. These must be provided online with your online application. At least one of your references must be: academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level. If you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference. You will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. When you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. Please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. It is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time. When providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. john.smith@university.ac.uk rather than johnsmith@hotmail.com.
医学人类学-硕士MSc MSc in Medical Anthropology 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:92,听力:20,阅读:24,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: The academic transcript is a mandatory document for all applications. Do not submit additional documents unless they are specifically requested. Admissions selectors will not use them when assessing your application unless they are required. An academic transcript is a list of the programmes you have been enrolled on and the grades that you have received during your programme of study. Some institutions may also list the credits for each module. You must provide an official transcript from the Academic Registry or Student Records office at your institution. The transcript must be: on institutional-headed paper; be stamped and signed by the issuing office. If your documents are not in English, you must also upload a full translation of each document, prepared by your university or a registered translator. You must not translate the documents yourself. Personal Statement: There is a section in the application form for you to enter a personal statement (3,000 word character limit) or attach a statement as a separate document. The personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme you are applying to. You should consider the following questions when writing your personal statement: why do you want to undertake the programme or research? what are your academic interests? why do you wish to study at UCL? what educational experience do you have? do you have any relevant work experience? have you completed any extracurricular and voluntary activities relevant to the programme? what are your career aspirations? Some programmes request that you supply programme-specific information in your personal statement. To check if this is relevant to your programme please consult the relevant programme in the Graduate Prospectus. Your personal statement should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. Recommendation Letter: Your application must be supported by two academic references. These must be provided online with your online application. At least one of your references must be: academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level. If you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference. You will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. When you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. Please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. It is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time. When providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. john.smith@university.ac.uk rather than johnsmith@hotmail.com.
国际房地产与规划 International Real Estate and Planning 硕士 22380.00英镑/年 托福: 雅思:总分6
应用语言学 Applied Linguistics 硕士 15525.00英镑/年 托福: 雅思:总分7
教育学 Education 硕士 15525.00英镑/年 托福: 雅思:总分7
教育学-硕士MA MA in Education 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:92,听力:20,阅读:24,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: The academic transcript is a mandatory document for all applications. Do not submit additional documents unless they are specifically requested. Admissions selectors will not use them when assessing your application unless they are required. An academic transcript is a list of the programmes you have been enrolled on and the grades that you have received during your programme of study. Some institutions may also list the credits for each module. You must provide an official transcript from the Academic Registry or Student Records office at your institution. The transcript must be: on institutional-headed paper; be stamped and signed by the issuing office. If your documents are not in English, you must also upload a full translation of each document, prepared by your university or a registered translator. You must not translate the documents yourself. Personal Statement: There is a section in the application form for you to enter a personal statement (3,000 word character limit) or attach a statement as a separate document. The personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme you are applying to. You should consider the following questions when writing your personal statement: why do you want to undertake the programme or research? what are your academic interests? why do you wish to study at UCL? what educational experience do you have? do you have any relevant work experience? have you completed any extracurricular and voluntary activities relevant to the programme? what are your career aspirations? Some programmes request that you supply programme-specific information in your personal statement. To check if this is relevant to your programme please consult the relevant programme in the Graduate Prospectus. Your personal statement should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. Recommendation Letter: Your application must be supported by two academic references. These must be provided online with your online application. At least one of your references must be: academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level. If you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference. You will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. When you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. Please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. It is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time. When providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. john.smith@university.ac.uk rather than johnsmith@hotmail.com.
教育心理学-硕士MSc MSc in Psychology of Education 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:92,听力:20,阅读:24,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: The academic transcript is a mandatory document for all applications. Do not submit additional documents unless they are specifically requested. Admissions selectors will not use them when assessing your application unless they are required. An academic transcript is a list of the programmes you have been enrolled on and the grades that you have received during your programme of study. Some institutions may also list the credits for each module. You must provide an official transcript from the Academic Registry or Student Records office at your institution. The transcript must be: on institutional-headed paper; be stamped and signed by the issuing office. If your documents are not in English, you must also upload a full translation of each document, prepared by your university or a registered translator. You must not translate the documents yourself. Personal Statement: There is a section in the application form for you to enter a personal statement (3,000 word character limit) or attach a statement as a separate document. The personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme you are applying to. You should consider the following questions when writing your personal statement: why do you want to undertake the programme or research? what are your academic interests? why do you wish to study at UCL? what educational experience do you have? do you have any relevant work experience? have you completed any extracurricular and voluntary activities relevant to the programme? what are your career aspirations? Some programmes request that you supply programme-specific information in your personal statement. To check if this is relevant to your programme please consult the relevant programme in the Graduate Prospectus. Your personal statement should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. Recommendation Letter: Your application must be supported by two academic references. These must be provided online with your online application. At least one of your references must be: academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level. If you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference. You will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. When you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. Please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. It is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time. When providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. john.smith@university.ac.uk rather than johnsmith@hotmail.com.
犹太研究-硕士MA MA in Jewish Studies 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:92,听力:20,阅读:24,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: The academic transcript is a mandatory document for all applications. Do not submit additional documents unless they are specifically requested. Admissions selectors will not use them when assessing your application unless they are required. An academic transcript is a list of the programmes you have been enrolled on and the grades that you have received during your programme of study. Some institutions may also list the credits for each module. You must provide an official transcript from the Academic Registry or Student Records office at your institution. The transcript must be: on institutional-headed paper; be stamped and signed by the issuing office. If your documents are not in English, you must also upload a full translation of each document, prepared by your university or a registered translator. You must not translate the documents yourself. Personal Statement: There is a section in the application form for you to enter a personal statement (3,000 word character limit) or attach a statement as a separate document. The personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme you are applying to. You should consider the following questions when writing your personal statement: why do you want to undertake the programme or research? what are your academic interests? why do you wish to study at UCL? what educational experience do you have? do you have any relevant work experience? have you completed any extracurricular and voluntary activities relevant to the programme? what are your career aspirations? Some programmes request that you supply programme-specific information in your personal statement. To check if this is relevant to your programme please consult the relevant programme in the Graduate Prospectus. Your personal statement should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. Recommendation Letter: Your application must be supported by two academic references. These must be provided online with your online application. At least one of your references must be: academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level. If you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference. You will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. When you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. Please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. It is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time. When providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. john.smith@university.ac.uk rather than johnsmith@hotmail.com.
硕博连读:英语-硕士MPhil/博士PhD MPhil/PhD in English 硕士 秋季 托福:总分:92,听力:20,阅读:24,口语:92,写作:92 雅思:总分:6.5,口语:6.5,写作:6.5
Transcript: The academic transcript is a mandatory document for all applications. Do not submit additional documents unless they are specifically requested. Admissions selectors will not use them when assessing your application unless they are required. An academic transcript is a list of the programmes you have been enrolled on and the grades that you have received during your programme of study. Some institutions may also list the credits for each module. You must provide an official transcript from the Academic Registry or Student Records office at your institution. The transcript must be: on institutional-headed paper; be stamped and signed by the issuing office. If your documents are not in English, you must also upload a full translation of each document, prepared by your university or a registered translator. You must not translate the documents yourself. Personal Statement: There is a section in the application form for you to enter a personal statement (3,000 word character limit) or attach a statement as a separate document. The personal statement allows you to express your motivations and suitability for the programme you are applying to. You should consider the following questions when writing your personal statement: why do you want to undertake the programme or research? what are your academic interests? why do you wish to study at UCL? what educational experience do you have? do you have any relevant work experience? have you completed any extracurricular and voluntary activities relevant to the programme? what are your career aspirations? Some programmes request that you supply programme-specific information in your personal statement. To check if this is relevant to your programme please consult the relevant programme in the Graduate Prospectus. Your personal statement should be no longer than two sides of A4 paper. Recommendation Letter: Your application must be supported by two academic references. These must be provided online with your online application. At least one of your references must be: academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level. If you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference. You will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. When you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. Please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. It is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time. When providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. john.smith@university.ac.uk rather than johnsmith@hotmail.com.
空间设计:建筑与城市 Space Design: Architecture and the City 硕士 24400.00英镑/年 托福: 雅思:总分6
  • Q:大二在读,本科统计学专业,想申请伦敦大学学院统计学硕士,除了雅思,还需要准备那些?
  • A:申请伦敦大学学院统计学硕士首先要有一定的数学统计和概率背景,统计相关基础课程的成绩绝对不能低,在保证硬件条件的基础上,如果有做与专业相关的项目,对申请会很有帮助,成功率更高。
  • Q:在2019QS世界大学排名中伦敦大学学院第几?在英国排名第几?
  • A:2019QS世界大学排名伦敦大学学院中位于第10名,英国第4名
  • Q:我目前是高二学生,想申请伦敦大学学院的商科类的本科预科,请问伦敦大学学院本科预科的要求是什么?
  • A:伦敦大学学院本科预科要求重点高中毕业,均分85以上,雅思5.5
  • Q:我想了解下伦敦大学学院管理学硕士申请通过率有多少?
  • A:竞争非常激烈,每年申请伦敦大学学院的管理学硕士的人数超过3000人,而该专业每年只招收150人左右,录取率低于5%。
  • Q:申请伦敦大学学院研究生课程需要一些什么要求?
  • A:申请英国伦敦大学学院研究生需要满足以下条件: 国内大学本科毕业,获得学士学位; 在校加权均分80分(国内985大学)或 85分(国内211大学),双非大学要求90