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Stuartholme School

Stuartholme School

Stuartholme School
Birdwood Terrace,Toowong, QLD, 4066
艺术 体育 教育质量高
  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学生总数:1,050
  • 毕业率:71.6%
  • 男女比例:34:66
  • 就业率:89.9%
院校简介 本科申请 研究生申请 院校问答
Stuartholme School院校介绍

  The school community is immensely proud of Stuartholme’s many achievements over the years. Our students have excelled academically, in the arts, and in sport. Many have represented their state and country, or gone on to forge impressive careers. Others have made their way quietly in the world, no less exceptional, always true to themselves thanks largely to a life-forming, holistic education.

  The qualities that we instil in our students reflect the founding principles of the Society of the Sacred Heart. While these principles are over 200 years old, they remain as relevant today as they were when Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat founded the Society in postrevolutionary France. Our international school ‘family’ recognises the importance of educated women and their positive influence on society. Our goals foster the personal development and social awareness of each of our students; respect for intellectual and community building values; and education of young women to a faith that is meaningful in today’s modern world.

  At Stuartholme, we provide a caring, open-hearted school environment in which every girl is allowed to shine and grow as an individual. The calibre of our graduates clearly demonstrates the school’s high standards and its success in building women of character and self-discipline. Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat once said: “For the sake of a single child I would have founded the Society of the Sacred Heart.” .

  Fortunately, many thousands of girls from across the world have benefited over the years from her extraordinary educational vision. Since the doors of this school opened in 1920, Stuartholme has gone from strength to strength. Our ongoing commitment to modern education in the Sacred Heart tradition will ensure that our school continues to enrich the lives of all our students, today and well into the future.

  The Goals of Sacred Heart Education

  Sacred Heart education was inspired by the desire to show forth the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.  While certain specifics have been adapted to the changing need of different cultures and times, the constant values inherent in the original thoughts of the Foundress, St Madeleine Sophie Barat, have been retained.

  The Goals of Sacred Heart Education provide the foundation on which Stuartholme and other Sacred Heart Schools build their educational framework.  The Goals are:

  Faith Which is Relevant in Today's World

  A Deep Respect for Intellectual Values

  Building Community as a Christian Value

  A Social Awareness that Impels to Action

  Personal Growth in an Atmosphere of Wise Freedom

  As a school of the Sacred Heart we are committed to St Madeleine Sophie's example of challenging both the mind and the heart to instil in our young women a generosity of spirit and a strong desire to act for the betterment of our society in light of the Gospel.

  With this in mind religious education in schools and colleges of the Sacred Heart is characterised by:

  an experience of life lived in a community where that life is celebrated sacramentally, and in prayer and reflection;

  a structured presentation of the Catholic faith;

  and, finally, an educative process whereby the students are led to an awareness of the influences shaping their attitudes and lifestyles, being constructively critical of those aspects of the culture which promote unjust structures.


  Being only 6 km from the central business district, it is unusual to find a girl’s school with such a comprehensive range of sporting facilities on site. The grassed oval and the 25m short-course swimming pool are adjacent to the classrooms and teaching areas, with five tennis courts (some being marked for netball and basketball) also being on the same site. The Brisbane River also offers a superb training site for rowing.

  As part of the School’s Master Plan,  the refurbishment and upgrade of the school’s swimming pool will commence in the near future.  A New Gymnasium and Multi-Purpose Facility  are in the planning stages.

  Fine and Performing Arts

  The Joigny facility, completed in 2003, has second-to-none facilities for music, art, theatre and information systems. The music facilities include three large classrooms, six rehearsal rooms and a recording studio. Art classrooms are complemented by a sculpture courtyard and kiln and are supported by a long tradition in the school of creating, acquiring and displaying works of fine art. The Stuartholme-Behan collection of Australian art works is on loan to the University of Queensland but many other pieces adorn the halls and elegant rooms of the gracious old building. Performances, too, are very well catered for with the 500-seat, air-conditioned theatre having a tree-top level green room and spacious foyer attached. The main theatre can also be divided by means of operable walls into two smaller theatres, each seating 150, and a performance area comprising the stage and floor area. This facility is often hired to external groups. This is organised through our Development Office.


  Boarding facilities are provided for approximately 150 girls on site in the extensive grounds of Stuartholme School.  Students are able to utilise all the school’s facilities including the library, pool and other sporting facilities.  In recent years, the common rooms have been completely refurbished and a new television room added.  One of the main bathrooms was completely refurbished during the 2010-2011 Summer Holidays.

  School Bus

  In 2010, the Stuartholme P&F generously donated a 21 seater School Bus.

  The bus is extensively used by both the Day and Boarding School, taking girls on excursions, sporting commitments and boarding outings.


  As part of the Joigny facility, the School Library features 3 spacious teaching areas with 2 adjoining multimedia classrooms each with wireless data projectors.  A key feature of the library is the reading couch which stretches the full length of the library, and through wide glass windows, looks out into the bush of Mt Coot-tha.  There are also other break out areas such as study carrels, extra tables and 3 tutorial rooms.  The Stuartholme Library houses an expansive collection of fiction, non-fiction, audio and video resources.  The library space has full wireless access, as does the whole campus, making a multitude of  on-line resources accessible 24/7.  In the evening, the library provides the ideal location for boarder study.


  Stuartholme School is one of Brisbane’s pioneering 1:1 computer schools using Toshiba TabletPCs to facilitate teaching and learning through the iLearn Programme.  In order to provide the best learning experiences possible, the campus has full wireless coverage, with networked data projectors in every teaching space.  High speed internet access and a secure intranet provide 24/7 access to school information and learning resources.

  Application Fee (non-refundable)     $100

  Enrolment Bond (50% non-refundable)  $10,470

  Tuition Fee per year                 $25,480

  # Boarding Fee per year              $16,400

  Moderation Fee per year (Years 11,12)$280


师生比:1:11国际学生比例:1:8本科生数:7,274人 男女比:34:66在校学生数:1,050研究生数:11,072人


1、斯克兰顿大学(美国斯克兰顿大学,The University of Scranton)连续被《美国新闻与世界报道》为北部十佳研究生学位大学,而其所在区域是这项调查最大也是最具竞争力的区域。







为学生们提供学士学位、硕士学位以及博士学位,专业设置广泛,开设的主要专业包括:美洲研究、人类学、亚洲语言、生物科学、化学、古典文学、交流学、比较文学、戏剧、地球科学、亚洲研究、工程、经济学、英语、历史、国际关系、数学、音乐、哲学、心理学、宗教研究、象征系统学、计算机科学、化学工程、土木工程、电气工程、机械工程学、工程物理学、环境工程、生物工程、计算机系统工程 、产品设计、城市研究、建筑设计、数学及计算机科学、航空航天、能源资源工程、管理学与工程、材料科学与工程、生物力学工程、地质工程学与水文学等等





  • 本科学生数:7,274人
  • 本科录取率:
  • 本科申请人数:10,114
  • 申请截止时间:3月1日;EA:11月15日
  • 总花费:$59,594
  • 申请费:$90
  • 学费:$42,162
  • 住宿费:$14,264
  • 生活费:$4,260
  • 研究生学生数:11,072人
  • 研究生录取率:6%
  • 研究生申请人数:38,828
  • 申请截止时间:9月9日-4月12日
  • 总花费:$102,936-178,465
  • 申请费:$125-275
  • 学费:$54,315-129,700
  • 住宿费:$20,955
  • 生活费:$26,220
  • Q:老师,您能够详细介绍Stuartholme School吗?
  • A:  Stuartholme School(http://www.liuxue360.com/au/stuartholmes/)said:The school community is immensely proud of Stuartholme’s many achievements over the years. Our students have excelled academically, in the arts, and in sport. Many have represented their state and country, or gone on to forge impressive careers. Others have made their way quietly in the world, no less exceptional, always true to themselves thanks largely to a life-forming, holistic education.   The qualities that we instil in our students reflect the founding principles of the Society of the Sacred Heart. While these principles are over 200 years old, they remain as relevant today as they were when Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat founded the Society in postrevolutionary France. Our international school ‘family’ recognises the importance of educated women and their positive influence on society. Our goals foster the personal development and social awareness of each of our students; respect for intellectual and community building values; and education of young women to a faith that is meaningful in today’s modern world.
  • Q:Stuartholme School优势有哪些?
  • A:  斯图特荷姆学校(Stuartholme School)坐落Coot-tha山的斜坡上,布里斯班市美丽的景色如一幅画布,将学校和边境嵌入其中让这里的夜晚变得格外动人。学校距离中央商务区仅6公里,这20公顷未遭破坏的天然美景是Stuartholme 家庭的绿洲,同时也是他们远离的城市生活喧嚣和热闹的一方天地。   作为一所圣心学校,斯图特荷姆学校学校(Stuartholme School)与世界各地超过140所的姐妹学校抱有同样的教育愿景,那就是承诺满足学生的个性需要。相应地,斯图特荷姆学校践行St Madeleine Sophie Barat的理念,去鼓励和庆祝我们取得的所有“个人卓越”。圣心教育的五大目标之一是促使每个女孩全面发展,这是我们努力的重点。   欢乐的精神渗透到我们学校生活的方方面面,从快乐的女孩身上你就可以发现这一点,学校专家和大方、敬业的员工给予充分支持。St Madeleine Sophie的话“即使只是为了一个孩子,我也会去建造出一个社会”推动了我们对卓越文化的追求。对于员工,他们对女孩的投入以及为她们所作的努力是这句话的最佳诠释。
  • Q:Stuartholme School留学怎么样?
  • A:  斯图特荷姆学校(Stuartholme School)坐落Coot-tha山的斜坡上,布里斯班市美丽的景色如一幅画布,将学校和边境嵌入其中让这里的夜晚变得格外动人。学校距离中央商务区仅6公里,这20公顷未遭破坏的天然美景是Stuartholme 家庭的绿洲,同时也是他们远离的城市生活喧嚣和热闹的一方天地。   欢乐的精神渗透到我们学校生活的方方面面,从快乐的女孩身上你就可以发现这一点,学校专家和大方、敬业的员工给予充分支持。St Madeleine Sophie的话“即使只是为了一个孩子,我也会去建造出一个社会”推动了我们对卓越文化的追求。对于员工,他们对女孩的投入以及为她们所作的努力是这句话的最佳诠释。   由于有积极和支持的家长社区的帮助,斯图特荷姆学校(Stuartholme School)继续建立其深厚的人文基础上,并被人们热爱的传统和伟大成就的故事日渐丰富。学院的校友与学生父母都是热心大使。他们的经验鼓舞着斯图特荷姆学校现在和未来的家庭。
  • Q:Stuartholme School好不好?Stuartholme School怎么样?
  • A:  Stuartholme School(http://www.liuxue360.com/au/stuartholmes/)said:The school community is immensely proud of Stuartholme’s many achievements over the years. Our students have excelled academically, in the arts, and in sport. Many have represented their state and country, or gone on to forge impressive careers. Others have made their way quietly in the world, no less exceptional, always true to themselves thanks largely to a life-forming, holistic education.   The qualities that we instil in our students reflect the founding principles of the Society of the Sacred Heart. While these principles are over 200 years old, they remain as relevant today as they were when Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat founded the Society in postrevolutionary France. Our international school ‘family’ recognises the importance of educated women and their positive influence on society. Our goals foster the personal development and social awareness of each of our students; respect for intellectual and community building values; and education of young women to a faith that is meaningful in today’s modern world.
  • Q:Stuartholme School怎么样?
  • A:  Stuartholme School(http://www.liuxue360.com/au/stuartholmes/)said:The school community is immensely proud of Stuartholme’s many achievements over the years. Our students have excelled academically, in the arts, and in sport. Many have represented their state and country, or gone on to forge impressive careers. Others have made their way quietly in the world, no less exceptional, always true to themselves thanks largely to a life-forming, holistic education.   The qualities that we instil in our students reflect the founding principles of the Society of the Sacred Heart. While these principles are over 200 years old, they remain as relevant today as they were when Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat founded the Society in postrevolutionary France. Our international school ‘family’ recognises the importance of educated women and their positive influence on society. Our goals foster the personal development and social awareness of each of our students; respect for intellectual and community building values; and education of young women to a faith that is meaningful in today’s modern world.